A Sentinels of the Multiverse Adventure

5) The Fountain of Youth

 - Villain: La Capitan on advanced

 - Environment: Ruins of Atlantis

 - Required Heroes: The Wraith

The story:

With the infection successfully wiped out questions remain.

“Did the Rat follow us or was it here before us?” asked Night Mist.

“I don’t know, but we’ll have to find out later,” said the Wraith.

The heroes head off to Atlantis. When they arrive they discover Maria Helena Teresa Fafila Servanda Jimena Mansuara Paterna Domenga Gelvira Placia Sendina Belita Eufemia Columba Gontina Aldonza Mafalda Cristina Tegrida de Falcon.

The time pirate La Capitan has come to Altantis to steal the legendary Fountain of Youth.

“A fitting treasure for a time pirate don’t you think?” she asks holding up a beautifully ornate goblet.

“Hand it over,” demands the Wraith.

“It’s all just a game you know,” La Capitan says offhandedly. “Unfortunately for you they misprinted me,” she grins.


Win condition:

The heroes must defeat La Capitan using her oversized misprinted version. Her oversized card available through the Shattered Timelines Kickstarter was misprinted. Her split across time side’s advanced rules say, “The first time La Capitan would be dealt damage each TURN (not round) redirect it to the non-villain target with the highest HP.” The heroes must defeat her using this version of her advanced rules. Additionally, this rule (contrary to the official ruling) takes precedence over (happens before) her rule, “Whenever La Capitan would be dealt damage, move a card from under this card to the appropriate trash. If you do prevent that damage.”

This means that to remove cards from under La Capitan the heroes must hit her multiple times in a turn, the first of which gets redirected.

Just got insanely lucky while doing scenario number 3. Tempest started with two Into the Stratospheres, and because of Don't Dismiss Anything from the Scholar got to play it three turns in a row on the plague locus. I also got to use the deadly combination of Cleansing Downpour+Solid to Liquid+Mortal Form. Plague Rat only played two cards other than Plague Locus which were Afflicted Frenzy and Ravage. Ravage was played on a turn he was offensively transmuted and so it brought out no infections. Heroes won a pretty decisive victory with everyone having at least 20 HP and no Infections ever being played.

Holy cow, Nielzabub! Sounds like the Rat was kicked around like a nerd in a circle of bullies.

Did Nightmist even do anything? I made her required since she has so much healing and can destroy lots of ongoings. I try to give a boost to the villain while picking a required hero that may help with the situation like how Rook City Wraith helps find Krakens.

When I did this battle PR got us down into the single digits with two out of five heroes incapped.

BTW did you mean scenario 4 and Energy Form?

Yes, sorry, I meant number 4. Things looked bad for NM and Fixer for a bit, but it didn't take too long to get out the Amulet and Driving Mantis, and after that they redirected a lot of damage to the Rat. There wasn't any real need for ongoing or equipment destruction. The only two gunmen that came out where Sheriff Pratt and Cyrus Hays, and Hays's attention was mostly on the Plague Locus.

6) The Freedom Six

 - Villain: Iron Legacy

 - Environment: Final Wasteland

 - Required Heroes: Tachyon, Bunker, The Wraith, Unity, Tempest, and Absolute Zero

 - Required number of heroes: 5 (H=5)

The story:

The Wraith yanks the cup known as the Fountain of Youth from the defeated La Capitan.

“It is no matter,” La Capitan says. “When you get bored playing the other villains we will meet again.”

La Capitan breaks the fourth wall and the room around them begins to collapse. The heroes scramble out. The Wraith accidentally drops her hair dryer in the commotion.

Having escaped Atlantis the heroes head back to the time portal in Silver Gulch. Dr. Meredith Stinson calibrates their return to the present. The portal glows an odd green.

“Um, is that right?” asks Absolute Zero.

“I guess we’ll find out,” says Tachyon. They step through the portal and are flung into the far future. It’s clear something is wrong. They each emerge one at a time although some are from other timelines, different versions of themselves. Only members of the Freedom Five and Freedom Six seem to be emerging from the portal.

 “The timeline appears to be tearing again. First the Plague Rat in the past and now this,” says Tachyon, “It’s not like the chaos of the time cataclysm. It’s almost like a controlled tear looking for a specific result.” As she finishes her sentence a version of Paul Parsons steps out. Iron Legacy clenches his fists and charges.

Win condition:

The heroes must defeat Iron Legacy. Only members of the Freedom Six may be used. At the beginning of the game there must be 5 heroes. The first time one of those heroes is defeated it is removed from play and the remaining member of the Freedom Six emerges from the time portal with full health and takes the incapacitated hero’s place in the battle.

H=5, or H=6?


In each of the previous battles I've made a rule change and then given the players a hero that can help. In this one it's reversed. The extra hero that shows up definitely helps the heroes, but the choice of heroes here helps the villain a little more than the players due to the nemesis bonus. At least that's what I found when I just barely lost this battle last night. On advanced as recommended.

