What does everyone think the best card is and why?
I think Impromptu Invention is because it essentially puts you a full turn ahead and allows you to bring out your best equipment for whatever job you want The Wraith to do.
Yeah. that’s a great one, no arguement there.
But I also really like Tempest’s “Reclaim from the Deep”
“Imbue Fire” and “Inspirational Presence” are also really, really good. I’d probably have to go with Inspirational Presence as the best single card, if I had to pick one.
I’m very partial to the cards with enormous damage potential, like Wrathful Retribution, Omni-Cannon, and Tachyon’s big single-target damager, the name is escaping me at the moment.
You mean like when you have 13 bursts in the trash already, you have the goggles allowing two plays, you have a oneshot burst allowing two more plays, and you have all three of those cards you were refering to?
Oh yeah. That’s fun times.
Oh wow, I didn’t realize Tachyon was actually capable of that. There are just so many cards to choose from. I’ll say End of Daysm because it allows everyone to start out fresh, inluding Villian and environment.
My favorite card? Citizen Anvil.
Oh, gee, I wonder why.
The Tachyon card in question is Lightspeed Barrage and it is super awesome. In fact, Tachyon currently holds the record for “most damage in a single turn” of any hero in the game; Christopher once had HUD Google and Pushing The Limits in play, allowing him to play all 3 Lightspeed Barrages in a single turn. He also had his entire deck in his Trash, and an Obsidian Field was in play. 72 damage.
I think the only way to top that would be with Legacy and Ra’s damage buffs.
I was playing with two friends against Voss, and the only thing that saved us was Bunker’s Turret Mode. That, combined with Flak Cannon and Ra’s card which powers up every attack by 1, was the only thing that saved us. Lightspeed Barrage may be cool and all, but my hat goes off to Turret Mode. Mainly because I had an opportunity to use Lightspeed Barrage against Baron Blade, but I had to discard. I was thoroughly disappointed.
OT: evandan457, your sig just made me laugh inappropriately at work Good job!
I think Bunker could theoretically top it with his omni-cannon. If you had your entire deck under the cannon except for Omni-cannon itself, 39 x2 = 78 damage. + any damage from buffs or environments. I’ve gotten it up to the mid-50s, but never past that =p Mainly because it’s nice to have some other cards in play.
Also, adding to the growing list of “best” cards, I think Sub-Zero Atmosphere deserves a mention. The amount of damage this card can prevent is pretty incredible, and it’s pretty useful against all villans, though it’s especially good against Voss.
That actually has me curious about Sub-Zero Atmosphere. Does this basically redefine the term “end of turn” as “start of turn”? or does it change the order to “Start of Villain Turn” → “End of Villain Turn” → “Play a Villain Card”?
um… huh? I think you’re making it more complicated than it is.
Remember, sequence goes:
- Start of Villan Turn
- Play a Villan card
- End of Villan Turn
so under normal circumstances, a villan will play a card… say it’s an Attack Drone. At the end of the villan turn, the attack drone deals his damage. But under Sub-Zero Atmosphere, the start of the villan turn has already passed, so the Drone doesn’t get to attack immidiately. Therefore the heroes have a chance to kill it before it deals any damage, or otherwise prepare.
Yeah, and that’s not the question I was asking. I know that the end of turn actions occur prior to play a villain card with Sub-Zero Atmosphere, I was more curious about how start of turn and end of turn actions relate to each other under these conditions.
I guess I’m a little confused. Could you give an example of the situation in question?
TheJayMann, I follow you entirely. The answer is that, yes, with Sub-Zero Atmosphere in play, there essentially is no “End of Turn” phase anymore, and it is just lumped in with the “Start of Turn” phase. At least, for Villain cards. All of the usual rules about what order cards act in and such apply normally, other than the fact that now all “_____ of Turn” cards essentially now say “Start of Turn”. Does that make sense?
There is a way to do it with Absolute zero and the card that makes all damage Fire Damage.
hm… really? Allright, lets hear it…