As we implement the rules of SotM in the video game we often have discussions with Christopher. This post will chronicle the clarifications and decisions made from those discussions, particularly those that are not necessarily well-known.
Keep in mind that because the video game is running on a computer, it has to do things in a consistent way with no ambiguity. On the tabletop, you are not restricted to that! So don’t feel like you need to do things exactly the same way on the tabletop. The most important thing is to have fun!
I’ll be updating this post periodically with new things. Feel free to add this information to other FAQs, etc, and consider it “official.” If you have any questions or concerns, please create a new thread in this forum specific to your question.
Without further ado, here are the goods!
Police Backup does not prevent the discard; i.e. there is no implied “instead.”
If all non-incapacitated heroes have a card in hand, they can activate Hostage Situation.
Bunker’s second incapacitated ability is changed in the video game to: “Select a hero. Reduce the next damage that would be dealt to that hero by 2.” It now works the same as The Wraith’s innate power.
Card effects that have an expiry date (e.g. “until the start of your next turn”) survive the destruction of the originating card. Effects that do not have an expiry date go away after the card is destroyed.
“Reveal” and “Look at” mean the same thing.
When Baron Blade flips, any MDPs in play are not destroyed, but simply leave play. So a card like Ammo Drop does not get to activate in response.
If something is looking for a target with the second highest HP, and there is only one candidate, the attack fizzles.
Highlander rule: there can be only one target with the highest HP. If two targets are tied, the players decide which is the highest and which is the second highest.
When a hero is incapacitated, cards which react to card destruction do not activate.
Cards under other cards (like Omni-Cannon) are considered in play (but have no text) unless the card on top says otherwise. For Omni-Cannon in particular, those cards are in play but they did not enter play (because of magic). When they get put under Omni-Cannon, “when a card enters play” triggers do not apply. Cards under other cards count for the hero they belong to when considering “the hero with the most cards in play” because they still belong to the deck they came from. For example, if a Raptor Bot is under Savage Mana, the Raptor Bot is included in Unity's count of cards in play.
Divine Sacrifice and Stun Bolt do not require the target to take damage in order to get the extra effect. If the damage is redirected, the ultimate target gets the extra effect.
Players can “mix and match” the damage orders from Technological Singularity. In the video game for simplicity, it happens per hero.
Technological Singularity damages each of The Sentinels hero character cards based on the number of The Sentinels equipment cards. Ouch!
A Limited card cannot be intentionally played when another copy of it is already in play.
In the video game, the “common” incapacitated abilities of all heroes have been made consistent with one another. Sometimes this is a small material difference from the printed card. They are as follows:
One Hero may use a Power now.
One Player may draw a card now.
One Player may play a card now.
One Hero target regains 1 HP.
When card text says “hero” (not “hero target”) it’s shorthand for “hero character card.”
For River of Lava, Hostage Situation, and similar cards: all of the players must take the action (e.g. discard the top 3 cards of your deck), or none of them.
You can choose to not do the 2nd damage on Grenade Launcher (2 projectile) and still do the 3rd damage (1 projectile).
The Visionary gets to make different Twist the Ether decisions for every instance of damage, even if it’s one source damaging multiple targets. She can also change her mind on Twist the Ether decisions after damage is redirected.
You are allowed to play cards that go next to another card when there are no applicable cards to do so (for example, Wrest the Mind with no non-character targets in play). The card goes to the trash but is not destroyed.
When playing Rampage, the players may not mix up the damage dealing to non-hero targets and hero targets. It’s first 5 to all non-hero targets, then 2 to all hero targets.
Cards in the Self-Destruct Sequence countdown pile work like other cards under cards. They are still considered environment cards and can be destroyed by Flash Flood, etc. The countdown is aborted if there are at least H + 2 cards in the pile.
When Forced Deployment triggers, the cards enter play from the trash in order from the top of the trash to the bottom.
Cards that restore HP are unaffected by effects that increase/decrease HP gain. For example, Aegis of Resurrection is unaffected by Phosphorescent Chamber.
If Fanatic has less than 3 cards left and plays Wrathful Retribution, she still has to discard the cards but does not get to deal damage.
