Hi, guys!
Does anyone have any really strong strategies with Absolute Zero (preferrably with some that work great for AZ being by himself as well)?
I have a friend who's favorite character is Absolute Zero, but he feels AZ is useless in Tactics because he has as few actions as Ra and Ambuscade but without the mobility on Ambuscade or the burst potential of Ra.
For example games, I played a game with Tachyon, Ambuscade and Beacon vs. Legacy, Wraith and AZ. On her first turn, Tachyon ran from one side of the map to the other and attacked AZ once. Then she pushed the limits and KO'd AZ and Wraith. Legacy didn't have Heroic Interception out (a foolish move as we saw here), but he did incap Tachyon for his first action. Wraith and AZ got up, AZ disarming one trap from Ambuscade and healing and Wraith dealing one point to Beacon before Tachyon stood back up and incapped AZ again.
In the game before this AZ couldn't move far enough to even be in a fight while Bunker and Baron Blade made it in easy. His one contribution was an attack against the Operative that missed due to her having 5 defense dice at the time.
His complaints (and suggestions for fixes) are:
1. Impaling structure does almost nothing. 3 die attacks are ignored all the time. (This, IMO, is not really true. See Tachyon and Unrelenting Momentum). Options to fix this: Have Fueled Freeze increase their attack radius by 1 as well or increase their damage dice by at least 1.
2. Thermal Shockwave hits allies in the AoE while also damaging AZ. There is no reason to ever use this ability. (Again, not true, but it does make it a very difficult ability for AZ to use). No solution given here.
3. Cold Snap has 4 dice and 2 miss chances. That means on average 1 and 1/3rd die will auto-miss. Operative and Ambuscade have stronger base powers with only one miss chance. Options to fix this: Make Coolant Blast his base power instead or make Cold Snap deal him one damage to attack so he gets some action economy out of it.
4. Cryo-Inducer is useless because it takes an action and only succeeds on 5 or 6. (Now, my friend has notoriously bad rolls and feels that healing 1, which is what he usually gets, isn't worth an action and healing zero is worth even less). He then complains that Ambuscade gets a better effect for one action with just healing 3 straight up.
Another suggestion he had was just changing AZ's passive to "Increase damage dealt by AZ, but not his hazard spaces, by 1 for each health AZ is missing." This is to try and emulate Ra's damage spikes but through risky behavior for AZ.
So, what I'm looking for are examples that aren't too super-rare of AZ being a lynch pin in a tactic due to his particular powers in play and maybe some 1 on 1 situations he won because of good use of his powers. Thanks, all!