X's reactive plating

 color me embarassed!   I playtested the heck out of Omnitron-X and I never thought of this.   So natrually my wife asks me  on her first run through of the deck and I fumble around in the dark for an answer.


So if X has Reactive Plating Subroutine out,  does he actually have to drop HP for this to take effect? 

IE:   Elemental Exochassis + Reactive Plating,   X takes 2 points of fire damage.    None of the damage makes it through the Exochassis to harm his HP.   Does Reactive Plating Activate?  


During the game I said no real damage means no activation and we went with it.    I'm really not confident in that answer though.



From what I understand, it actually needs to take damage from the attack in order for the Reactive Plating Subroutine to take effect.  I don't have a citation, but I remember that being a subject that was extensively discussed on the playtesting forum.

I feel like I saw this answer for another combination of cards for a different hero. But the gist was basically, if the card says "takes damage" then actual hp must be lost (and being targetted by damage but having that damage reduced to zero or being immune to it does not trigger the effect since no damage was actually taken to reduce hit points).

that said, i am just speaking from memory and at my age my memory may be faulty.  but in any case, that is how i would rule it if it came across my own table.

Correct. Omnitron-X has to take damage in order for Reactive Plating Subroutine to fire. Or Toxic. Or Fish. You get the idea.

Fish damage is best damage.


Maybe the eel from Aquatic Correspondence IS AZ's nemesis after all!


And they looked like such good friends! I am shocked!

The fish at the Pike Industrial Complex are the worst.