If there are multiple cards interested in a card’s destruction, they all happen (in player decided order) even if the card gets put under another card. For example, if Haka destroys Pterodactyl Thief with Savage Mana in play, Pterodactyl Thief can go under Savage Mana and then the thief’s cards return to the owners’ hands.
If a card with a “you may use an additional power this turn” effect is played outside of your turn, or on your turn after the power phase, you immediately use a power (or skip). If it’s played on your turn before the power phase, you must wait until the power phase to use it.
Freedom Six Tempest may not destroy his own character card.
If Fanatic is incapacitated after playing Divine Sacrifice, its redirection effect goes away. Damage dealt by those targets is no longer affected.
If The Super Scientific Tachyon chooses a deck with one card in it, the card is discarded.
The Super Scientific Tachyon gets to decide the order in which the two cards she reveals are played or discarded.
If the Wraith has Combat Stance in play and is incapacitated by damage, Combat Stance is removed from play before its effect can occur.
If two Meteor Storms are in play, skipping your turn only destroys one of them.
If The Wraith has Stealth active, and something does 0 damage to her, it does not use up the temporary damage reduction. If something does 1 damage, but there is another effect that reduces damage by 1, she can choose the order of operations such that it becomes 0 damage and does not use up the temporary damage reduction.
If a temporary damage reduction is used to pass a redirection test (e.g. Driving Mantis), then it gets used up even though no damage would have been dealt to that target.
Ambuscade’s trap cards can never enter play.
If a trap card is on top of the deck when a card is being played from the top of the deck, the trap’s effect happens first.
If Rook City Wraith uses Sleuth when environment cards cannot be played, the revealed card must be discarded.
---------- Rook City Updates ----------
If The Wraith cannot deal damage, she can still use Stun Bolt to apply the “reduce all damage dealt by” effect to a target.
Supercooled Trisolvent Vat does not trigger on hero cards being played by other means than “the player.” For example, an effect like “play the top card of a hero deck” will not trigger the Vat’s response.
If PL602 Compound Omicron is in play and Spite has other damage reduction as well, the players can decide whether PL602’s reduction gets used up by choosing the order of operations. Note: this choice is not available in the app yet.
When Spite flips, the players can decide the order of operations between Spite and Safe House. Often this means you can control how much damage Spite takes to some degree.
Driving Mantis only activates once per turn. What this means is that you only get one chance to say yes/no to redirecting damage to Mr. Fixer. For example, if Mr. Fixer will take 2 instances of damage in a turn, you cannot say NO to the first damage and YES to the second damage, as you have already missed your chance. Answering yes/no to the question uses it up. However, if you have a choice between Driving Mantis and Wrest The Mind, and you choose Wrest The Mind and redirect the damage, then Driving Mantis was never "asked" to be used, so it can still be used that turn.
Jack Handle effectively cancels the original damage, and causes a new set of damage dealing instance to all non-hero targets with the original damage amount/type/irreducibility.
Dual Crowbars works somewhat like Isothermic Transducer. The final damage dealt from the first instance of damage forms the initial amount/type/irreducibility of the second instance of damage. That means you can benefit twice from damage increases.
Hoist Chain stacks like Stun Bolt if Mr. Fixer damages the same target more than once.
If a “reveal” operation is interrupted, e.g. by an Ambuscade trap incapacitating the revealing hero, the revealed cards go back where they came from in the order that they were before.
Targets that are in the process of being destroyed (e.g. Explosives Wagon, Sonic Mine, other devices via Charged Attacks) can still be targeted and take more damage. (Note: in the video game we plan to put such targets behind the “Show All Targets” button)
If a card is damaging the X lowest HP targets, and in the middle of doing that a new lowest HP target appears, the targeting does not change. The originally chosen X targets are damaged. If a target disappears in the middle, the damage to that target fizzles and does not re-target.
When a card enters play, the following order of things occurs.
- Ongoing effects on the card become applicable.
- Cards that react to other cards entering play now act.
- One-time effects on the card happen.
A well-known example of this is Informant. Suppose Informant and Combat Stance are in play and Legacy plays Inspiring Presence.
