Probably sheerest futility, but does anyone know of a PbP Sentinels RPG game with openings? The game I was in over on just ended and there’s a handful of refugee players looking for something to replace it.
Every time someone posts that they’re running a game, here or on Discord, it fills up instantly. Which means that if you or any of your co-refugees want to run one…
Looks like we found a new ref (and a few spare players to boot) already, and the purple site is way more PbP friendly than here or (shudder) discord. Surprisingly fast, really.
I was briefly thinking about offering to GM, but I am afraid my free time is far too limited at the moment.
Not enough for ad-hoc learning the tools of a new site and still keeping a group of people on their toes at the same time, anyway.
But if you don’t mind someone reading along, could you post a link so that I can get an impression of how pbp works over there?
The site does open campaigns (unlike some that keep everything hidden except to participants) so that’s no problem, but the GM volunteer is refreshing themselves on the rules and hasn’t started up the recruitment/session zero thread yet. I’ll pass it along when it goes live.
FWIW, here’s links to two recently-defunct Sentinels PbP games over on the same site if you want to see two different styles of running the game.
Crackerjacks IC
Crackerjacks OOC
According to the GM this one just kind of petered out, which is a shame. I was curious to see where the plot was going just from reading along, and it featured some nice tight action scenes.
Pivotal Point Guard IC
Pivotal Point Guard OOC
FrivYeti and I joined the Pivotal Point Guard game partway through when they had some openings due to player attrition. The GM just got a new position at work and between that and some personal stuff they felt they had to step back from the game.