Ambuscade cloaking

Just got this villain yesterday and am wondering - since the text on the cloak doesn't specify which side to flip him to, it just says something like flip Ambuscade when this card enters play - if somehow the cloak gets destroyed and brought back out before Ambuscade gets a turn (so he's still on his invuln side when the card comes back out), wouldn't the cloak then flip him to his non-invuln side where he would stay until it was destroyed and brought out again?

The only way I can think of offhand to cause this to happen would be for first player to destroy cloak, 2nd player (or even first player if he could destroy the cloak during start of turn) brain burns Ambuscade to put the cloak back in the deck, and that Atlantis card is out that causes a villain card to be played at the start of every turn AND it comes right back out.  Pretty convoluted, but possible, and there may be other cards that could cause this to happen as well.

(Or may be I'm missing something entirely here which is why I was curious about this.)

Oh and I might as well ask this here as well - are Ambuscade's traps considered "in play" while turned face up in the villain deck?  Wondering the same thing about cards in the countdown pile for Self Destruct Sequence.


Yes if the Cloak Comes out again somehow it will infact cause him to flip to his front side. The easiet way to do this is to have Tempest into the Stratosphere it onto the top of his deck, than allow Omni-X to play the top card of the deck to get it back into play. Also if you happen to have Fanatic on your team you can Chastise it so that way you can do AoE attacks without risking destroying the Device again. Which is why I think a reprint that both the Cloaking Device and his Flipside both should state Ambuscade is Immune to damage.

Cloaking Devise should read like "flip to cloaked side" instead of just flip. 

This is how I play it. If the devise is in play I think the intent of him going stealth is pretty clear

What's funny is when Haka eats the Cloaking Device with Savage Mana, thereby turning every copy of Vanish into a useless card :D.

Do we really have to rule away a very specific situation that involves timeshifting a Cloaking Device out of sync with the current timestream, rendering it useless?  I mean, that's like houseruling away Fixed Point-ing multiple Styles/Tools for Fixer, or Haka eating the Cloak with Savage Mana.  There's game balance, and then there fun policing.

I think part of the desire might be to shore up Ambuscade, I've heard he's one of the easiest villains to pound, but I've only played him once myself so I can't judge.

He really is.  But I think the better solution in this scenario is to just not use that combo against him if you don't want him completely undermined.