First off, I'd like to gush profusely about how great this game is. My wife and I are super psyched to get Shattered Timelines.
Ok, so we just finished a game against Omnitron. The Environment was Tombs Of Anubis and Anubis was in play. Legacy and Nightmist were KO'd, and Mr. Fixer and Fanatic both had 5HP left. On the environment turn a Trial entered play (the name escapes me), and at the end of the Evironment turn it delt 2 Fire Damage to all targets. This finished off Omnitron and the last Drone that was in play, as well reduced Mr. Fixer and Fanatic each to 3HP.
My question is this: since Omnitron and all his Drones were technically defeated, did we win right then and there, or do we worry about the damage from Anubis? This concern arose initially because we misread Anubis and thought that his attack hit ALL targets, and not only one. If it HAD hit all targets, then Anubis would have potentially won the game since literally all other targets with HP would be dead (while Anubis himself happily sat a full 20).
So, should we have still activated Anubis' ability, or just ended the game there when Omnitron and his last drone died?
You win as soon as Omnitron and all his drones are destroyed.
However, since there were two cards being destroyed, he would deal the damage as soon as the first one is destroyed. Then you would go back to dealing the rest of the damage from the trap.
Hmm, Anubis only hits one target for two damage, and it's only the first time a non-Environment card is destroyed each turn. So, based on your situation, here is how I'd've resolved it - since you can decide the order in which targets get hit by the Trial (presumably the Challenge of Fire), hit either Omnitron or the drone first, destroying it. This causes Anubis to butt in and hit the non-Environment target with the second-highest hp for 2 Infernal damage. So that'd be one of your two heroes, presumably, putting that person down to 3hp. That's Anubis done for the round, since he only attacks once and has now done so. Then the Challenge of Fire continues to deal its damage, taking out whichever Villain target is still standing. Game over, you win :).