Cosmic Marvel Builds

I started my annual re-read of the Good Good Cosmic Marvel Era (Annihiliation through Thanos Imperative) and have started writing up the heroes and villains as I go along. 

Awesome, and do you have a blank if that character sheet? I've never seen it before, and it looks great!

I'll put the template up next time I update. If I feel especially industrious, I'll make Hero and Villain builds for Ronan and Super-Skrull, since a lot of the protagonists of Annihilation (and Marvel Cosmic Stuff in general) go back and forth a lot.

Shouldn’t Drax have stealth or invisibility?

The stories where Kl’rt is a Skrull patriot instead of a villain are very fun

I thought real hard about building Super-Skrull and then I had to lay down for a while. Ronan I could probably do as a hero. One thing that's increasingly clearer to me as I try to build heroes and villains is that you really can't say something like "Captain America has Strength d6, Spider-Man d8, Thor d10 and Hulk d12". Because once you lock down what exactly a die rating means, you are just stuck with that. It also makes certain Principles requirements for a character.

For instance, the Nova build up above is Nova with all of the Nova Force powering him up, rather than his standard Nova Centurion power level. At that level, he can fight the Silver Surfer. Does that mean I have to have smaller dice?  Not really. He's a different build (a Flier instead of an Elemental Manipulator, just for starters) but he probably has around the same die sizes. 

Anyway, here's the template and Villain builds of Ronan and Super-Skrull. As you can see, I have to start fudging things to build them in SCRPG, but this is a game that suggests lots of fudge. (MMMM, fudge....) 

As for Drax, he can't turn invisible (even when he stays so.... still.... he... starts... to.... vanish...). He can be sneaky, but Intergalactic Hunter covers it. I'd use that skill for the times when he picks up a gun, which happens occasionally.  

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