A few clarifications needed *updated*

So I got my replacement for a missing card in my Haka deck and tried him out for the first time. Have 2 questions regarding the ruling for Savage Mana:

1. I think this one is obvious, but I rather ask to be safe. Card's under "Savage Mana" are not considered part of the trash, so when a deck has to be reshuffled (in my case the Environment deck), I exclude those cards, right?
2. Reading Spiff's rule clarification, if "Savage Mana" was destroyed, I know the cards underneath are put back into their respective trash. In this case, are the cards destroyed?

The other question I have regards to Damage Reduction vs Retaliation Damage.

The scenario in question is that I have Chrono-Ranger's Neuro-Toxin Dart Thrower. I use that to attack the flipped Chairman and it deals damage to him. I am unsure when the damage reduction modifier is applied - the text is written in one paragraph, so I'm not sure if it is a seperate clause:

A. Applies with the damage, so Chairman deals H-3 instead of H-2

B. Applies as a seperate clause, so damage is dealt, which triggers Chairman's retaliation damage of H-2, and finally the modifier is applied for all damage afterward.


I am assuming if they are not seperate clause, it would be A, but if they are seperate, then order of play (given Chairman is out since the start of game) will dictate B. Which is correct?


EDIT: Got a few new questions from a new play:
- Grotesque Arachnoid (from The Dreamer) hits the H-1 non-villain targets with the highest HP 2 Toxic Damage each.

1. So the targets are chosen at the same time, or is it the highest HP is hit, then see who is the new highest HP, and attack again H-1 times?

2. Visionary casted "Wrest the Mind" on it. Is each attack independent, hence "Wrest the Mind" can activate H-1 times?

- Wraith played "Mega Computer" while "Negative Energy Field" is out. Similar to the CR's Dart Thrower question above, but that hasn't been answered. As above, is the Environment damage reduced by 1 first, so NEF deals 0 damage? Or is it because NEF is out first, it deals damage in trigger to MC being played, with the damage reduced afterward. Answering this will probably solve the CR issue too, since the scenarios are similar with when to apply damage reduction.

- Visionary uses "Mass Levitation" to reduce damage dealt by Environment by 3. She gets incapacitated by the Environment right after. Does the effect of "Mass Levitation" remain until the next turn - unclear since the incapacitated hero's board is cleared.
- Wraith's Stealth power - I know you can save it and whatnot, but she used the power and gets hit by "Portal Fiend," which hits her for 0 damage. In this case, is the 0 still considered the "next damage" and hence Stealth's damage reduction is activated, or is it ignored and the damage reduction remains until the next non-0 damage?

- Scholar plays "Don't Dismiss Anything." Wraith plays her next card, but it is a limited already on her board. So it is discarded - but does she play the following card since the limited card wasn't technically played (was mentioned somewhere "playing" a limited card goes straight into the trash and doesn't enters the board) or was it actually considered a play and Wraith stops after the discard?

- "Positive Energy Field" heals the H targets with the lowest HP by 1. How is the lowest HP decided? Playing against The Dreamer, who is at most 6 HP -  given no target is lower than her, is she considered to be one of the H targets at all time? Or is the H lowest, non-maxed HP targets?

When a card under Savage Mana (and Bunker's Omnicannon) are used, they're destroyed again. So, in these weird cases, cards can be destroyed twice. 

You're right about cards under other cards not being part of the trash or deck. They're in a kind if limbo, so don't shuffle them back in anywhere. 

So cards like Dominion and Ammo Drop will trigger again when savage mana/omnicannon is destroyed/used. 

If damage is reduced by some sort of effect it will always reduce the damage dealt by the card (except if it is irreducible) no matter the order of play. Otherwise it'll be impossible to reduce the Villian Character Card at all. So Mega Computer would reduce damage dealt by Negative Energy Field whenever it is played.

As for reducing damage by the Chairman using the Dart Thrower, Hoist Chain, Stun Bolt, or any other card he'll be ablet o stike back for the full damage to the person who is going to reduce his damage, but any other attack afterwards would get the reduction.


The Arachnoid will hit any of the H-1, so in a 3 player game 2 different heroes would be hit, even if one is at 29 and the next highest is at 16. They both would be hit for it.


Wrest the Mind would allow you to redirect each attack, thus she'll be dealing herself and the Target 3 damage for each one. So it can get pretty deadly for Visionary in a 5 player game, though an unharmed Arachnoid would actually only deal 3 attacks before being destroyed.


I can't recall if Mass Levitation states "Until the statrt of your next turn" or not, I think it does as powers tend to have it. So if it does than even if Visionary would be incapped it would still carry on until her turn.


Even if you play a limited card and it gets discarded it is still considered played, but it never enters play. The only exception to this is Atlantean Font of Power (at least i think it is that one) which states if a hero plays the top card of the deck and it is a limited card that is already in play then discard it and play the next card.


Positive Energy Field goes by their current HP Value not their max, so if H heroes at somehow below Dreamer's 6 health with no other targets in play then the heroes would all regain the hit point, though if you are all that low it doesn't seem like it is a winning situation.


Stealth would not be lost if target for 0 damage, as she would of not of taken any damage.

  1. In cases of hitting H-1 targets or similiar, I would say the targets are all chosen then damage applied. Otherwise if one hero met the requirements (in this case highest hp) for all instances of damage it would not target multiple heroes, just the same one over and over again and that doesn't seem to be in the spirit of those sort of attacks.

  2. Each attack is seperate though, so Wrest the Mind can work on all of them.

  3. I would say the mega computer hits the field, the environment deals damage, the mega computer reduces environment damage, so yes 0 damage.

  4. I would say Mass Levitation does not stay, the heroes "board" is cleared immediately, but I' m uncertain on this one

  5. So is the portal fiend dealing 0 damage even if wraith was not stealthed? I think the answer is that it goes away in either case, but I could see an arguement being made if the environment or other heroes had reduced the damage completely that stealht might be allowed. I doubt it, but I could be wrong

  6. You play the top card, if it is limited it goes tot he trash and that is it, you stop there

 7) I have no idea :neutral_face: , probably ,the Dreamer will constantly be healed for 1 which she can't gain, but I don't know



Oh, I misread the Positive Energy Field question with the Dreamer, it does infact include targets that are maxed. So if she had a lot of projections out and they are all max as well it would still heal H of them as they are all the lowest, though they would not gain an HP for it as they can't go above it.


I’m near certain that when cards react to cards entering play, that effect goes first, then the card entering play has its effect applied. So, playing Mega Computer would result in Negative Energy Field dealing its damage unaffected, then having its damage reduced during future cards entering play.

Wow, I completely didn't read the Negative Energy Field question correctly either. Next time I really need to read the questions better.