A poisonous Ally

This thought has occured to me a few times, combining operative's Poison breath (Which is less likely to do more than one damage to the team than Toxic Dart) with key allies who would find more benifit that detrement from the applied posion, like salamander's Trance to omnitron so that his move 3-Low becomes 2-Low, increasing his next speed or applying boar's rage to a melee focused character such as legacy, Tachyon, or Proletariat. Would people consider this a risky stratagy worth an attempt similar to attacking a unity bot to make it blow up to hit multiple targets or just crazy to even attempt?

I've talked about this with people at PAX East. Buffing Omnitrons movement may not be worth the damage, but Boars Rage on Legacy or Proletariat could be particularly nasty given their defensive sets they like to run

I've done it with poison breath, giving omni move and a Ra he was next to an automiss of 6.  It wasn't worth foregoing damage though, It isn't really useful.