Complexity of Shattered Timelines heroes

Well, thanks to the success of getting her question on villain difficulty answered, my daughter was wondering about the complexity of the heroes in Shattered Timelines. Any thoughts from the play testers?

They are both level 2 heroes. Just about the middle ground of complexity, but both very fun.

Nevermind... I'm an idiot. For some reason I read infernal Relics. Err. Disregard. 

Thanks how about the Scholar?

He's probably a high 2 or low 3. He's very powerful and nigh-indestructible, but requires constant managements of how many cards you can keep out, because you need to discard cards to fuel his main ongoing cards.

Yeah, I think the Scholar will show up as a 3, since he is not exactly straightforward.  He's powerful, though.

Omnitron-X and Chrono-Ranger are 2s. 

Would anyone care to offer difficulties for the new environments, just to round this off?

Time Cataclysm is pretty easy; it blocks healing and some damage, which puts a damper on several bosses (but also heroes that rely a lot on healing, like Nightmist or Absolute Zero), and has one card in particular that makes heroes like Mister Fixer and, to an extent, Tachyon and Omnitron-X REALLY powerful. like, WAY broken.


The Block is a bit harder. Lots of targets in it, and they play themselves and destroy themselves a lot. They actually fight amongst themselves, which is neat.


Silver Gulch is, in general, pretty easy, and even has a few cards that are either directly beneficial or at least not a threat. It does have an instant-lose condition, although it's a lot harder to fulfil than Mars'.


The Final Wasteland is actually not that bad. Just a lot of fairly low-health, hard-hitting monsters.

Aha! So that's what the Scholar does! One must feed the beast, Seymour, and the power shall come.