A few questions...

I've played quite a bit of Spirit Island and I have run into some questions that I was hoping someone could clarify. I tried a search before asking these but I may have missed something and I am aware of the 'Living FAQ' being a solid resource.

1. Sky Stretches to Shore - Does the +3 Range gained for Coastal Lands apply only the card that was turned fast or to the entire hand that was played that turn?

2. Choice Events - For events that state 'On half of the boards (rounding up) add one disease to a land with both Dahan and Invaders' can we choose boards where the effect does not apply or do we have to choose only boards that the effect would apply if others are not valid?

3. Blight & Ocean - When Ocean's Hungry Grasp is in play, can we blight cascade into the oceans? If so, if the presence has been pushed onto the shore that turn, leaving the ocean without presence, does Ocean still lose a presence?

4. Strange Tales Attract Explorers - When in Stages 2 & 3 the effect reads as follows, 'After advancing Invader Cards: Invaders Build in one terrain not shown under any Invader Action. (If there;s no such terrain, nothing happens.) If Coastal Lands is one of the cards showing, do they skip the land type chosen if it is a Coastal Land? I.E. If we were to choose Mountains because Sands and Coastal is showing, would we skip any Sands that were on the Coast? Or is the card treated as a blank spot?

5. Call on Midnight's Dreams - This card states, 'If taget land has Dahan, gain a Major Power. If you Forget this Power, gain Energy equal to Dahan and you may play the Major Power immediately, paying its cost.' If the major power is gained and played, do they forget two cards or just the one? One for a typical major power acquisition, and then Call on Midnight's Dreams to play the card?

I apologize if I wasn't clear enough in the search, the answers were not readily apparent to me when I did search. Thank you in advance.

1. It applies to all powers this turn. (Including Innate Powers, not just those from hand.)

2. Here's the BGG answer: Event Choices. It's now been asked often enough that it should be a FAQ, despite the wishy-washy answer. EDIT: Added a FAQ.

3. Yes, that's one of the options allowed by the special rule. Since the ocean is treated as a land in this case, it destroys Presence by the usual rule; if OHG has no Presence there, then none is destroyed. (Presence from other Spirits can also occasionally end up in the ocean, and would also get destroyed.)

4. No, Coastal Lands is not a terrain type, and doesn't affect this effect--it's treated as a blank spot, as you say. EDIT: Added a FAQ.

5. Just the one: if you choose Call on Midnight's Dreams for the usual Major acquisition, then you get to trigger the extra effect. EDIT: Added a FAQ.

Also, welcome!

Hmm, wait, so for question four, can Coastal lands be built in, or not? I've always treated them like they count for this effect and had Invaders not Build in any of them, even if they include a land type that is included (eg if I currently have Sand and Coastal showing in my Invader card line-up, I'll skip any Wetlands, Mountains, and Jungles that are on the coast because they're covered by the "Coastal" land card). Was that wrong, then? Oops...

I believe the rule specifies 'for Spirit powers' or something similar.

If invaders explored the ocean, they'd just drown. :B

I do enjoy Reading Eric’s thoughs on the game. His usually adds some thought process to his answers.

Coastal is not a terrain, so it doesn't stop them from building in any lands. So if you have Sands and Coastal Lands showing, and you choose to build in Wetlands, you build in all Wetlands, including Coastal Wetlands.

The Ocean's Hungry Grasp rule specifies 'for Powers and [Blight]', which is why the answer to #3 is what it is.

Oops, I've been doing that Event wrong this whole time, then - is the "Coastal Lands don't count" thing mentioned in the rulebook somewhere? I feel like I would've noticed it at some point if it was...

"Coastal Lands don't count" is just a shorthand. There are 4 terrain types (Mountain, Sands, Jungle, and Wetlands), as explained on p. 13 of the base game rulebook. "Coastal" and "Inland" are adjectives that apply to certain lands, but are not terrain types themselves. The Event card says to do something paying attention to terrain types on cards, and "Coastal" is not a terrain type, so doesn't affect the Event.

FYI: Per the Glossary from the rulebook: 

So "Coastal" is a Land Type, but not a Terrain Type, whereas "Jungle" is both.

That's my take, anyway.  :wink:

That's correct, thanks for clarifying!

Ah, fair enough. Whups. Well, now I know ;). I just figured that since it was a card that came out of the Invader deck, it counted as a "land type" for that Event. I hadn't considered it just being the opposite of "inland lands" which have no such card.

Rabit beat me to the punch re Land Type vs. Terrain Type, and is exactly correct. :)