Appreciating the small things in life.

Hey everyone!

I know I don’t get to visit the forums near as much as I’d like to, but that’s life. I hope everyone, both familiar and new, is having a blast in their own lives. There’s so much to look forward to recently around here! Oblivaeon right around the corner, the progress with the Tactics rework, Spirit Island doing so well in the market, I’m floored at all the great things happening around here and how GTG continues to grow. 


Recently I sustained a back injury at work, so while Iv been recovering, iv finally had the opportunity to start catching up on all the Sentinel stuff Iv missed. I’m still very far behind on the Letters Page, but listening to the episode on my long time favorite Fanatic was so excellent.


Iv also had more time to re-explore SotM far more than Iv been able to. I gotta say, I’m so thankful for the guys at Handelabra for making such a great port of the card game for mobile devices. It’s been a life saver for me. I recently had some amazing games that really highlighted why I fell in love with SotM in the first place all those years ago. 



A 29 omnicannon blast to the Dome was so satisfying! I rarely get a chance to go pure Cannon+Recharge combo bunker, but that one game winning KO is a priceless feeling. 


This game vs Advanced Akash was just about a loss. I wouldn’t have survived the next round of AoE. But with Parse being the absolute beast she always is, used a Crit Multiplier+Snap Decision combo build to buff up Guise who also pulled off some great shenanigans as you can see. I loved finding the combo of Blatent Reference+Lemme See That Targeting Computer. I’m not a great Guise player, so any small cool thing I can pull off just feels so satisfying. 


My games were not all wins though. I brought the Sentinels and Requital Cap Cosmic (along with bunker and legacy) to face Advanced Deadline on the Mars base during a live game with some friends. Cosmic killed himself on turn two with his base power and the sentinels melted under mass irreducible AoE damage. Even with all of that, a few lucky draws here or there and I feel like a win could have been squeezed out. I forgot all about Brother Cos bringing constructs into play after incap. It was an awesome thing to be reminded and provided cool moments throughout the game. 


Anyways, take care everyone! I sometimes catch the crew on Twitch streams and you can find me on the game app every once in a while with the name bigbopperburns. Have fun saving the multiverse and I hope everyone enjoys oblivaeon! I can’t wait for all the new hero decks!

Hi Foote! It is great to hear from you! I hope that your recovering well from your back injury, and I hope that we'll be able to see you soon at a convention!

Glad you’re still around Foote.   I hope your recovery goes well.  

Take it easy, Foote! I hope recovery is quick, and I'm glad you have plenty to do!  :grin:

Nice to see a familiar face.  Welcome back, brother!

Welcome back!

Good to see ya again, Now we have a lot more info on the Void. Lots of radical stuff happen while you were gone.

You probably do not remember me, I had an account here a long time ago.
I'm glad to see you again :-)

Awww man! The pictures from my SotM games aren’t showing up. Oh well. 

thanks everyone! I’m happy everyone is doing so well. 

And Paul, maybe I’ll actually get to see you guys this time in Philly? Hopefully I won’t be near as busy with work. I’d like so much to play that SotM rpg. Never played one before and the twitch vids look like so much fun. 


<3 you all. 

We'll definitely be in Philly for PAX Unplugged, and would love to see you!

I would love to teach the RPG to you Foote, I am loving the system.

Hey, Foote! Nice to have you back!

This is not meant to pick on typos, but I have to say, these forums being what they are I saw all the “I’ve” → “Iv” substitutions and immediately wondered if this was the lead-in to another puzzle hunt! “Iv” is 4 in Roman numerals and occurs 5 times…