Friend of mine and I defeated Ambuscade. I played Haka, he was Fanatic (the promo version). I think if we couldn't heal ourselves, it might have been over before it began. Savage Mana is the biggest thing that helped us because I was able to consume his cloaking device so he could no longer be invulnerable on his B side. It was very close though. We ended up Haka 7, Wraith 6 and probably one of us would've died the next turn. I'm almost mad I didn't get the challenge where each hero has 5 or less and survives, but I'm good enough with Two Man Army.
Oh yeah. We were in the Realm of Dischord. Not recommended for this challenge. That was my bad idea.
Okay, so you say you played Haka and Fanatic. But then you say Haka had 7 HP and Wraith had 6 HP. Either you goofed up and said Wraith when you meant Fanatic, or you aren't clear on what "Two Man Army" requires.
JayMann and Spiff are correct. I did say Wraith when I meant Fanatic cause I'm an idiot and apparently can't proofread, and since Fanatic is female technically it was a one man army.
Well "technically"Fanatic is gendlerless. Angels are asexual. Therefore, Fanatic, despite having a female build is neither man nor woman. She is niether she nor she. So it is still a "One Man Army"…
Well "technically" she's not an angel, it is believed (by her) that she came back from heaven after an accident, so she's "just" a mortal with the powers of an angel… Apostate would have us believe otherwise.
Back on topic though, kudos to you PanwichKrauser, Two man army is a challenge I have yet to conquer, despite several attempts
Confirmed. I am Panwich's aforementioned friend and we were using the promo Fanatic and Haka. Once we realized that Ambuscade only had one of the cloaking devices in his deck, it was all over. Savage Mana FTW.
I tried AMbsucade yesterday with Nightmist and Argent Adept. No such luck. i realzie I need two strong hitters. Also notcied that Argent Adept is better with more than 2 heroes, and with Villians with Ongoing Cards.
I did a two man army with legacy and fanatic vs gloomweaver in the realm of discord and the turn we won legacy was at 4 and fanatic was at 3..hard match but me and my fiancee got through it.