How awesome would it be if GTG made a spin-off game to SOTMV where you played as villians agianst a hero? Playing as Ambuscade, Citizen Dawn, and The Chairman agianst the Robot Army of Unity or a rampaging Haka... (insert continued rant here)
Considering that they already created shattered timelines which BASICALLY does this, Ithink a full game would be amazing.
Omnitron and Unity are very similar in terms of ability. You could definitely make a Omnitron equivalent to the Unity deck.
Legacy was already made a villian in Shattered Timelines.
As for Visionary, she could either use her psychic powers to control the hero's abilities to benefit herself (the hero with the highest HP takes the number of Heroes + 1 damage due to telepathic control, or turning every attack into phsycic damage and having a card that heals her with psychic damge) or an ambuscade style invinciblity due to "psycic barrier". The Visionary could also be in a "Hero Team" like The Ennead, where she supports the other heros.
Really, there shouldn't be any problem converting heros and villians, as proven with shattered timelines.
I'd like to think I support and further good in the world, but sometimes you just want to be bad. Games give you that chance.
There has been, and always will be, debates on if people are inherintly good or evil. I think people want to play villians so that they can feel the evil side without worry.
And honestly, villians not only get awesome costumes, but they get some of the best toys too. Just look at Ambuscade. ;3
I would join in, but it would be just too hard to pick just 1 favorite look of hero and villains. Well Villain not so much, I think I would have to pick Dawn. As for the rest of the villains and all the heroes I couldn't pick anything in any order. I could pick the heroes I think coolest of all heroes so far. Absolute Zero, EW Absolute Zero, Expatriette, Fanatic, Redeemer Fanatic, Youngest Legacy, Mr. Fixer, NightMist, Omniton-X, Horus Ra, Team Leader Tachyon, Tempest, Unity, Golem Unity, Dark Visionary, Wraith, and Freedom Wraith. Dawn would also be added to that list for just overall look of characters.
As an aside, my friends and I are working on making a couple of villain decks designed to be played against a set of played hero decks (a la the Black Secret expansion for Ghost Stories, if any of you are familiar). When we have a good-looking balance, I'll post 'em.
It's funny, I'm fairly certain that Visionary is going to be a villain twice... I mean, she's already sort of a villain as the Dreamer, but I think it's fairly safe to say that Dark Visionary is going to be a villain at some point, and I pray for our souls once she is...
I do not think she will be a "villain" in the same sense that Iron Legacy is. But I agree with you. Her mere presence is not a good sign at all and will probably lead to some rather bad things.
Hmm… I must admit, that would be a shame. She'd make a very scary villain deck. To be honest, if anything could really take down the sentinels for good, I think Dark Visionary would be it. I mean, she can turn them against one another, use their own knowledge and skill against themselves, cripple them with doubt and hesitation… psychics are always scary, because there is no real defense against someone who can get into your head (which is why it always bothered me that Visionary didn't deal irreducable damage with her one-shots: "I telepathically attack your mind." "My armor protects me from it." "Wait, what?")
I feel like Dark Visionary should get her own villain deck at some point, and I'll be disappointed if she doesn't. Visionary is basically Jean Grey after all, and Dark Visionary is clearly styled after Dark Pheonix. It only makes sense that the Sentinels are going to have to deal with her at some point, and it's going to be one hell of a fight.
I think there is a pretty easy way to get past that cognitive dissonance with a lot of heroes.
Haka's Ta Moko quote remarks about his incredible fortitude and overall "manliness" in general. Being so old, he would probably have a very different psychological perspective than the average person, and may have come up with some chants in his head if he's being invaded mentally.
Legacy's Fortitude represents his tough skin, but he also has an aura of charisma that makes people physically better individuals. I could easily see him superhumanly steeling his will against psychic attack with Fortitude being a "catch-all" of him having durability against many mental and physical attacks.
Wraith's Stealth (and Stealth Bot's DR) really embodies "out of sight, out of mind". If there is a battle going on, it would be quite easy to lose focus on psychic attacks against her if she hid in the shadows and had to deal with other heroes while smoke filled the field.
Bunker's Heavy Plating is a stretch, but we have no idea what kind of psychic defense training the military is implementing these days.
Tempest's Otherworldly Resilience could easily be mental and physical in nature, since we're not 100% sure on everything Maerynians are capable of doing.
Fixer's Pipe Wrench may be a focus for incredible mental fortitude when assuming his various styles.
Argent Adept employs magic, so I experience very little frustration with Counterpoint Bulwark being a catch all.
Omnitron-X has future tech that specifically counters Psychic damage, so that works out fine for me.
As for Villains, Baron Blade is a genius. We have no idea how "Living" his "Living Force Field" is.
We don't know Truth's powerset, so we're not sure of his DR's nature.
The Gene-Bound Guard's very existence gives all villains DR, so I don't know what kind of powers they're implementing.
Plague Rat's Bestial Vitality could easily represent him being too scattered and feral to manipulate too heavily on a psychic level.
I can only imagine what Spite's Drug cards do to his mind.
The Crooked Cops represent themselves as the front lines while the Underbosses avoid direct contact for the most part.
Huginn and Muninn may actually be the Norse ravens of legend, and The Matriarch's powerset involves Psychic powers (which would be horrible if they were all Irreducible damage effects).
Nuit protects with the powers of a God, so that could probably go toe-to-toe with Psychic abilities.
Gloomweaver's Zombies gain their DR from supernatural means, and they're mindless Zombies.
Apostate has mystical Relics that can survive the Biblical Apocalypse, so their DR may very well be able to handle any form of attack against them.
Akash'Bhuta is nature itself, so I can understand Visionary being unable to completely dominate her on a Psychic level.
Ambuscade's DR could easily include an alloy that prevents Psychic invasion (like Magneto's helmet preventing Professor X's ability to read his mind).
The Dark Hero is protecting Projections from a little girl's psyche, so there wouldn't be much to psychically override (Visionary deals extra damage to The Dreamer, though, but that doesn't really help obtain a quick victory).
Siege-Breaker's origin is unknown, so we don't know the level of defense his powered armor gives.
Iron Legacy has the same powerset as Legacy (but more deadly).
Miss Information isn't even known as a villain for most of the game, so her DR could easily represent her misdirecting the heroes and covering her schemes, giving Visionary less incentive to utilize her full Psychic abilities.
Your mileage may vary on these perspectives (and a few of them are a bit apologetic, I'll admit), but I'd prefer a rationalization rather than splitting up specialized DR across multiple cards (Little O aside) and applying so much logic to the game that reducing one damage is like pulling teeth to obtain. Plus, making all of Visionary's Psychic damage Irreducible would be world shatteringly OP, and make it even harder for her to not accidentally obliterate The Dreamer.
Sure, but doesn't she tend to target villains? We don't need to justify how her attacks on the heroes work until there is a full-on villain Dark Visionary (which I rather hope there is - it opens the door to some cool card ideas, and poor Vanessa deserves a nemesis you might actually want a damage boost against), we don't need to justify the mechanics of her attacks, because we don't know the mechanics of her attacks.
Though, to be fair, maybe Siege-Breaker has great wells of hidden strength, too. Possibly related to the time he used his trusty Gravity Halberd to keep a race of extradimensional conquerors from siezing control of Earth through the time rift created at Castle Black Table.
Although, to be fair, I think the biggest question is how she gives relics and robots* cerebral hemorrhages at all. But at this point, I'm drifting into a different thread.
* Which, I just decided, will be the name of my RPG, if I ever make. Yes, regardless of subject matter.