- Damage dealt by hero targets is now increased by 1.
- Informant causes The Chairman to play a card. Suppose it’s Undivided Attention, damaging The Wraith. Combat Stance reacts and its damage is increased by 1 due to Inspiring Presence.
- All hero targets regain 1 HP.
Another example: Supercooled Trisolvent Vat and Synaptic Interruption. Suppose damage dealt to Tachyon is increased by 2. When Tachyon plays Synaptic Interruption, the Vat does 3 cold damage to Tachyon. Tachyon may redirect the damage and destroy Synaptic Interruption.
Damage aimed at the lowest or highest target looks for the lowest or highest non-destroyed target.
Once something is in the process of being destroyed, it will be destroyed. That includes being healed back to positive HP and becoming indestructible. Yes, even Fixed Point.
There is an exception to the order of operations ruling relating to reacting to damage being dealt. A card (or cards belonging to a hero/villain) that reacts to damage being dealt to it reacts before other cards do. The card dealing the damage and other interested cards happen afterwards and can be ordered by player choice.
Example: Suppose Mr. Fixer has Dual Crowbars and Bloody Knuckles in play. Omnitron has Adaptive Plating Subroutine but is not immune to anything yet. Mr. Fixer uses Strike to hit Omnitron for 3 melee damage. Omnitron's HP goes down by 3. Then, by this ruling, the text on Adaptive Plating Subroutine must react first and make Omnitron immune to melee damage. Then, the text on Dual Crowbars reacts and Mr. Fixer can deal damage to another target. Without this ruling, you could use Synaptic Interruption and careful ordering to hit Omnitron twice before it becomes immune to melee damage.
The wording on Superhuman Durability says “whenever Legacy would be dealt 5 or more damage” but does not get evaluated at the same time as other “would be dealt damage” effects. Instead, it gets evaluated with increase/reduce effects. This card, and any card that has a condition on the amount of damage and itself modifies the damage amount, are a special case.
Expatriette’s Ammo cards can be played without a gun in play. If that happens, the Ammo card goes to the trash (but is not destroyed).
Unload dynamically grants powers equal to the number of guns in play. For example, if Expatriette uses her innate power to play a gun card, it grants her an extra power. If you play Unload with no guns in play, you lose the power that you would normally have.
Shock Rounds text is adjusted to say “The first time that card’s power is used to damage a target, Expatriette deals each non-hero target 1 lightning damage. After that power is used, destroy this card.” This clarifies that the lightning damage only happens once.
If Mr. Fixer plays Overdrive more than once on a turn, he still only gets to use “Strike” twice in total on that turn.
Hairtrigger Reflexes + Forced Deployment (or Darken the Sky) cannot cause an infinite loop. All of the minions are first selected and removed from the trash, and played. New minions entering the trash during Forced Deployment’s effect are not returned.
If an ammo card is next to a gun card and the gun card is destroyed, the ammo card remains in play.
The Operative’s text is adjusted to say “When The Operative would be destroyed, her character card flips instead.” This clarifies that she behaves like Baron Blade, and Sucker Punch does not lead to shenanigans.
For the second instance of damage, Dual Crowbars is only restricted from selecting the target that was the final result of the first instance of damage (after all redirects).
Assuming a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, it takes 3 parsecs for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick all of the seeds out of a dill pickle.
If Twist the Ether is next to a card that deals irreducible damage, you can choose to reduce the damage (which does nothing).
If Infection is played while all active heroes are infected, and Fixed Point is in play, then Infection stays in play in Plague Rat’s play area.
Infection’s text is adjusted to say “When this card is played, if all active heroes are Infected, move this card to the Villain trash and play the top card of the Villain deck.” This clarifies that the card is not destroyed or discarded, just moved. (Updated wording later: see below)
Blighted Street’s text is adjusted to say “After this card is destroyed, play the top card of the Villain deck.” This means it does not increase damage during that card play.
Afflicted Frenzy text is adjusted to say “if that Hero target is Infected...” This clarifies that incapacitated heroes do not deal damage because of Afflicted Frenzy.
