Any chance for island board G & H and/or maybe a couple others?)

We would love to have the Horizon island boards G and H and/or maybe a few others to add to our collection. While the six modular boards we have are good, a little variety in set up would be nice and spice up the games a bit. I understand that being part of Horizons may limit board G and H for a bit, but we’ll take anything we can could get.

What are the chances of getting a printing of a few more boards?

Thanks for the wonderful game!

I’m not associated with GtG, but I’m sure they are looking into a promo pack once the exclusivity expires that will have the spirits and/or the boards and/or the colored spirit tokens. We are just two years away from seeing it.

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Add me to the list of people who would like to have the new boards as separate pieces. :smiley: