A Silly Team

So on a whim, I played a game with Greatest Legacy, Argent Adept, The Scholar, and Omnitron-X.


It got a little silly. Greatest Legacy could use his power to give other people a power use. Argent Adept got out the right songs that let him use powers to give other people power uses OR let them play cards. Omnitron-X could use his power to let other people play cards. And of course, the Scholar had cards which let EVERYONE use powers (at the cost of taking damage), or EVERYONE play cards (off the top of their deck).


Never before have I lost track of whose turn it was, let alone doing so multiple times in a single turn. (Blame Proverbs and Axioms for that one.) I fully recommend giving this team a whirl if you haven't already. If you're a fan over 21, try it while drinking.



That… Sounds like a blast. :grin: Ridiculous, but a blast.

I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

Or if you live somewhere with a less paternalistic drinking age.

And it's only illegal to buy drinks if you're under whatever your national age is (it's 18 here in the UK) - if you're at home getting sloshed, there's bugger all the law can do about it, if that's your thing ;).

Well you have to be over five, at least :P

Oh goodness...playing that as a Solo game...

Or, as I like to call it, "How Argent Adept's Cedistic Dissonant became meta through me vomiting all of the booze on every card it destroyed."

So many tears would be shed if it were an End of Days…

Remember, kids, play Argent Adept responsibly! Don't operate heavy machinery under the influence of Alacritous Subdominant and Inventive Preparation.