A fun way I've enhanced my Sentinels games when things got stale. I used the game as a way to create my own universe and tell a story. Rules and the notes for my run are included.
1: Lifting Fire Universe.
Custom Sentinels of the Multiverse universe
Have access to all heroes, villains, environments and variants of each.
Create a story for every game you play. You may make them as simple or as in depth as you please.
By the end of your run, you have to have played as every hero and every hero variant, against every villain and every villain variant (including team villains and Oblivaeon) and in every environment. This will take a minimum of 36 games but you can go as long as you please (though I recommend capping off at 100 games)
You don’t necessarily have to win the games you play for the universe, however the story has to reflect the loss if you choose to accept it and not replay it.
Decks may be used as stand ins for other entities. I do this frequently with villains. See entries 16, 49, and 72 for examples.
Whenever some heroes are knocked out, a certain amount of them have to deal with some lasting negative consequences. These may range in severity. If 1 hero is KO’d, that hero has to deal with consequences. If 2 are KO’d, only one of them deals with consequences. If three are KO’d, then two of them are affected. If 4, then two are affected. If all 5 heroes are KO’s, then three are affected. (This is useful for creating story)
Never play with the intent to lose. If you want to make the game harder for yourself, play with advanced, challenge, or ultimate rules.
A run has to end with a game against OblivAeon. The heroes must defeat OblivAeon in order to complete the run, but they may (if you choose) lose to Reinek Kel’Voss.
During an OblivAeon game, keep notes as to which heroes were incapacitated, which ones accomplished missions, which ones eliminated scions and other things. You may write out the story.
At the end of an OblivAeon game, every single hero that is incapacitated must have negative consequences to them. A bunch of them should also die, but this is your story so write it how you want.
This is just the rules for the first run, done as a way to invigorate my enjoyment of the game and as a way to tide me over while waiting for the final expansions. I plan on doing more runs in the future and modifying the rules then.
Notable deviations from canon timeline (Not an exhaustive list):
1: Event where Legacy was time switched with Greatest Legacy. This was later reversed. This also resulted in Parse going into a coma, recovered years later.
2: Iron Legacy was fought in a separate universe, he never showed up in this timeline.
3: Spite, upon capturing Expatriette, put out her other eye.
4: Mr. Fixer was killed during a fight with La Capitan.
5: The Wraith joined Dark Watch, separating herself from the Freedom Five for a while.
6: The Dreamer never became as big a threat in this timeline. Her deck is representative of a fight with a crazed Unity. Unity never fully recovers from this event and becomes a cyborg.
7: After years of training with Nightmist, The Wraith and Mr. Fixer, the blind Expatriette regains her ability to fight with guns. With her return, the Wraith rejoins the Freedom 5.
8: Freight Train leaves the Vengeful 5 and joins the heroes.
9: The OblivAeon conflict turns out differently in this universe
Games and notes (Some stories with them):
1: Baron Blade vs Legacy, Wraith, and Tempest at Insula Primalis: Blade Stopped. Injuries nothing major.
-The first incident of grouped heroes battling villains occurred when Tempest found Baron Blade shipping supplies to Insula Primalis. He sent a signal to Legacy at Megalopolis. Legacy decided it would be a good idea to bring backup so he brought the wraith with him and set out to beat Baron Blade. Blade had been readying a doomsday device. The team stopped him and had Blade jailed.
2: Voss vs Sky-Scraper, Visionary, Omnitron-X, and Chrono Ranger at Dok’Thorath: Scraper fighting Voss. Visionary and Omnitron come together from the future. Chrono Ranger ported in on contract. Voss was beaten and fled the planet.
3: Plague Rat vs Super Scientific Tachyon, Argent Adept, the Sentinels, and Haka at the Court of Blood: Rat was experimented on and gains the notice of the surrounding people. Heroes gather to investigate. They capture the creature. Tachyon’s equipment however was badly damaged. (Tachyon KO effect)
* 4: Chairman vs Wraith, Knyfe, Tempest, and Visionary at Pike industries: Visionary tracks mob dealings to Pike Industries, where she and the other heroes are attacked. Visionary manages to get them out at a great cost. Wraith gets injured, Knyfe is taken out of commision, and Visionary gets taken over by her dark self. (Full loss, Wraith and Visioary KO effect)
*^ 5: Ermine, Operative, and Freight Train vs Wraith, Scholar, and Parse in the Temple of Zhu Long: Operative is sent to kill the Wraith by the Chairman. Ermine leads her to the Wraith and Freight Train provides mussel.
