The "Boarding Party" Station card has a blue number and symbol opposite the Credits number/symbol, but there's no indication in the rules (that I can see) to say what that's for. Anyone know?
The left number is how many credits the card gives you when it is in your hand. The right symbol says how much the card costs.
Thanks, that makes perfect sense.
The power on the "Boarding Party" card says "Remove 1 Energy from an Opposition ship in this sector. If you do, you may install a Strike Force Tech from the Station directly to your ship." Does that mean I don't have to pay for the Tech card, I can just move it from the Sector (I'm assuming the card meant to say "Sector" instead of "Station") directly to my ship?
Yep, you don't have to pay for it, and you don't have to wait for it to cycle through your deck.
I have seen similar namings on other cards. So not entirely sure which one is correct.
Now, consider this. Boarding Party is a Boost without phase limitations. Therefore, you could theoretically play it before moving in the travel phase, ping a ship, install a Tech from that Sector, and move to another sector to buy stuff. If you do this however, you don;t get the money. You can of course use it after the Requisition phase and get the money, ping, the ship, etc in the new Sector. Just showing you how some of the ideas work together, and some of the decisions you have to make.
I dig it. :)