How old is Unity? It says 19 on the stats part of her bio page but in the text mentions "by the time she was 20..." as being before her connection with Tachyon.
"By the tome she was 20... " refers to her actual age, whereas her bio stats has the age she'll admit to.
Hmmm, it says "eighteen" for me...
Clever Christopher…
Oh, well that solves that mystery...just a reminder you have that text as the description of her on BGG so that needs to be fixed too.
Wait a second, I checked her bio a while ago, and I can swear it said she was 28, which I was really surprised at. I took for for being 18-19. But now it says she's 19 on the bio. Was I imaging things? At least I know I wasn't way off on the age. So Visionary is still the only minor of the heroes. Though I thought Visionary to be older. Dakota and I had a contest to see who could most closely guess the heroes' ages.
The Visionary is certainly aged beyond her years. But, as they say, it's the mileage more than the age. She's been through a lot in a very short amount of time, especially when you mess with that time.
Given that Visionary's birth certificate puts her under legal age (or indeed any age), does that mean she doesn't get to drive the Freedom-mobile?
That's not a nice thing to call Bunker.