---------- Infernal Relics Updates ----------
The Chairman is the source of the retaliatory damage on his “Chairman Pike” side.
If Anubis is not in play at the end of the environment turn, no damage is dealt and Judgement of Anubis is destroyed.
Chemical Explosion is updated to read: “Deal each target X toxic damage, where X = the number of Vat cards destroyed by this card plus 3.” This clarifies that it’s only about vats.
Urshe plays cards in the order they are revealed.
Rules of Malediction is updated to read: “After this card is destroyed” instead of “When this card is destroyed” to simplify timing issues. Similar updates will be made to other cards in the future.
Apostate’s front side is updated to read: “If Apostate would be destroyed…”
Apostate’s flip mechanics work as follows.
- On the front side, suppose he would be destroyed and there is a villain relic in play. The destruction is cancelled, the lowest HP villain relic is destroyed, and he flips. He’ll end up at 20 HP due to the text on his back side.
- On the back side, suppose he would be dealt damage that would bring him to 0 HP or less and there is a villain relic in play. The damage is cancelled, the highest HP villain relic is destroyed, and he flips. This leaves him at the same HP he was before he flipped.
If Runes of Malediction is destroyed and there are more demons in the trash than H, the players get to choose which cards come into play, and the order in which they come into play. This works differently from Forced Deployment where ALL minions come into play. If players are selecting a set number of things to return, they can pick the order, but not when ALL are returned.
Shock Rounds’ text is updated again to read: “The first time that card’s power is used to damage any target, Expatriette deals each non-hero target 1 lightning damage. After that power is used, destroy this card.”
The Chairman cannot deal damage if he has been destroyed. Non-existent targets cannot deal damage.
When Liquid Nitrogen Rounds is used to destroy Sonic Mine, the damage from Sonic Mine is reduced by 1.
You must perform the actions listed on Arcane Cadence in order. If there are fewer than 5 cards in the deck for Arcane Cadence to reveal, you miss out on the actions from the end of the list.
Using Prejudice via the text on Pride counts as a power use. For example, play Embolden on Expatriette. On her turn, use Pride, then use Prejudice as part of that. You have now used two powers, and you’re done. If you were clever and used Prejudice first, then you could use Pride and trigger Prejudice a second time.
Relic Spirit’s text is updated to read: “At the end of the Villain turn, each Relic regains 1 HP. The first time a Relic Spirit is destroyed each turn, move (H) minus 1 Relic cards from the villain trash into play.”
When a Treasure card is in a hero’s play area and they are incapacitated, it stays there. It can be moved when a Trial is next destroyed.
Any cards that let a hero “destroy one of their cards” may not allow the hero to destroy their character card.
The Challenge of Fire allows each player to discard up to 3 cards, even if the total is more than H plus 2.
If you have an additional power use on your turn and have to skip your power phase due to Time Crawls, you don’t get to use a power.
Players can decide the order between Mad Bomber Blade and Hair-trigger Reflexes when a villain target enters play. Expatriette can first damage or destroy the target, then it goes under Blade; or it can go under Blade, and nothing else happens.
If Cedistic Dissonant is used to destroy the instrument that allowed it to be performed, it prevents the “accompany” part of that instrument from occurring.
Dual Crowbars applies both the irreducibility and “unredirectability” of the end result of the first damage to the starting point of the second damage.
If you play a card via Speed Loading, then skip your play and power phases, you do not get to draw an extra card. The rule book says: "If, for any reason, a player neither plays a card nor uses a power on their turn, then they may draw an additional card during their draw phase."
If Time Crawls is destroyed in the play card phase, its effect is removed and you do not have to skip your power phase.
If Oblivion is played and there is only one card in the deck, it does that card’s magic number damage to all targets. No subsequent damage is dealt to all non-hero targets.
The Ennead instructions card does not count as a villain card or as a card in play. It is nothing, but does things.
The wording on Scum & Villainy, Dr. Tremata, and Tony Taurus is updated to read “the Villain character card with the highest HP”.
Players do not get to know the ordering of the character cards under the Shrine of the Ennead.
