I hope this is the proper place for this question.
Card text: At the start your turn, you may put up to 3 cards fro your hand beneath this card Power: Destroy all cards beneath this card. Bunker deals 1 Target X energy damage where x= 2 times the number of cards destroyed.
Does Bunker have to use the cannon the same round he charges up? And if not, can he charge for multiple rounds (placing up to 3 cards each round)?
I know which way I lean, but I was just curious as to the official ruling on the card.
Charging the cannon is an optional action that is taken at the beginning of the turn. The ability to fire the cannon is an added power, and is not required, and is not allowed if you decide to use another power (unless a card has allowed multiple powers per turn).
TheJayMann has it right - you may CHOOSE to put cards beneath Omni-Cannon, as is listed on the card, and you never have to use a power, just because you have access to it. Therefore, the cannon can be powered up over multiple turns for additional damage.
Along the same line I also have a question on this card. It says"At the start your turn, you may put up to 3 cards fro your hand beneath this card" Does this mean I can put up to three EACH turn? We played last night and a buddy of mine had 12 cards underneath Omni-Blast, so does this mean he can do 24 points of damage or can you only do six max?
Exactly. You can charge that up until you run out of cards, if you want. And then you destroy all of them, dealing twice as much damage as cards destroyed. Big damage, if you can afford the time and cards.