7) Investigation

 - Villain: Miss Information

 - Environment: Silver Gulch: 1883           

 - Required Heroes: Nightmist

The story:

“Something weird is going on here,” says Faye Diamond. “We might not be able to return to our time from here, but I may be able to return us to 1883. If we return to that time then maybe we can figure out how to get home from there.”

“It’s worth a shot.”

The heroes reverse their last trip and arrive back in Silver Gulch.

“I am going to investigate who or what is causing the portal to prevent us from returning home,” says Nightmist.

Win condition:

The heroes must defeat Miss Information. At the start of each round (before the start of the villain turn) reveal the top card of Nightmist’s deck for that round H = that card’s magic level plus 2. Then shuffle Nightmist’s deck.

For example, if a magic level 1 card is revealed then H=3 for that round. If a magic level 4 card is revealed then H=6 for that round.

question: For the MIss Information battle do you kep flipping untill you get all five, because what if you get 3 covers or 3 gunmen until you get the others? Should you do them seprately or all at once?

Basically, instead of a diversion I want 2 cover, 2 gunmen, and the sheriff in play. If you find 3 covers, ignore the third and keep looking for the other cards. It doesn't really matter if you do them all at once as long as you end up with the right numbers in play.

Letting Miss Information play 2 cards a turn on side A is a mixed blessing. In a 5 hero game she usually takes eons to flip, but with two cards a turn you should be able to get down to business pretty quickly.

8) Ennead Medium Difficulty

 - Villain: The Ennead on advanced

 - Environment: Time Cataclysm

 - Required Heroes: Bunker

The story:

“Aminia, you’re behind all this?”

The secretary turned villain lays crying on the ground.

“You sabotaged the time portal, sent the Plague Rat back in time, and sent Iron Legacy after us. Why?” ask the heroes.

“You don’t care about me. You would let me die. I know. I’ve seen it.,” says Miss Information.

“That’s not true, Aminia. That wasn’t us. That wasn’t real. We need you. Come back with us,” Lieutenant Tyler Vance says warmly.

“Yeah, according to quantum duplicity therory, there’s tons of other universes,” says Tachyon. “Some where we don’t have powers and some where Stan Lee isn’t a comic book characterandsomewhereweare…”

“You’re not helping,” says Vance. He turns back to Miss Information, “Please.”

The battered secretary wipes her face and considered. Finally she relented. “Alright, but I want a raise.”

“Um, okay.”

“And my own office. And 4 weeks paid vacation. Oh, and we should probably get going if we are going to stop the original Ennead that I brought back from ancient Egypt and are on their way to the present.”

The heroes just gaped at her.

Win condition:

The heroes must defeat the Ennead on advanced. However, instead of putting H of the Ennead into play at the beginning of the game, only put H-2 into play.


The battered secretary wiped her face and considered. Finally she relented. “Alright, but I want a raise.”

“Um, okay.”

“And my own office. And 4 weeks paid vacation. Oh, and we should probably get going if we are going to stop the original Ennead that I brought back from ancient Egypt and are on their way to the present.”

The heroes just gaped at her.



Sorry, Kingofsouls. I wasn't really sure how to do the Miss Information after battle story.

9) Activating the Fountain

 - Villain: Spite

 - Environment: Megalopolis

 - Required Heroes: Unity, Ra, Tachyon

 - Excluded Heroes: Haka, Visionary

The story:

With the Ennead defeated the heroes step out of the portal back in the present. Their quest to find the Fountain of Youth was successful.

“I am going to take this back to the lab for analysis,” said Tachyon pointing at the ancient cup.

“I will join you,” said Ra, “I happen to know a thing or two about studying mysterious relics. Devra might be helpful, too.”

“I’d be happy to help,” said Unity.

The rest of the heroes head off for some well-deserved relaxation.

As the research on the Fountain gets underway the heroes discover that it can be, in a word, “activated” by using different kinds of energy.

Meanwhile the serial killer Spite is on the prowl in Megalopolis. The heroes use whatever time they have between researching to rescue potential victims.

Win condition:

The heroes must activate the Fountain of Youth and defeat Spite. To activate the Fountain the heroes must do damage to Spite from various sources. There are 5 jewels on the cup. One for each source of damage from heroes. To activate a jewel the heroes must deal damage to Spite using H One-Shots, H Equipment card, H Ongoing card, H Innate Powers, and H Mechanical Golems. The order of the damage does not matter. If a card causes damage to Spite multiple times each instance counts. It doesn’t matter if the damage is from the act of playing the card or from using a power on the card. If a card boosts damage that does not count as having dealt damage (for example, if Unity plays Hasty Augmentation which lets Ra use his innate power and increases it, then the innate power is what did the damage so that is counted, but the One-Shot Hasty Augmentation is not counted because it didn’t do any damage.) If a hero card redirects damage then that doesn’t count as having done the damage. The H damage instances from each card type must be dealt before Spite is defeated. 


Don't be. That was actually pretty funny and I was just facepalming as a reaction to what the heroes might do once they heard that.

