Hey Guys,
I'm fairly new to the game (just got the expansions) and I'm wondering what are some of the better 4 player teams that are worth playing and what makes them so good? Just looking for some greater understanding of the game. Thanks guys,
Hey Guys,
I'm fairly new to the game (just got the expansions) and I'm wondering what are some of the better 4 player teams that are worth playing and what makes them so good? Just looking for some greater understanding of the game. Thanks guys,
*crackles knuckles*
Just kidding. So, when I first started playing this game, this was the first card game like this I'd ever played (my partner had some Magic experience). What I DID have was JRPG experience.
Instead of thinking which heroes do I want, you could look at it as "which skils do I absolutely have to have?" and the basics are:
damage reduction/ redirection/ tanking (Legacy's Lead from the Front, Wraith's Smoke Bombs, Haka's... well he's got a card, AZ, Scholar, etc)
large amounts of single target damage (Ra, Expatriette with the right stuff, Legacy-but that's not what he's really for, Wraith with the right stuff, etc)
environment/ongoing destruction (Wraith's grappling hook; AA's Sarabande, Tempest's Into the Stratosphere, Expatriette's RPG launcher, etc)
Deck management (Visionary esp, Wraith)
Notice Wraith comes up every time.
Tanking in SotM is complicated because it's really more about damage redirection, and a lot of cards are specific about the type of damage you can redirect. Haka, for example, redirects environment, while Legacy redirects villain. Other characters, like AZ and the Scholar, tank by consistently being the highest HP. So when you want to tank, you have to think "how am I going to get the damage to that person?" and sometimes your teammate choices come around that way.
A lot of villain non-character targets hp fall within the 3-7 range (certainly not all). A character like Ra with the right cards can take one of those guys from full to nothing on his turn alone. That can be very valuable, particularly when that villian target is about to smack the whole team or something.
Out of the base set? I'd say Wraith, Legacy, Tempest or Tachyon, and Ra.
Legacy and anyone else pretty much.
Legacy is a great leader and he makes everyone better. He is especially good with 4 heroes.
So my suggestion when getting started is pick Legacy and 3 other heroes that you like are interested in and think might be fun.
Legacy isn't needed, but he makes the game easier to learn when you are new.
Legacy... because.
Wraith is nice to have because they can do so many things, including a bit of deck control.
Ra for the amount of damage, or Haka for damage and a bit more deck control.
Visionnary, because she is just that much efficient against some foe you cant not take her.
In all the games I've played, either 3 or 4 heroes, we've only used Legacy once. I've used him in a couple solo 3 hero games. He's been very useful, but not a must have. If everyone is playing a hero they enjoy then that is your best team. If one person is made to play something they don't like it brings the whole game down.
Yeah, I'd probably say Legacy, Wraith, Tempest, and Visionary are pretty much the dream team. Legacy is your tank/booster, Tempest is your AOE, Visionary is deck control/ongoing destruction, and Wraith covers single target damage and a little bit from all the rest. Between Tempest and Wraith, you should have environment covered too.
If you're using promo versions, you'd have a hard time losing with something like Team Leader Tachyon, Fixer, Wraith, and *rolls dice for a damage dealer* Chrono Ranger. Really, if you had TLT, Wraith, and Fixer, you could have anyone focus on their outgoing damage. Probably Tempest to get the heals mixed in.
Or TLT, either Grandpappy or Girl Power Legacy, Dark Visionary, and any damage dealer (if Grandpappy Legacy, it'd have to be someone with a damage base power). The TLT/Legacy/DV combo is basically the Super Support team that will control the villain deck and not let any bad things happen to anyone. Though I have a hard time leaving Wraith out, so I guess my go-to team would be TLT, Legacy, DV, and Wraith.
Yeah, if I were going against any of the 4's in Rook City, I'd want TLT, Legacy, DV, and Wraith, though I think TLT, Fixer, Wraith, and Tempest would also be quite strong.
If you are seeking a greater understanding of the game, then I'd say go random because the best part of the game is seeing how different heroes interact differently with each other. At least to me, that's what makes the game fun.
I, unfortunately, play more games solo than not, so I usually pick one hero I want to explore and then randomly assign teammates to see all the different interactions.
Besides the fact that Grandpa Legacy is sooooo cute (I wanna just put him in my pocket), Gung-ho might be the best base power. Maybe. TLT is up there.
Everyone's talking about the base game, but if you have the expansions that opens some things up.
Argent Adept is (supposed to be) a beast at team support. I haven't played him much yet, but you can set him up to allow additional draws, powers, and healing for your teammates, all on your turn. Get him set-up and he can bring everyone up to ridiculous combos. I had a game against Akash'Bhuta where Nightmist was unable to deal damage (ensnaring brambles every turn, and not enough damage potential to clear them), but with Argent Adept I was able to have her use her base poweer out of turn, which is deal herself 2 damage and draw 2 cards. I soon had her holding almost half her deck, which allowed me to use her amulets to heal her and redirect a lot of damage back to the villain.