* 6: Omnitron vs Legacy, Absolute Zero, Tempest, Fanatic, and Captain Cosmic at the Mobile Defence Platform: Omnitron takes over the platform and the heroes assemble to stop it.
*^ 7: Matriarch vs Tachyon, Newest Legacy, Absolute Zero, and Unity at the Mobile Defence Platform: Lilian was found in the wreckage of the platform and she goes nuts when she sees Tachyon, the magic overwhelming her mind. The heroes managed to calm and save her.
* 8: Miss Information vs Parse, Legacy, Mister Fixer, and Nightmist in Atlantis: The Freedom 5 outpost in Atlantis is in danger, a trap made by Miss Information. Parse, Legacy, and Mister Fixer are incapacitated. Miss Information bonded to a magic relic in the Phosphorescent chamber, and when she was beaten the magic hit the heroes. Nightmist saved Fixer but Parse and Legacy were hit with the worst of it. Parse was put into a magic coma while Legacy was switched with a past legacy. (Parse and Legacy KO effect)
*^ 9: Citizen Dawn vs Greatest Legacy, Rook City Wraith, Bunker, and Guise in Megalopolis: Dawn makes a statement of attacking Megalopolis. Greatest Legacy helps the freedom 5… and Guise… save the city.
*^ 10: Ambuscade vs Tachyon, Expatriette, Dark Visionary, Wraith, and Omnitron-X in Atlantis: Sometime later, while Tachyon and others study the artefact, Ambuscade attempts an assassination. He fails.
*^ 11: Iron Legacy vs Greatest Legacy, Freedom 6 Tachyon, Freedom 6 Wraith, Freedom 6 Tempest in Silver Gulch: When Greatest Legacy attempts to switch Legacy again but the process fails and he, and other people, pop up in Silver Gulch with Iron Legacy. Thankfully they defeated the evil Legacy and return to their own times. Greatest Legacy continues to work to try again.
*^ 12: Baron Blade vs Greatest Legacy, Omnitron X, and Argent Adept in the Time Cataclysm (representing an ongoing attempt to time travel): They try again but Baron Blade intercepts them hoping to end the Legacy line. He fails and the Legacies switch back, finally.
- This event takes place over 6 months real time and about 8 weeks in comic time. Greatest Legacy got to know the heroes and bond with them before returning to his own time. Legacy had a harder experience dealing with WW2 but he also bonded with the soldiers of that time.
13: Wager Master vs Redeemer Fanatic, Newest Legacy, Dark Visionary, and Haka in the court of Blood: Wager Master brings Many heroes to the Court of Blood to play some games. He is foiled and the heroes go free.
14: Akash-Bhuta vs the Prime Wardens at Insula Primalis: Akash shows up and after defeating the Argent Adept, the Argent adept calls a team of heroes to help him. After learning that they work well together, Captain Cosmic suggests they become a team to better deal with the dangers of the world.
* 15: La Capitan vs Expatriette, Unity, Naturalist, Setback and Mr. Fixer at Pike Industries: La Capitan attempts to steal substances and tech from Pike. Setback happens upon them and a bunch of heroes and tries to stop the pirates. The heroes get trashed. Fixer gets killed by the mutant rats in the place, Setback falls into a vat of chemicals and gets hurt, and Unity gets overwhelmed by the chronal energies around La Capitan and loses control of her powers, creating swarms of robots everywhere. La Capitan quietly escapes into the timestream. (Setback, Fixer and Unity KO effect. Full loss.)
*^ 16: Dreamer (representing Unity) vs Tachyon, Bunker, Haka, and the Sentinels in Rook City: Unity rampages through Rook City, destroying everything in her crazed madness. Tachyon and other heroes arrive to save her. Unity is stabilized but they need La Capitan to fully take away the madness.
*^ 17: La Capitan vs Sentinels, Tachyon, Dark Visionary, Ra, and Nightmist in the Tomb of Anubis: Working with Magic users, tachyon finds La Capitan in the Tomb of Anubis. Ra guides them in. When the heroes beat La Capitan they explain the situation. Regretful of what transpired, La Capitan helps to heal Unity then willingly turns herself in for assisting in the death of Mister Fixer. She is sent to the Block. A funeral is held for Fixer afterwards.
-The Wraith puts less focus on the Freedom 5 for a while and helps create Dark Watch to make up for Mr. Fixer’s absence.
