I'm so angry! Instead of sending me A Dark Visionary, an Eternal Haka and a set of the Freedom 6...
So if anyone is just now finding out about the game, and missed out on the kickstarter and rewards... drop me a line (PM address), shipping is on me... within the US.
Also congratz, everything in there is super gorgeus... I'm in the process of reading through the cards rightnow and of course dealing myself some sample hands... gonna introduce my friends to the expanion in a couple of weeks after Pax East.
Bummer. It would have been cool to have some promos.
Either way, congrats to the lucky guy, and thanks for giving out your extras to the community!
Does anyone know if the backs to the promos will be uploaded so we can make our own? It’s not as neat as the real deal, but I’d love to be able to play them with different incap art. (I tend to see it a lot…)
I believe spiff was going to add them to the promo pdf's on his site when he gets his. Im hoping thats real soon
bummed i missed out. I discovered this game recently and was praying they would mistake my online order for a kickstarter and just happen to include a set of extra promos with it. (Wouldnt want anyone that should get it miss theirs, so it would have to be extra)
Congrats to the lucky guy to get the promos, I would have loved to have gotten in on the Kickstarter, but I didn't find the game till about 2 weeks ago.
many of you said congrats to the "guy" that got them. I will assume you meant guy in the gender neutral sort of way... because it would be a shame to think everyone assumes it is a guy when the lucky sentinels fan could be a woman as well :)
(don't mind me, i'm just starting trouble because i'm procrastinating on something else that i should be doing :) )