1. Unengaged ships flip station decks. Do these flips stay on-top of the station deck (and block it from use)? or do they get put in play around the station (allowing the cards underneath to be purchased)?
2. What happens first for each phase: Card Powers or Character Actions? I.E. One of the ships has an ability to move to the sector with the most ships during the Travel phase. Does this get resolved before or after the players move?
3. Some of the Tech's say "If scrapped, Ship gains one Defense". Since bonuses go on the card, where do you put the Defense point? Is it considered Temporary and therefore removed during the Aftermath phase? Or is it just a permanant +1 until it takes damage as part of the ship (after all tech is destroyed)?
1. Put in play, allowing the cards underneath to be purchased.
2. Any time a card has a T, R, I, B, or A on it, it is resolved at the start of that phase. All T effects are resolved first in whatever order the players prefer (or is it simultaneous? I can't remember off the top of my head...) then followed by the normal Travel phase actions of the players moving their ships.
3. +1 directly on the ship. A ship's W and D can both be increased or decreased from the number listed on the panel.
Great! Thanks for the answers. Overall, I find the instructions to be VERY clear, but it's good to have some clarification. I also agree that there should be a FAQ/Truths List!
Another thought I had for the Unengaged Ships Card Flipping Thing (tm)...If a Ship gets flipped, it goes into play, which is fine. But what about Boosts? Do they get assigned to the Unengaged Ship that flipped it? or does it go into play? If it goes into play, when does it get trashed (if at all)?
Thanks again, these clarifications are very helpful!
As far as I know the effect goes off on the cards in players’ choice and the boosts are scrapped after that. If it specifies only one Strike Force ship or one Opposition ship in the sector then the players’ choose which ship gets the drawback or boost, respectively.
I'm not totally sure what exactly your asking. Can you give me an example of what you mean?
The flipped station cards in the Aftermath get resolved from first to last. When resolving an Opp Boost, just follow the directions as closely as possible then scrap the card after the effect is complete. All the effects, if they target a specific SF or Opp ship, will specifically mention which one it targets (ie. "Opp ship with the most Energy gets X" for example). All Boosts get scrapped after resolving their effects, regardless of whether its an Opp boost or SF boost (note that many starting SF boost cards have a "recycle when played" tag on them and are the exception to that general rule)
Hey Foote, I think you both answered my question. Boosts for the Opposition Force (cards that are flipped due to not being engaged) are basically the equivalent of "One-Shots". Meaning they take effect immediately, then get trashed. If there are no Strike Force ships in the sector and a boost affects "Strike Force ships in the sector", then it just gets trashed with no action. Of course, moving ships to other sectors, spawning more ships, etc. will still take effect; they just will take effect then get trashed.