If a hero takes the damage for Lost Child, and that damage amount is 4, and Collateral Damage is in play, the players can decide the order in which the effects happen. If Lost Child is the only Victim Card in play, a hero taking the 4 damage from Spite could choose to move it under the Safe House and then there would be no Victim Card for Spite to destroy. However, if there were another victim card in play, Spite would get to destroy that one.
When an Ennead character card is moved from under the Shrine of the Ennead, it is a target entering play, but not a card entering play. Hair-trigger Reflexes may activate against it.
The face-down drug cards for Spite: Agent of Gloom are ordered randomly. The order remains constant during the game, so if you flip a face-up card back down, you can remember which one it is for later decisions.
Suppose you are facing Spite: Agent of Gloom and a Good Samaritan is in play. If you choose to play the top card of the villain deck and it is Lab Raid, the card is discarded and damage is dealt instead. Good Samaritan remains in play because no villain card was actually played.
When Mists of Time swaps the deck and trash, the top card of the deck becomes the bottom card of the trash.
One-shots are not considered or counted as “cards in play.” That means Into the Stratosphere or Cedistic Dissonant cannot destroy one-shots that are currently being played.
Treasure cards do not count towards the hero with the most/least cards in play, because they do not belong to a hero.
The cards revealed by Oblivion go into the trash in the same order that they were revealed.
---------- Mini-Pack 2 Updates ----------
When using The Super Scientific Tachyon’s incapacitated ability that reads: “Move the bottom card of a deck to the top of that deck now,” you get to see what the card is.
If NightMist has 1 card in hand while Amulet of the Elder Gods is in play and she would be dealt damage, she can discard the 1 card for no effect. Ground Pound works the same way.
If Self-Destruct Sequence is the last (or second-last) card in the environment deck, it causes a reshuffle. If there 1 or fewer cards left even after a reshuffle, put as many as possible into the countdown pile. If it's empty, you lose!
If the environment trash is empty and something reshuffles the trash into the deck, Akash’bhuta still flips.
In general, if an empty trash is supposed to be shuffled into its deck, you still shuffle the deck.
Suppose you attack Target A with Inferno’s first damage and it gets redirected to Target B. Target A is available for the next damages, and Target B is not (because Inferno says "other").
Suppose Desert’s Wrath is played and the Ennead character dealing damage gets incapacitated in the middle of the damage dealings. The damage dealing stops (another Ennead character does not pick up where they left off).
Spite: Agent of Gloom has new text added on both sides of his character card: “Face-down villain cards are indestructible.” This prevents Cedistic Dissonant and Into the Stratosphere from affecting those cards.
When Apostate's Tome of the Unknowable and Ammo Drop are both in play, Ammo Drop is still able to trigger the Tome's "play a card" effect when the Tome is destroyed. This is due to cards being in play during their own destruction.
Ancient Library: if some situation causes the hero to only draw 1 card, the environment still plays a card.
When there are multiple "when X would be destroyed, do Y instead" effects in play, the players decide which effect occurs. Only one effect can occur. This means that when Unforgiving Wasteland applies to a hero character card, or a villain that would flip instead of being destroyed, the players can choose whether the card flips or is removed from the game.
Unforgiving Wasteland: When a hero is destroyed by an environment target and removed from the game, their cards are still removed from the game as well.
The wording on Infection is changed to read: “Play the top card of the villain deck. Then, move this card to the villain trash.”
An Isolated Hero cannot deal damage to or be dealt damage by any other hero.
Suppose Haka has some of Unity’s cards (typically, mechanical golems) under Savage Mana, and then Haka or Unity becomes an Isolated Hero. If Haka uses the power on Savage Mana, the Unity cards are not destroyed. They stay under Savage Mana.
Hero cards that look for the highest/lowest HP target will ignore hero targets belonging to an Isolated Hero. For example, if Smoke Bombs is in play, it will look for the highest or lowest HP hero targets that do not belong to an Isolated Hero.
If GI Bunker uses his innate power on a target, and an Isolated Hero deals damage to that target, the damage is not made irreducible.
