About as close to a tie as you can get

Last night, the missus and I played a game with every deck randomized (which we've just started doing recently and really enjoy).

The line-up: Freedom Six Tempest, Argent Adept, Redeemer Fanatic, and Absolute Zero.

We fought The Dreamer (for the first time) in the Tomb of Anubis.

Tempest and Argent Adept had troubles getting going. Tempest was only able to actually use his inherent power once during the whole fight, as most of the cards drawn were one-shots (and good ones to use, at that). I guess there are worse fates. AA only drew one instrument--the pipes, and he didn't have the right cards to really leverage it. Surprisingly, not one Arcane Cadence came up. That's how it goes sometimes.

Freedom Six Tempest also had to hold back a little bit (not as much as regular Tempest would, but still) so he didn't collateral damage the Dreamer. Hail Storm was the card that got sacrificed, go figure.

Redeemer Fanatic also didn't get to use her inherent power, and believe me there were LOTS of times I wanted to. The reason was I had a good starting hand and got out Zealous Offense which kept a couple cards in check--at least one of the environment cards each turn that would do damage to all non-environment targets. In order to keep Zealous Offense active, and to keep the projections from getting out of hand, I was using the heck out of Sacrosanct Martyr and walloping the heck out of myself. I self-resurrected twice with the Aegis cards, if that paints a better picture for you.

Absolute Zero took a while to get going, as he sometimes will, and even toward the end of the game was nothing more than a "I'll take the hits if something targets the highest hit point hero target" card.

So, largely due to Tempest's one-shots and Fanatic's self-destructive tendencies, we eventually got 8 projections under the Dreamer's card. Absolute Zero was at 3 hit points, the other heroes were at 5, and the current environment cards were in check (thanks to Zealous Offense).

And then I said it: "All we have to do is survive the environment turn and we'll win!"

The card came up that draws (H) environment cards and puts the trials in play. We got three trials added. One did 3 damage to all targets. AZ redirected the damage meant for the Dreamer and sacrificed himself. AZ incapacitated, the other heroes at 2 hit points.

I'm sure you all know what's coming next.

The second trial didn't deal damage, but the third one did. 2 damage to all targets.

We were so close!

I like to think that after our noble sacrifice, everyone's favorite sleepy child blinked herself awake and went downstairs to watch cartoons. We didn't live to see it, but I consider it a posthumous victory (even though it was technically a defeat).

I'm assuming – hoping – Dreamer was at 2HP or fewer?

That would have been a good detail for me to include!

Dreamer was at 3 hit points after the trial bomb hit (she was at 5 beforehand, and AZ absorbed the 3 hit point trial for her).

Immediately after the hit that finished off the heroes, Dreamer would have woken up. As Maxwell Smart says, "Missed it by that much!"

So... if you had let her take the 3-point hit and go to 2hp, THEN redirected the 2hp to the hero with the lowest...?

Absolute Zero would of still taken 3 either way and been incapped as he only had 3 health, there was no way to survive that. The Tomb is pretty dangerous, Urshe is the worst card in there.

Oh, right. Missed that it was hitting everyone. Yup... looks like that checks out then.