A Sentinels of the Multiverse Adventure

The following story takes place in a part of the multiverse where the heroes struggle to defeat the villains and where copyright infringement is encouraged. Since I don’t live in that multiverse, I claim no rights to this storyline, game, or idea. I will add new chapters twice a week.

These battles create a complete story arc. They are generally more difficult than normal battles although not in every case. Advanced mode is recommended but not necessary. It is expected that players have played and beaten each villain. If that is not the case it is recommended that players attempt that before attempting these battles. Also, 4 or 5 heroes is recommended unless otherwise specified. The number of players does not matter. Players should consider trying random heroes first before selecting specific heroes. None of these battles should be included in the community statistics effort on the forum regardless of outcome.

These events take place after those in Rook City, Infernal Relics, and Shattered Timelines. The time portal is now stable. All cards in these expansions and mini expansions are eligible. The Enhanced Edition base should be used. If a required hero has multiple versions any of them may be used unless otherwise specified. If an excluded hero has multiple versions all of them are excluded.

A big thank you to Greater than Games for making arguably the greatest game ever. Also a big thank you to Spiff for inspiring this idea with his original scenarios at www.spiffworld.com. Questions and suggestions should be emailed to joemagicman@gmail.com. Good luck, sentinels.

Sentinels of the Multiverse Adventure 2014.09.11.doc (76.5 KB)

Sentinels of the Multiverse Adventure 2014.09.11.pdf (298 KB)

1) A Map in the Sands

 - Villain: Mad Bomber Blade (available on www.boardgamegeek.com if you don’t already have it)

 - Environment: Tomb of Anubis

 - Required Heroes: Ra

 - Excluded Heroes: Omintron-X and Rook City Wraith

The story:

After the events that gave Dr. Blake Washington the powers of the sun god Ra the new hero continues his explorations with increased confidence. Ra has returned to the Tomb of Anubis where he discovered the staff of Ra and fought against the new Ennead threat. During the excavations Ra and his fellow heroes discover what appears to be an ancient stone map to a location of immense power.

Before he can decipher the map the tomb shakes from an explosion. Baron Blade has followed Ra to the tomb and intends to bury him and the other heroes there in revenge for his past defeats. Ra asks the heroes to hold Blade off long enough that the map can be extracted from the tomb.

Win condition:

The heroes must defeat Baron Blade, but only after the environment trash has been shuffled into the environment deck.

The heroes need to buy time while the map is taken out of the tomb. It is okay for Baron Blade to flip, but he must not be defeated until the environment deck has been emptied and the trash reshuffled into the deck. After that the heroes are free to beat the snot out of him.

2) The Next Target

 - Villain: Apostate

 - Environment: Ruins of Atlantis

 - Required Heroes: Chrono-Ranger and Rook City Wraith

The story:

The heroes were able to stop Baron Blade from destroying the map. After days of study Ra has translated the map, which seems to point to a location deep in the ocean. The Ruins of Atlantis. When the heroes arrive in the ruins a portal opens and Jim Brooks steps through hunting his next target, the legendary kraken. The heroes also discover Apostate there searching for something.

“Where is it?” Apostate demands, “Where have you taken it? I know it was you because I found this.” Apostatate holds up a ancient looking hair dryer.

“Hey, that’s mine,” says the Wraith, “I think.”

“Where is the chalice?” Apostate asks.

“Whatcha talkin’ bout?” asks the Chrono-Ranger.

“You don’t know, do you?” he sneers. “It goes by many names. The Holy Grail, the Fountain of Youth, the Cup of Immortality. It is a relic more powerful than any you or I have ever wielded. With it, I shall unleash hell.”

“Well, I ain’t sure what you’re hollerin’ ‘bout, but I reckon I got enough bullets in this here gun for you and the kraken, so if y’all are done yappin’ I’m ready to do some shootin’.”

Win condition:

The heroes must defeat Apostate, but only after three appendages have been reduced to 0 HP.

The heroes must kill the kraken. It is okay if Apostate flips, but he must not be defeated until the kraken has been killed. To do so, 3 kraken appendages must be reduced to 0 HP. Destroying them any other way is legal, but does not count toward the requirement. The 3 appendages need not be 3 distinct cards. Additionally, there cannot be any kraken appendages in play when the heroes win. 

Love it. More!

This is a very nitpicky thing, but if you really want to be story appropriate, you might make the hero restriction Horus of Two Horizons, since that represents Ra after he fights the Ennead.

Did the first scenario. It took two tries. The first team which was Beard Ra, EW Zero, Nightmist, and Haka did not do very well. They got the Baron to flip, but the envioronment didn't deck. 2nd attempt with Legacy, Beard Ra, Fanatic, and Scholar went much better. I had to put off killing BB a couple of rounds though, for the environment to shuffle its deck. I will probably try the second scenario later.

