I decided to experiment with some house rules for Absolute Zero. This thread will track my efforts. My idea going in is that I like AZ but I feel his deck is far too reliant on getting the right synergies. Often if you’re missing a card, AZ is just down the tubes. I wanted to adress that and give Zero something to do when he didn’t have any stuff.
So currently, the house rule is Thermodynamics is replaced by:
Freeze: Absolute Zero deals 1 non-hero target 3 cold damage.
Why this power? Well the first question was; do I want a power that just deals damage, or should he have some sort of “effect” power? I decided on the damage power because I feel that compliments his deck the best. An effect power likely would not solve the issues of him getting stalled and not being able to do much without the right equipment. More or less the entire point was to make Zero useful right out of the gate, and not have to wait several turns to build up his equipment.
The only remaining question was how much damage it should do. I’m going to play a few games with 3, and see how it does. I’m not 100% on the 3 damage, but here is my reasoning behind it. Essentially the power either does 2 damage to be on par with Haka’s Crush and Ra’s Pyre, or it does 3 damage to be on par with Young Legacy’s Atomic Glare. I feel Ra’s inherent ability to easily buff himself with the Staff of Ra quickly turns Pyre into a 3 damage power, with a lot more ease than Zero can get out his Focused Aperatures. Haka’s Crush likewise is quickly upgraded to Tahia or Mere, but in order for Zero to upgrade his power he needs Thermal Shockwave and his modules. You may believe me when I tell you I thought long and hard about whether I wanted to give Zero a power equivalent with the most damaging base power in the game right now. But both Young Legacy and Zero have a +1 damage buffer (Focused Aperatures vs. Surge of Strength) to bump this power up to 4 damage, so no difference there. Legacy also has the benefit of the Legacy Ring, which Zero does not. So Zero can not use an additional power.
I’d also like to add that I’ve removed Zero’s ability to easily heal himself. He can still heal with many of his One-Shots and with Thermal Shockwave, but I think a damaging Zero is more dynamic and more interesting than one that sits there and tries not to die.
Without Further ado:
Game One:
(team selected randomly) Tach, Expatriette, Haka + Zero vs BB on Insula Primalis.
I selected BB because he is easy, but I was doing the version where you trash 2 cards instead of 1 for his advanced mode Terralunar beam. The heroes won this game handily in terms of HP, although I was right down to the wire when it came to the Impulsion beam. I’ll concentrate mainly on what happened with Zero, since the other heroes contributions aren’t particularly relevant.
I was quite glad to be playing with my house rule becuase Zero’s opening draw was Cold Snap, Hoarfire, Hoarfire, Coolant Blast. So… no modules and no way to get them either. He played Cold Snap and drew Focused Aperatures. A good draw but no modules. The next turn he played Focused Aperatures and drew Cold Snap. It wasnt until the next turn that he drew Null Point Calibration Unit. Though Cold Snap is quite good, he still would have been quite lackluster without the house rule since he was unable to get his modules. The game ended before he could draw Isothermic Trasducer or Thermal Shockwave. [I did use Coolant Blast once, after Zero was hit with the Burn part of a slash and Burn]. With the Freeze power belting out 4 damage on most turns, and the Cold Snap dealing another 2, he dealt his fair share of damage, probably more than his share.
Was this too powerful? I’m not sure. Considering bumping Freeze down to 2 damage, will try a few more games before I decide. It seemed good because of a very early Focused Aperatures, combined with an Obsidian field drawn midway through the game.