My father grew up in India and played Cricket, he played beer league softball in America and used to crush anything that was too low.
My only first hand Cricket came in Chicago, the park near us had wickets and I would go watch some of the teams. Have the rules down pretty well, and the Bowling is far more interesting than pitching in Baseball.
But dang, a 3 hour Baseball game pushes my ability to spectate.
I played in an intermural whiffle ball league (college), a couple years ago, and all the Indian guys held the bat like they were playing cricket. Whiffle ball is baseball where the ball is designed to fly really slowly, and makes a whistling sound as it flies. It is a sport for kids usually, which is why we could play it without signing anything and we played it indoors
I got a chance to play the game with Darrell & co. at PAX East, and it's a ton of fun. Especially since I took down two of Paul's brothers in a row with my ace pitchers =) the last game went to bases loaded, 2 outs, full count!
I need to get better at the pitchers. I got beat by a damn Australian twice in a row as the pitcher and he had Silverleaf-like knowledge of baseball (read: didn't know a thing about it before playing the game)
I find the fatigue track a really smart way to manage pitchers being able to go to their best pitch very often. I've really been enjoying the PnP, can't wait to see more characters for it
looks like they just got up to the sentinels of the ninth. hopefully once they announce this strech goal I can see if I can get the money together. Sentinels in baseball. yay.
I haven't played it yet, but I have to pre-emptively agree with this. It does look like a fun, solid game that I'm excited about playing. It also already includes at least one expansion for Kickstarter backers. I'm really hoping they make the Sentinels stretch goal, but I do think it'll be a good game regardless.
I have my print and play pretty much ready to go, so I'm hoping to try it out soon.