Sorry for so many posts. Just finished the second scenario with RC Wraith, Chrono, Tempest, and Unity. Got the victory and killed all three Krakens without using any instant destruction effects. Highest HP was Chrono with 6.

Nice job, Nielzabub. The first battle was inspired by the fact that Bomber Blade's side B seems too slow so I tried to give him time to charge up. Spiff, I think maybe I'll release chapters twice a week instead of once. I tried to keep story lines as consistent as possible, but I might not be perfect. That's why I noted this is a different part of the multiverse. An Earth 2 if you will. Or we could just say Ra shaved his beard. ;)

I'm a little confused why RC Wraith is a required hero for the Apostate fight since she isn't mentioned anywhere in your story synopsis.

Well, he did say it was an alternate world, and he may have a choice for it later on in a further story. Nitpick less man and just enjoy the challenge!

I'm an English major. I have to be nitpicky about story elements. I did enjoy the challenges though, I didn't think they were too hard or easy. I especially enjoyed the concept of Chrono Ranger hunting down the Kraken. I'm tempted to houserule the Kraken and CR as nemeses. Makes sense to me.

The "Next Target" battle was inspired by how much everyone dislikes Rook City Wraith compared to her other forms. To win this battle you really want to use her innate power to find the Krakens quickly. You are welcome to try using the other Wraiths if you think you can survive a super long fight.

Rook City Wraith and Omnitron are excluded from the first battle because they make it way too easy to mill through the enviro deck.


3) Omnitron-VIII

 - Villain: Omnitron

 - Environment: Time Cataclysm

 - Required Heroes: Omnitron-X

The story:

The defeated Apostate vanishes in a blaze of hellfire leaving behind the tarnished hair dryer. The Wraith picks it up and the heroes leave. Back in the Freedom Five headquarters Maia Montgomery analyzes it with her mega computer and determines that it is over 100 years old. The computer places it as being created in 1883.

“That’s one of the years that the time portal opens up to,” remarks Dr. Meredith Stinson.

“Looks like we are making a trip,” says Maia.

The heroes were able to stabilize the time portal from previous battles. They start the machine they created that opens the portal. The heroes step in and are transported through time. During the journey Omnitron-X joins them from another time portal.

“Ally organism identities verified. Temporal position verified. Self intercept initiated. Battle systems online.”

“What’s going on?” the heroes ask.

Omnitron-X reminds the heroes that throughout its existence it has continued to upgrade itself. The empathy component that marked the upgrade to its tenth form turned it into an ally. However, the upgrade that allowed it to travel through time belonged to Omnitron-VIII. The memory banks of Omnitron-X recall a battle between the eighth and tenth forms. A much, much larger time portal opens, Omnitron enters, and the battle begins.

Win condition:

The heroes must defeat Omnitron.

At the beginning of the battle reveal cards from the top of the villain deck until H-2 Components or Drones are revealed. Put those cards into the trash and shuffle the other revealed cards back into the villain deck. Omnitron-VIII’s time traveling ability allows it to put more cards into play than usual. Its start and end phases are still the same, but during its play phase Omnitron plays the top card of its deck AND puts the bottom card from its trash into play in that order. The villain trash can be looked through but cannot be reordered. (You still shuffle and reveal cards to find a component or drone on its factory side)

Additionally, Omnitron’s components are only destroyed if Omnitron takes 7 damage in a single TURN not round. The fifth version of Omnitron strengthened its components to switch from round to turn as can be seen on Omnitron-X’s cards.

Love it.

I may or may not ever play these scenarios, but I love the stories behind them.

Just beat it. Combination of early Wrest the Mind plus Electro pulse kept it from being too difficult.

4) Back to the Past

 - Villain: Plague Rat

 - Environment: Silver Gulch: 1883

 - Required Heroes: Absolute Zero

The story:

The heroes leave the broken hulk of Omnitron-VIII to drift through time. The last message that flashes through its circuits is, “Form inefficient for time travel. Computing smaller frame dimensions.”

The heroes exit the time portal. They step into Silver Gulch, Oklahoma in the year 1883, but something has gone wrong. Something is there waiting for them. The Plague Rat attacks the heroes.

“The infection,” gasps Ryan Frost, “How did it get here? We have to stop it before it spreads and alters the timeline.”

Win condition:

The heroes must defeat Plague Rat, but there cannot be any infection cards in play when they do.

Sorry this is late. There was a little something called Origins that kept me busy.

This one looks very interesting and challenging. I'll have to give it a go at some point.