Batman - The Brave and the Bold

So, since I'm in application (and I guess relationship) purgatory, I often find myself with little to do. However, I noticed that Batman-the Brave and the Bold was on Netflix. After watching some episodes again, I remembered how much I love that show. Sure, it's not the most thematically nuanced, it's more than a little cheesey, and it's the farthest away from what Batman has become of late, but there's some good stuff. I think my favorite part about the show is that all of the wide cast of characters always has a chance to shine. Man, even Aquaman's cool Aquaman! Also the sense of humor in the show is quite good. I urge anybody who hasn't seen it to check it out. It's not for everybody, but chances are, if you're on this forum, you might like it.


I don't know why I brought it up, but I think with the discussions on Hero balance and whatnot, it's always good to think back to why we got into this in the first place. There's a true sense of community and the feeling we get when justice happens.

Eh, I don't know why I posted this. But I do really like this show. Did >Games get any inspiration from it specifically?



I wasn't a huge fan of Brave and the Bold at first, but I gave it a chance and grew to really like it. It's fun to put it next to the older Batman animated series and even though the two shows have very different tones they're both good in their own right.

Have you read New 52 Aquaman?  It's quite possibly one of the greatest comics books DC is putting out right now in its main continuity.

I like Brave and The Bold.  I watch it with my 5 year-old nephew and explain continuity and backstories to him.  It's wicked fun!

I like how they make fun of everyone making fun if Aquaman.

Whenever people make fun of aquaman, I just show them Aquaman #1 from New 52 and it seems to change their minds. I'm a Marvel girl at heart, but I gotta give him mad props. (and Meera is the bestest)

"Fish jokes. That's all I ever get are fish jokes."

I've got nothing against Aquaman - but I'm curious if you're also reading Batwoman.  It is my current gold standard for DC, and I was wondering how the two compared.

Batwoman is not one that I keep up with. I have a hard time with the Bat-family, not out of dislike, but because they seem to get all up in each other's comics (NOT an uncommon problem, to be sure) and I don't want to buy everyone's comics.


That being said, Aquaman is simply fun to read and has provided some fairly compelling twists on the old history without rendering it ridiculous, and I just love that particular style of art. It's so pretty

Of the Bats, I "only" collect Detective comics, Batman, Batman and Robin, The Dark KNight, Batman Inc, and Nightwing. But wow did my my bill go up during Death of of Family. Same thing with Green Lantern. I only collect Green latern, but wow did my bill sky rocket during the Third Army.

When talking of New 52 benchmarks, Swamp Thing and Animal Man are right up there. Although I still like my Supes (collect all 4 titles).

...Yeah, I can't do Swamp Thing or Animal Man. Call me a wimp, but 6 year old girls raising armies of zombie animals? No thanks. I don't completely shy away from the intense stuff (Saga is awesome) but generally, I'm looking for stuff that reminds me of all those cartoons from the 90s- serious without being soul-numbingly depressing. So I tend to lean more toward the lighthearted stuff. Also, I differentiate between the stuff I share with my friends who are like "Hey, I've seen all these Marvel movies, now I'm kinda interested in the comics" and the stuff that I think is the best quality.

Not going to call you a wimp at all. WHen I first started with the New 52, those titles weren't on my list. I only started picking them up after the reviews started coming in. I agree with you completely though. When reading one of these books, you want the bright colors (Flash, Aquaman, etc.) and a "normal" superhero. The dark and mature stuff has its place (Punsher anyone), but I mostly read Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, etc. Because you are a Marvel girl, the Marvel books I collect are: Avengers, Hulk, Cap, Ironman, Thor.

As a comic reader I read all of DC's New 52 (with the exception of I, Vampire) and all of Marvel Now. Only because I get a decent discount and only when I have time to read them when I am not working or designing for the SotM RPG Project.

I don't get a great discount, but since my comic store is also my FlGS, the discount I do get applies to games. :) But I have found time to be a bigger restriction than money.

mmm Cap. He's my favorite. All the Avengers come in behind. I wish I liked the Xmen more. They just make me angry, I think. I identify too closely and I don't like it when all the bad things happen to them.


Flash is up there with Aquaman, I'd say, in terms of my New 52 favorites.

You should check out the new hawkeye comic. the writing is good imo tho the art is on a downward spiral sadly.

Fav ep of batman BatB is the one with the musicmeister. An ep as a muscial AND the villan is NPH! sooooo goood.