Characters taking attacks for other characters

Three rule questions (that came up during the first RevoCorp Oceanic event in Melbourne):

1) When Citizen Truth becomes the "defender", what specifically does that entail? Specifically against Proletariat's abilities that have "Push 1" - who gets pushed, Citizen Truth or the original target? It doesn't say "becomes the target" so I'm not 100% sure.

I had been playing it as Citizen Truth taking the damage, but all other aspects of the attack (including range, line-of-sight requirements, push, etc) being treated as though it was affecting the original target, but I'm not 100% sure if that's right, and couldn't find clarification anywhere.

2) Baron Blade's Regression Bursts only has its effect against "characters", who are defined in the rulebook as players with health and power cards. If Baron Blade uses regression burst against Citizen Dawn, and then Citizen Truth takes the attack (and takes any amount of damage) does Dawn have to pick up her power cards?

This one didn't actually come up, but I would definitely have ruled that Dawn had to pick up her cards. Is that wrong?

3) When there's a "When an ally is attacked" power (most noteably Legacy and Citizen Truth, but definitely including others) when exactly do they make that decision? Before or after the dice are rolled?

I consistently went with "before dice are rolled" because otherwise I think it's overpowered, but again - would like to know before the rest of the tournament's events.

1.  Damage and all effects are resolved against truth, but line of sight and range are against the original target.

2.  The only time cards are returned to hand is when a character takes damage, if Truth takes the damage, Dawn would not, so she wouldn't pick up cards.

3.  This one I am uncertain of, but it should be before dice are rolled.

FWIW, I agree w/ phantaskippy on all three.



Doesn't directly address all aspects of your question (specifically whether or not push affects Truth or the original target), but I think it's reasonable to infer that push affects Truth.

Phantaskippy is correct on all three, including the one he was uncertain about! Before dice are rolled, certainly!

Thanks guys!