So, I happen to be one of the lucky few that works in the video game industry. One of my coworkers and good friends kept talking about this game. I kept putting it off, mostly because I'm not a huge superhero fan. Sure, I like the big names in comics. I know who Stan Lee and Jack Kirby are, and my favorite Super Hero is Iron Man. But not really read comics as a kid, so super heroes didn't appeal to me too much. Then, one day as a coworker was having one last hangout before moving away, he breaks out the game and oh, have I seen the light. Absolutely loved the game, and played another, because I didn't want to end the night on a lost to Omnitron. So we fight Plague Rat and as the last man standing, Legacy defeats the Plague Rat in the Industral Complex. From there, I was hooked. I immediately turned around and bought the game along with all expansions. Unity and Ambuscade are arriving soon and I will be looking for promo cards.
But this leads me to the reason of this post. On the weekends, we finish up and we try to play two games a night. And we decided that we wanted to make a story out of it, and we wanted to share our experiences with this. The first couple of games are a bit hazy on exactly WHAT happened, but we're trying to chain it together.
Game One:
Villian: Grand Warlord Voss
Location: Wagner Mars Base
Heroes: Tachyon, Chrono Ranger, Omnitron X, Fanatic
Tachyon heads to the Wagner Mars Base with Fanatic to do some reasearch on a robot that was discovered on Mars. Wondering why Fanatic had to come along, the angel mearly replies, "I need to be here." At the same time, Chrono Ranger shows up, and finds Omnitron-X. O-X speaks with Chrono Ranger, informing him that something is interfering with the normal space time continuum. The group meets up, and after a bit of initial panic from Tachyon and Fantic, there is an alarm that is set off. An alien fleet is moving to invade Earth. O-X and CR both mention that this invasion is WAY too early. The team gets together and defeats the inbound fleet.
Game Two:
Villian: La Capitan
Location: Time Cataclysm
Heroes: The Visionary, Expatriot, Nightmist, Scholar
After returning home, Tachyon informs Legacy of the situation and Legacy tells her that Baron Blade is planning on pulling a moon into the Earth. Something just doesn't add up here. The Freedom Five and friends head out to Baron Blade's new headquarters on a tropical island to stop them. On the way there, a time vortex opens up, sucking the team into it. Visionary, Expatriot, Nightmist and Scholar are pulled onto a constant and everchanging landscape where time flys past them. In this area, they come across a time corsair named (Lots of names, but we'll call her La Capitan. :P) During this time, the team discovered a few boxes belonging to the "Corporation." Additionally, they see a young Vanessa Long as a centerpoint to all this. After a long and exhausting fight (It was 3 am for us after a 10 hour shift that started at 11am...) the Corsair defeated the heroes, but not after losing her ship...for now. The team was deposited near the island they were going to, but the island had been changed!
Game Three:
Villian: Baron Blade
Location: Isula Primiaus
Heroes: Legacy, Bunker, Wraith, Tachyon
On this island, the heroes discover dinosaurs! They realize that they had travelled several MILLION years in the past. Baron Blade's plan was to bring the moon into the Earth, causing the Ice Age early, so he could reshape the Earth into his image. Unfortunately for Baron Blade and his minons, the inhabitants of the island weren't too keen on the idea of being the center of a moon impact site. After a few Velociraptors and a very angry T-Rex destroyed a Mobile Defense Platform and a few of the Blade Legionares, the Heroes defeat Baron Blade and his tractor beam. The team makes more discoveries of the Corporation equipment and things start coming together... Inventing a device, Tacyhon develops a one time use device to restore the team back to their timeline.
Game Four:
Villian: Spite
Location: The Block
Heroes: Haka, Ra, Absolute Zero, Argent Adept
(Consequences: Win/Chairman in Rook City. Loss/Iron Legacy in Final Wasteland) - This is the point where we wanted to craft a story out of our games. We then made it where our wins and loses would determine the next game and try to find a good way to incorporate all villians, locations and heroes into this story.
Upon hearing rumors and putting together clues, the team discovers that the Chairman of the Corporation is engineering a breakout of one of the most deadly superhumans out of the Block. The Freedom Five sent Haka, Ra, AZ and AA to the Block to prevent Spite from escaping. Placing specific drugs throughout the facility using his undercover agents, The Chairman's plan was to allow Spite to break out, and using a time vortex device, alter Spite to a point to where he could controll him. Spite was about to beak out, but the team was barely able to stop him. (We also forgot that Spite heals everytime he deals damage,so we ruled that the Block had some sort of dampining field in play...until he destroyed it when we remembered that rule.)
Game Five:
Villian: The Chairman
Location: Rook City
Heroes: Chrono Ranger, Wraith (Investigor Alternate), Mr. Fixer, Unity
(Consequences: Win/Kismet at Pike Industrial. Loss/The Dreamer in Realms of Discord)
The Chairman was prepared. The heroes were not. A brief and ultimately futile struggle, the team was utterly wiped out, while the Chairman activated his Time Vortex device. Tearing a hole in the Space Time continuum, he comes right to the point of Vanessa Long's awakening. Sensing the Chairman's interference, the Dreamer makes her purpose in the universe known. She erases him from all time, and goes about restoring the timeline...
So, this is where we stand. We face The Dreamer tomorrow night in the Realms of Discord. As she is the perserver of time, she is effectively rebooting the universe. Unfortunately, the team is still caught in between time lines. The team needs to protect the Dreamer as she does her job. Victory means restoring the timeline as best as possible to the heroes knowledge. Failure means things will be...altered.
Game Six:
Villian: The Dreamer
Location: Realms of Discord
Heroes: To Be Determined.
(Consequences: Win/Iron Legacy in a location of our choosing. Loss/Iron Legacy at the Ruins of Atlantis, with the Pillars of Hercules active on turn one...)
Let us know if you guys want to hear more about our comic book story as told by the cards!