It has nothing to do with cards being discarded from the top of a deck - those cards would not be entering play.
But as others have pointed out Buffer Overflow's card wording says "when a villain card would enter play, you may discard it instead..."
The "instead" should prevent the card from entering play at all.
Can't say I agree with this ruling.
Doesn't it though? So is the wording of "instead" on Buffer Overflow going to be retconned or will all instances of "instead" clauses be getting similar treatment to the Buffer Overflow ruling?
when a villain card would enter play, you may discard it instead...This seems to me that the Instead part of Buffer Overflow is never allowed to occur. If it does in fact occur, and the ruling is that cards that are indestructible have that text active even while still in the deck, it follows that any indestructible cards should be unable to be discarded from the deck as well.
I do see a discrepency here. It's either Buffer Overflow is being ruled as a specific case (which would nessesitate errata of some kind), or the rules of indestructible cards is now being expanded upon.
Agreed. I was too hasty. Buffer Overflow should be able to discard indestructible cards before they enter play and gain the indestructible attribute.
And thus the Multiverse was saved again, thanks to the forumites!
In before Christopher smokebombs away.
I think you like MigrantP taking all the heat on some of these and then come in to save the day. Just like a villain pretending to be a hero
Oh no! Powerhound has me figured out! Guess I'd better prove bobbertoriley correct!
*smoke bomb*
MP is a true Hero in his own right. The crap he has to put up with on this forum? Man deserves a medal.
Not just here, you should see some of the stuff they up to over on the steam and handelabra forums.
Those of us who used to fight to get official rules answers, and then try to parse Christopher's answers into functional game mechanics, really understand that the work Handelabra does is no clean process.
As one of the forumites most prone to ranting about rules, I appreciate all the steps that we go through to get things to a good point.
Glad this ruling changed.
I'm really looking forward to OblivAeon, and all of the new and exciting rules discussions it will prompt.
It breaks everything or maybe it doesn't who knows.
Good lord. Truer words may not have ever been spoken.