I could see how Absolute Zero worked quickly. i've played tons of cardgames over the years: Magic, Battletech, Warhammer Invasion, Dragonball Z, Lotr LCG,...
But he's hard to get going, very hard especially when playing with 2 and you each only play 1 hero.
Bunker is easy and cool. Ra is ridicuoulously easy to get going.
But we were above all surprised by Unity. My friend played her and she's insanely good if you manage to spam those drones...
Played three games since last time. Once more a game against my brother. And then today 2 more games. Ambuscade got defeated once more today. Voss however... whooped our (beeps) with casual ease :)
I must say Bunker, Expatriette (sp?) (the gunslinger) and Silver Argent are all three excellent chars.
Thematically I like them all. Most people agree that Bunker and Expatriette are two of the weakest characters in the game currently, while Argent Adept is one of the strongest. I encourage you to try all the heroes multiple times and find out who you like. I think I'm the only one here (on the forums) who counts Fanatic as among their favorite characters, but I just think she's awesome. Tempest is very fun for me too.
You're not the only Fanatic Fan, awp! As for Bunker and Expatriette, I don't think they are weak. Maybe less versatile than other heroes, maybe more focused, but they outshine other heroes often in my games.
DarthVegeta800 : the fun just begins ! The more you'll play, the more you'll find yourself in amazing situations. There are few things more fun than seeing Absolute Zero slowly destroy Citizen Dawn while the rest of the team is incapacitated :)
Bunks is my favorite character. I wouldn't say he's weaker so much as more specialized. He's at his best when fighting a villain with multiple targets. He's heavily shutdown through equipment destruction, but so is AZ, Wraith, and Ex-Pat. I have the most success with him against Voss, Gloomweaver, the Organization, and Akash. Bunker was the first hero I played so I"m a little biased to that. Anyway, glad to see another person converted to the game. Save the Multiverse, buddy.
Im a huge Fanatic fan too, especially after i reread that one card of hers that does damage at the start of every turn... and realized every deck has a turn, to make up a round o.o
I blew the hell outta apostate the other day dealing a totaly of 24 damage (without her nuke card) by the time it got back around to me. yay +damage boosts.
And i really really like Expatriette. I find that sometimes she feels a little under for damage delt for a primarily damage dealing hero? but she more than makes up for it in the versatility
Fanatic can own against Apostate. You just want to make sure you have other heroes with high HP that can take some hits for her. Also, have her focus on Apostate while the rest of the team deals with the relics and demons. That tactic usually works pretty well for me.
While Fanatic is not my absolute favorite, sometimes I don't feel like dealing with "tactics" or "planning" and just want to beat the crap out of someone. Those times, I play Fanatic.
I always try to play as whatever character people are currently saying is underpowered. That just makes me want to find out that character's secret strengths more! I just finished proving to my group that Mr. Fixer is really awesome. He's no heavy hitter or amazing support hero( most of the time), but he has the right tool for any sort of odd job you might need done in style. It's like he's part mechanic and part martial artist!(!!) Too much DR? Start using irreducable damage. Taking a bunch of small hits? Start redirecting them. Not taking small enough hits? Start reducing enemy damage or giving DR to yourself. Got a bunch of targets? Getting forced to damage hero targets? Start hitting all non-hero targets instead. Got only a couple targets? Hit two at a time with extra damage. Do damage types matter? Do you need a +1 to damage? You can change types and deal extra. Is landing finishing blows important? Equip something that lets you destroy anything you hit if it's left with low health, maybe adding on a damage-increasing style to help you. Want to make Mr. Fixer play a very silly game? Play him in one of the new ST environments, hope for a certain card to come into play, then put into play every single tool and style simultaneously! Hard to accomplish, but pretty hilarious!
I'm thinking Expatriette will be my next prove-them-wrong project. I'm sure I can do some interesting things with guns and ammo if I think outside the box...
One of the things I love best about the game is that the characters' decks have the potential to get better as the player gets better. Even the 'simpler' characters (e.g. Ra) can get more awesome once you figure out quirks to their decks (e.g. turning the staff of ra into a retrievable thrown weapon or exploiting the Ra/AZ synergy).
I think Expattriette's versatility comes in particular handy against Citizen Dawn (I wonder why that might be....)
My group generally has really good success with Chick Fury, as she's known in my group. There are times when it can be frustrating to play as her, but once you get some guns and some ammo she can be a force to be reckoned with.
Fanatic is definitely my favourite character. She has a great look, and some awesome cards, like End of Days and Zealous Offence. And of course she can do stupid amounts of damage. I had a game the other day where my first 8 cards included Absolution, Sacrosanct Martyr, Aegis of Resurrection, 2 * Smite the Transgressor and Wrathful Retribution. It was a bit wasted because it was against Ambuscade, but man that was a silly amount of damage I could do.