Omnitron-X is becoming a personal favorite of mine, I'm very good at using him to completely shut down the environment, and also let's people play cards out of turn and heals. Plus he can do some nice damage once his cards are out.
In the end though, there are so many powerful combinations it's hard to list them all, and in the end it comes down to the cards you draw. Some characters may not seem synergystic, but then a situation will unfold on the board that will give you a game winning combo. I think there are no "bad" teams.
I'm not sure there's a best generic team, but if you want to prevent the Villains from playing cards ever, then Legacy, Tempest, Nightmist and Argent Adept is a strong team.
Mr. Fixer, Omnitron X, Argent Adept and Tempest is another good one, because it lets you play Grease Gun every turn. You want Mr. Fixer to go first and Omnitron X to go last.
So far, my best game has come from Bunker: Engine of War, Haka, the Wraith, and TLT. Wraith focuses on keeping control of the villain deck, TLT basically just lets everyone draw, Bunker charges up his beast of an Omnicannon, and Haka charges up his Haka of Battle. Took down a full health Plague Rat in one (later) round. Beautiful.
I destroyed Adavanced Enead once using that exact team except swapping Fixer for Tempest. Yeah some grease gun, take down, binding whatever its called with trash recursion made them basically just mill around and get stomped.
I randomed that team up once, and I was just stunned about how well that game played out. (I think it was against the Matriarch, too.) That's definitely high on the list for pure power. It works very cleanly. Legacy and/or Nightmist play Take Down and/or Mistbound to stop the villain from playing cards. Tempest can contribute to that effort by using Into the Stratosphere as well, which generally has the same effect. Then, Tempest and/or Argent Adept can play Reclaim from the Deep and/or Vernal Sonata, to get the appropriate cards back into the right hands. In addition to everything else these guys can do. If you can get the timing right, fewer than two plays a round could probably lock the villain from playing cards pretty much forever.
I imagine the Scholar could sub in for the Argent Adept with Don't Dismiss Anything, though the Adept's general support is probably slightly more helpful to this particular goal.
This is close to what I want to suggest – the high-card-draw team. TLT and any of the following, who thrive on having cards (Bunker, Haka, Scholar, NightMist). To go a little further, make it Eternal Haka, Scholar, and NightMist and watch Haka get his whole deck into his hand.
If you run across something that forces a lot of discard (curse you Dreamer!) this engine can be severly dampened, but it allows The Scholar to get out a fleet of Elementals, it allows NightMist and Tachyon to deal w/ environment and ongoings, gives you three incredible tanks (Haka, NightMist, Scholar), and two incredible big attackers (Haka, Tachyon).
The biggest weakness of this team is that there is little way to shut down the villain play and/or stack the villain deck, though I may be misremembering what NightMist does/does not have available.
Nightmist has Astral Premonition, which lets you reveal the top two cards of any deck and place one on the top and one on the bottom. I think that's about all she's got as far as deck control goes (other than Mistbound which stops cards from that deck being played altogether, of course).
Aha! Those two are both fantastic. I am even more enamored, now, of the high-card-draw team.
I was considering swapping out Wraith for Nightmist from my TLT teams above, though to me Wraith wins out for the leg up she has in damage (I think it's safe to say that most games Wraith will deal more damage, though Nightmist has at least one surprising damage combo).
The thing about making the strongest team is you almost have to include TLT, because the extra card draw covers pretty much any hero's weakness, even if you're not building a team specifically around card draw. But if you include TLT, you could put almost any other 3 with her to have an insanely strong team :-p
While I would be the LAST person to say that Team Leader Tachyon is not very good, I don't think that every team needs to have her. For heros like the Scholar, Expatriette, and Absolute Zero, perhaps, but I find any good support hero can be a fulcrum for a well-balanced team. Legacy's force multiplication powers are very good, and Argent Adept allowing for extra plays is fantastic.
So, I'm thinking that the best team is a balanced team. One Support booster, one who can deal damage to a lot of people, one who can deal a lot of damage to one person, and one who can control the villian deck/deal with pesky ongiong and environment cards.
I really like these people, for instance
Argent Adept, Scholar, Greatest Legacy, Ra
Argent Adept can allow for card play out of turn, allowing for Scholar to sometimes draw 5 cards at once. Geatest legacy can allow for use of out of turn powers and healing, which can get off the chain for Scholar if he's set up. Ra can simply just deal out the damage, either to many targets or to one big one.
But honestly, what I love about this game is that there are no clear OP heroes. It's all about the interaction between them.
I saw this trio in action once, and their synergy got stomped on by Kismet, but they still won.
Greatest Legacy, Argent Adept, and Omnitron-X. Omnitron helps the Adept get out all of his stuff, then Greatest Legacy makes sure he gets two opportunities to play his best songs. Argent Adept repays the favor and makes sure the other two do really awesome things. Anybody can play the fourth; I'm thinking Unity would be really good, to reap the benefits of extra plays.