The following story takes place in a part of the multiverse where the heroes struggle to defeat the villains and where copyright infringement is encouraged. Since I don’t live in that multiverse, I claim no rights to this storyline, game, or idea. I will add new chapters twice a week.
These battles create a complete story arc. They are generally more difficult than normal battles although not in every case. Advanced mode is recommended but not necessary. It is expected that players have played and beaten each villain. If that is not the case it is recommended that players attempt that before attempting these battles. Also, 4 or 5 heroes is recommended unless otherwise specified. The number of players does not matter. Players should consider trying random heroes first before selecting specific heroes. None of these battles should be included in the community statistics effort on the forum regardless of outcome.
These events take place after those in Rook City, Infernal Relics, and Shattered Timelines. The time portal is now stable. All cards in these expansions and mini expansions are eligible. The Enhanced Edition base should be used. If a required hero has multiple versions any of them may be used unless otherwise specified. If an excluded hero has multiple versions all of them are excluded.
A big thank you to Greater than Games for making arguably the greatest game ever. Also a big thank you to Spiff for inspiring this idea with his original scenarios at Questions and suggestions should be emailed to Good luck, sentinels.
Sentinels of the Multiverse Adventure 2014.09.11.doc (76.5 KB)
Sentinels of the Multiverse Adventure 2014.09.11.pdf (298 KB)