Last weekend I had a rare opportunity to play with 5 players. Some people chose heros and I took mine randomly. I ended up with Nightmist. As I looked around at the group we had assembled I saw that we had plenty of damage and plenty of tanking. I thought "what the heck, we don't have any control I'll try that." Well I played NM strictly with control in mind. I used Astral Premonition almost every turn and played mistbound and planar banishment when I could. I played call forth and enlightenment when I needed more cards to discard and had a master of magic out to help heal a little. Up until that night I had pretty much always played NM the same which was much different than just described. It was really fun and a very different NM experience for me.
So, just for some conversation, anyone else have an experience like that where you play someone completely different from what you normally do? Any really fun experience with different play styles?
i do (almost every time) pick my hero randomly and find it a lot of fun because it forces me to think outside my usual comfort zone (rather than always picking my "favorites"). and, yeah, i did really like some heroes that i would not have otherwise considered! and fun is always had. :)
The only big dramatic change I had over the way I play heroes is when I changed up the way I used Absolute Zero. I used to focus on keeping myself alive while still dealing decent damage. Null-Point would always be my go to card if I drew the OMI before any modules. After one day of playing him I realized that he isn't required to deal himself very much cold damage. Modular Realignment and Hoarfire are the only cards. While fire appears in both those cards plus any other card that has him deal himself damage. After that point I began to play him a lot more dangerously, my ideal method of having cards enter play would be Isothermic, Aperatures, Thermal, then Null-Point. Granted that probably will never be how it goes, as I probably won't draw this card, or I need to play Fueled Freeze as there is a painful ongoing in play, maybe i've got to play Cold Snap so I can help weaken minions for my fellow heroes. Oh the joy of being young and naive about how to unlock the full potential in a character.
I agree and play all of the heros frequently and often choose randomly. The big thing here is that I had NM who I had played a dozen times and almost always in the same manner so I said "I bet I could use her in a way different than the way I normally do." I played her completely different than I normaly play her. It turned out great.
Looking at the Scholar my roommate and I have came up with two very different play styles for him and both are very good. I'm sure that other heros have multiple play style capability. As stated in the previous post I know you can tank with AZ doing a lot of self healing or you can do a lot more damage if you are willing to burn your own HP.
I really like the Mystic heroes, they are all very flexible in terms of playstyle. I agree that Nightmist can provide great controll, I used her against Spite and later Voss where preventing card plays is usually more useful than damage. I've only used Scholar once but I realize that I used him in a kind of general way... with a little focus he can really respond to challenges. Mostly I was just getting ongoings in front of me, or drawing cards, which I was sacrificing and discarding to get rid of ongoing threats (both from the enviroment and villain).