A new storage box?

I want to see Gary Indiana get into a fist fight with Eugene Oregon, to determine which of them gets to take Daphne Alabama to the prom.

I'm pretty sure Eugene could take Gary out with the McKenzie river tied behind its back. Gary doesn't breathe so well.

I would hazard a guess that Gary is significantly better armed than Eugene.

Silverleaf a reminder, be sure to mess with grysqrl.


(Sure, it wasn't explicit but I think if we read between the lines we all know that's what Silverleaf really wanted to be reminded of)

I reject your reminder, on the grounds that grysqgl's name is spelled incorrectly. 

Is it normal to fashion weapons out of railroad spikes???

But is it REALLY. A weapon? What if it develops a mind of its own and decides to live a life of service?




There are actually a pretty good variety of things people make out of railroad spikes. They are a cheap, readily available source of interestingly-shaped high-carbon steel. Knives are pretty common. Hooks of various sorts are pretty common as well (which helped to inspire my project). My knife is definitely a weapon. After I formed it, it attained consciousness and decided to be a knife.

I double sleeved my cards, and unfortunately they no longer fit within the 3 original boxes including all of the counters.

I took Hansoo's idea of the wooden art box. I loved how it looks. Unfortunately it still took 2 cases to fit everything, and i have room for the new expansion when it comes out.

double sleeved? I've not heard of anyone doing that before. Does that mean you put the card in a sleeve and then put the sleeved card in another sleeve? Why?

There are smaller, delicate sleeves that are built to fit inside of a regular sleeve.  The idea is that you can sleeve a card in one of these smaller sleeves upside down then sleeve it with a regular sleeve as normal so that it is better protected from wear.  I had a friend who (foolishly, in my opinion) played with his Magic: The Gathering cards after he was thoroughly intoxicated on his 21st birthday. 

I'd rather avoid any grisly details…suffice it to say those sleeves were a big help.



I got my Go7 gaming inserts this past weekend, (http://go7gaming.com/) and spent the weekend (or part of it anyways) building them, and some inserts for all of Spiff's stuff. Here are my storage solutions





This is the insert i made for my tokens - it slides in and out of that blue box real easily, and is all set up for ease of use during game.





And that box fits right into the box I use for all of spiff's hero cards (only the villain cards with trackers, I generally  use the GtG Oversized villain cards)





:confused: Images don't appear to be working…

They are for me. I linked them to the forums and everything still seems ok…

Sadly, I see no images.

I no longer see the images, though I did originally.

Yeah now theyve stopped for me to.


And why is this in Rules? Odd place for it!



Edit: readded pics, seems to be working? Throwing in links just in case

I moved this to Sentinels Rules because it is specific to Sentinels of the Multiverse and no other subforum is specific to Sentinels of the Multiverse. Rules is (or at least was) short for Rules and Gameplay. This is, perhaps, somewhat relevant to gameplay.


Can't see the pics, but the links work great. Looking really good. How do you like the holder you're using for the modifiers? Does that work well during gameplay?