If The Wraith is the only hero target and Smoke Bombs is in play, it does not redirect the damage, but still reduces damage dealt to the Wraith by 1. This also happens if The Wraith is an Isolated Hero.
The damage reduction of Expect the Worst occurs at the same resolution step as damage redirection. That means you cannot choose to reduce the damage to 0 and then apply increase damage effects.
If Throat Jab is played during the start of The Wraith’s turn (due to Spite: Agent of Gloom & a victim), the effect expires at the start of The Wraith's NEXT turn.
If a target would gain HP but the amount it gains is 0, any triggers that happen on HP gain do not occur. This means "gaining 0 HP" does not cause Mortal Form to Energy to "deal 0 damage."
Cards that say “whenever a card is played” or “whenever a card enters play” do not react to Ambuscade's trap cards being flipped up and shuffled into the deck.
Spite: Agent of Gloom is changed to say "Whenever a Lab Raid would enter play" instead of "Whenever a Lab Raid would be played".
Suppose NightMist, Amulet of the Elder Gods, and Citizens Tears and Blood are in play. If Citizen Tears deals damage to NightMist, that damage is increased by the cards NIghtMist discards to redirect the damage using the Amulet.
If Embolden is next to Haka, and Haka or Fanatic becomes an Isolated Hero, then Embolden remains where it is. However, it no longer confers a benefit to Haka. At the end of Haka's turn, Fanatic cannot deal damage to Haka so Embolden is destroyed.
However, Wrest the Mind and Twist the Ether work differently due to their text. Once either hero become isolated, these cards no longer have a valid target next to them and so are destroyed.
Suppose Explosive Bubbles is at full HP and we have selected the 5 targets with the highest HP. If Explosive Bubbles hits Ra first, and he has Flame Barrier, Ra hits the bubbles back for 2 HP. At this point, Explosive Bubbles will hit 2 more targets. You need to re-evaluate the 2 highest HP targets from the subset of originally chosen highest HP targets. Note: this is not yet fixed in the video game, but will be in a later update.
Suppose Hair-trigger Reflexes is in play and The Matriarch plays a Fowl card. Expatriette may choose to deal damage to the Fowl card before the top card of the villain deck is played. Note: this is not yet fixed in the video game, but will be in a later update.
The Scholar of the Infinite's innate power only considers cards discarded by The Scholar himself. The wording on the cards matter for agency. For example, consider Miss Information's card "Missing Resources." Suppose you choose to reveal the top card of The Scholar's deck. Any cards The Scholar then discards will count toward his innate power. However, the revealed card is discarded by Miss Information, and so it does not count toward the innate power. Another example: cards discarded by The Super Scientific Tachyon's innate power do not count.
The Scholar of the Infinite's innate power deals damage first to The Scholar, then to 1 target. You may not choose another order. The Scholar can choose himself as the second target.
Tachyon a Synaptic Interruption in play. She plays Lightspeed Barrage to deal damage to herself, then redirects it to another target so that Synaptic Interruption is destroyed. The Synaptic Interruption now in the trash counts towards the damage dealt by Lightspeed Barrage (effectively increasing it by 1).
Mr. Fixer is an Isolated Hero and plays Grease Gun. When a non-hero target tries to deal damage to a hero target, and cannot, this does not count as “affecting another hero."
On Apostate's flip side, the "reduced to 0 HP" check occurs before Apostate would be destroyed. This means that Unforgiving Wasteland cannot trigger in this case.
If a hero is removed from the game by Unforgiving Wasteland, the value of "H" does not change.
Update to previous ruling: if an Ammo card is played but there are no Guns in play, the Ammo card goes to the trash but is not destroyed.
When incapacitated Geb has each player put the top card of their deck on the bottom of their deck, the players can look at the cards.
"Explosion" in the Lab card text is updated to replace "hero" with "player".
Proverbs and Axioms: players may choose to neither gain HP or deal themselves damage and use a power.
Fanatic must choose a positive integer for Sacrosanct Martyr.
---------- Shattered Timelines, Wrath of the Cosmos, & Mini-Pack 3 Updates ----------
(see replies below)
Last Updated: July 25, 2016 (massive update)