Yeah, that's the reaction I'd have if I was in their shoes. :) Actually, I'd be more like, WTF?

10) Hunting for Cards

 - Villain: Ambuscade

 - Environment: Insula Primalis

 - Required Heroes: Haka, Visionary

 - Excluded Heroes: Unity, Ra, Tachyon

The story:

After returning from the time portal most of the heroes took some time to relax. Haka and the Visionary are meditating in the untamed wild of Insular Primalis.. Haka has a vision of events from the past while Visionary has a vision from the future. Both visions include a glowing jeweled cup covered in unreadable symbols. Both tell of a horrible fate. Most startling is Visionary’s precognitive vision of Ra activating the cup and its terrible consequences.
Their visions are interrupted by a gunshot. Ambuscade has set traps for them and takes the opportunity to bring down his best prize, the mighty Haka.

Win condition:

The heroes must finish their visions and defeat Ambuscade.

Before the game starts, set H-1 traps face-up in Ambuscade's deck. I prefer to turn them upside-down and keep the other cards right side up. It makes shuffling a little easier than if they are face-up.

Haka and Visionary must finish their visions before it is too late. Haka must play his three meditation cards: Haka of Battle, Haka of Healing, and Haka of Shielding. Visionary must play her three meditation cards: Suggestion, Precognition, and Prophetic Vision. Playing these cards has no actual effect. Once used the card goes to a separate pile that is considered out of the game. A player may choose to use the card as normal, but then the card goes to the trash and doesn’t count toward the required condition to win.

11) An Ominous Vision

 - Villain: Akash’Bhuta

 - Environment: Mixed

 - Required Heroes: Fanatic, Young Legacy, Argent Adept

 - Excluded Heroes: Unity, Ra, Tachyon

The story:

Haka and Visionary escape from the hunter Ambuscade. Their visions showed a goblet filled with a glowing energy. They both recognize it as the cup taken from La Capitan in Atlantis. The Fountain of Youth. They try to contact Tachyon and Ra at the Freedom Five headquarters, but they get no response. Next they contact the heroes that can get to them the fastest. Fanatic, Young Legacy, and Argent Adept.

“You have to fly there as fast as possible,” Visionary says.

Haka explains that the alien race that created the Fountain crashed their ship into Earth. The people of Atlantis found it and used it to create a powerful city, but their city sunk when its people activated it. The Visionary explains that her vision showed Ra activating it on a grander scale and wiping out everyone on Earth.

The heroes take off. The disastrous entity Akash’Bhuta senses the heroes’ desperation and uses this opportunity to attack again as they fly over the landscape.

Win condition:

The heroes must defeat Akash’Bhuta.

The heroes are flying over several environments on their way to warn Tachyon, Ra, and Unity. To construct the environment deck shuffle the following cards together from several different environments:

Insula Primalis: Enraged T-Rex, Pterodactyl Thief, River of Lava

Rook City: Tony Taurus, Blighted Streets, Ambitious Racketeer

Pike Industrial Complex: Escaped Lab Rat, Supercooled Trisolvent Vat, Chemical Explosion

Tomb of Anubis: Anubis, Akana, Judgement of Anubis

Time Cataclysm: Charging Triceratops, Typhoon, Main Computer Room

In case anyone is reading these, but is wary to try them, I've played and won each scenario before I post them.

12) Too Late

 - Villain: The Dreamer

 - Environment: Megalopolis

 - Required Heroes: Expatriette

The story:

The heroes arrive at the Freedom Five headquarters in Megalopolis, but they are too late. Ra, Tachyon, and Unity have activated the Fountain. The other heroes find them unconcious. Worse, they find young Vanessa Long unconscious, too. The young girl, now 8, was living at the Freedom Five headquarters after the events two years ago. Now, the psychic projections her unconscious mind created have begun to appear again.

As the bizarre creatures begin to fill the lab the cup is knocked to the floor. The glowing energy in it spills out and flows into the fallen heroes. At the same time several of the other heroes fall to the floor as their energy flows into the cup.

“What happened,” asks a groggy Unity.

“The cup,” gasps Tachyon, “It’s unstable.”

“Looks like things are about to get messy,” says Amanda Cohen, “Just the way I like it.” Expatriette loads Pride and Predjudice and takes aim at the nearest monster.

Win condition:

The heroes must defeat the Dreamer.

At the start of each round (before the villain’s start phase) the players choose one of the active heroes. This hero is incapacitated by the cup for the round. They maintain their HP, cards in play, cards in hand, and are still a target, but are otherwise treated as incapacitated. Their cards (deck, in play, and hand) are indestructible, have no text (no effects) and are considered out of the game. However, their HP can still be affected since they are a target. They take an incapacitated turn instead of a normal one. This means that they skip their play, power, and draw phase, but get to use one of their incapacitated effects.

The same hero cannot be chosen in two consecutive rounds. If a hero is actually incapacitated by losing all their HP then that hero cannot be chosen to skip their turn, but they do take an incapacitated turn like normal.

If H-1 heroes are actually incapacitated then the heroes lose.