Battle for Broken City Wish List

What are you hoping to see in Broken City, given what we know.

Broken City Tiles: I hope these aren't just a resurfaced Megalopolis (though as a core game it would still need to be entry level). I'm hoping for hazards and cover and such.

Sewer Tiles: I really hope these change it up. I'm thinking tunnes of all equal elevation, but based on the orientation some tunnels connect and some don't. I don't know what this will be but I'm sure this one will be new and different.

Dice: As a core game I would assume it has 18 more dice. I hope its dark watch colors. Yellow, Black and White. I think that would be awesome.

Scenarios: I hope its multiple books with multiple scenarios. I like skirmish but think the scenario comics are fabulous.

What do you hope to see?

If it has different coloured dice, I can't see them choosing white again.

Personally I'd expect the same red, white and blue as the original, since in tournaments they seem to consistently use red for attack and blue for defence. But who knows?

I always use blue dice for AZ attacks, because ice.

I hope we get either sewer tiles, or at least mechanics for them.  Rats without sewers is just wrong.

Also, speaking of rats, mutated rats as environment targets and part of plague rats scenario.  Yes please.

I want old, messed up Chrono still fighting to finish his original mission.


There might be something in there, I mostly remember them talking about how they built some characters like Zero and Tachyon.


I think they mention the tiles wont be a uniform shape to emphasize destruction.

Love the scenario books want more. Would actually love to see more scenario stories that the story line can be completed in 1 game. The 3 scenario per story makes it hard to compete for my groups sometimes. 

Does anyone have a guess as to what the last three miniatures in the Battle for Broken City/For Profit set are going to be.  The description states, "This set contains twenty-one miniatures and transparent hexagonal bases," and we know the identities of 18 of those miniatures (1. Setback, 2.  Expatriot, 3. Mr. Fixer, 4. Pinion, 5. Catastrophe & Verge (precedent, see Flames of Freedom, suggests these count a one miniature), 6. Exemplar, 7. Demon Fist, 8. Karnal, 9. Mindphyre, 10. Cyst, 11. Grudge, 12. Plague Rat, 13. Man-Grove, 14. Renegade, 15. Hippocalypse, 16. Heartbreaker, 17. Glamour, 18. Becky Blast).  My guess is that they might be bird companions for Pinion or rat minions for Plague Rat.  Another alternative might be miniatures for the promotional Operative and Ambuscade, though I consider this unlikely as those character panels are promotionals.


I think verge and catastrophe will be tao tokens and that removing verge will cuse catastrophe to be more destructive.

That would be pretty cool!

Wow.  iphone typing is not my friend.  To translate:  I think Verge and Catastrophe will be two figures and that removing Verge will cause Catastrophe to be more destructive (very AoE, friendly fire, etc.).


I just assumed you were speculating on a possible Ghost Stories crossover


Christopher did say "They will play as one" character, but I like the idea of them being separate figures. Not sure how that would work being played as one character, but I like the idea...

see the sewer one was kinda like how I wanted Wagner Mars base to be done based off the little snapshot.that is why i am still not sold on the poster maps being a solid piece and not moveable tiles.

I'm super excited to see how Setback plays. He's currently my favorite character in the card game and I love his unique luck-based mechanics. I'm not clever enough to dream up how he might work but I can't wait to find out.

I'm hoping Plague Rat has some neat infection mechanic because infecting people is always fun.