18: Spite vs Wraith, Expatriette, Setback, and Nightmist in Rook City: Following the death of Fixer, the Rook City group band together to form Dark Watch. Spite captures citizens and stalked the heroes, incapacitating them one by one. However, before Spite could kill them, Nightmist saves the day, banishing Spite to another realm. Wraith gets PTSD from the encounter and Expatriette was captured by Spite and Spite uses one of her knives to put out her other eye. (Wraith and Expat KO effect)
-Expatriette can’t fight anymore. She lives with Setback for a time, enduring some of the lowest years of her life.
19: Gloomweaver vs DW Nightmist, DW Setback, and Dark Visionary in the Final Wasteland: The Cult of Gloom try to create a rift to a land of monsters for their lord. Nightmist goes to try and close it. Setback and Visionary join. They manage to take away the relics, closing the portal.
* 20: Apostate vs Legacy, Omnitron-X, Knyfe, and Captain Cosmic in Megalopolis: Apostate sent away Fanatic and went to terrorize the heroes. They drive him off but know that he isn’t gone.
*^ 21: Apostate vs Redeemer Fanatic, Ra, Freedom 6 Unity, and the Sentinels in Magmaria: Fanatic travels to find clarity and ends up in Magmaria. Apostate meets her there. Ra and the others go there to protect her. The group manages to send Apostate packing.
22: Mad Bomber Baron Blade vs Bunker, Tachyon, and Termi-Nation Absolute Zero in Megalopolis: Baron Blade destroys a city cryo chamber with Frost inside. In an act of self preservation, Frost improvises an ice suit to use. The heroes succeed in defeating Blade and then decide to build the Freedom Tower shortly after.
* 23: Deadline vs Sky-Scraper, PW Argent adept, PW Tempest, and Setback in the Mars Base: Deadline travels to mars to destroy the human research. Sky stows away on his ship and sends a distress call. The heroes respond and stop deadline but the alien continues to Earth.
*^ 24: Deadline vs Wraith, Ra, Fanatic, DW Nightmist, and Bunker in Rook City: Deadline’s first target is Rook City. The Dark Watch oppose him and Tarogoth is rebuffed again.
*^ 25: Deadline vs Fugue State Parse, PW Captain Cosmic, PW Haka, Legacy, and Tachyon in Megalopolis: Parse finally recovers from her coma with fantastical insights. She joins the final fight against Deadline and is instrumental in his defeat. Tarogoth disappears.
26: Biomancer, Operative, and Ermine vs DW Fixer, Fugue State Parse, and Nightmist in the Temple of Zhu Long: Parse tells the others that Zhu Long and Biomancer were messing with the body of Mr. Fixer. She and Nightmist went there and joined with the now revived Fixer and helped him escape. Parse was overwhelmed with magic during the fight and began to see the traces of Oblivaeon, and this scars her. (Parse KO effect)
27: Kismet vs DW Setback, DW Fixer, Wraith, and DW Nightmist in Pike Industries. Fixer returns and joins Dark Watch. They chase Kismet to Pike Industries, same place where Fixer died. They defeat Kismet and send her to jail.
-With Fixer’s return, the Wraith leaves to return to active duty with the Freedom 5. Also, Fixer and Expatriette both bond over the crap that they both dealt with over their lives, and even though Fixer would never really be the same, he takes some pleasure with helping Expatriette work around her injuries and become a hero again. Expatriette begins training with Fixer, Nightmist, and the Wraith to become better, even without her eyes.
28: Vengeful 5 vs Freedom 5 at Freedom Tower: Baron Blade has transformed and now attacks Freedom Tower. They defeat them but the standard Bunker suit was smashed, along with all other existing hardware. The only surviving one is an antique from the civil WW2. (Bunker KO effect)
29: Cosmic Omnitron vs GI Bunker, Chrono Ranger, Scholar, Ra, and the Sentinels at the Block: While detaining a prisoner, Cosmic Omnitron enters, trying to eliminate the heroes, guards, and prisoners. They trash the thing. The Sentinels caught the attention of FILTER.
* 30: Sargeant Steel, Proletariat, Plague Rat vs Knyfe, Legacy, and Ra in Insula Primalis: Baron Blade sends villains to attack isolated heroes. They fail.
*^ 31: Friction, Greazer, Hammer and Anvil, and Biomancer vs PW Haka, Omnitron-X, PW Argent Adept, and PW Tempest in Doc Thorath: continuing his attacks, Blade had his villains teleport heroes to Doc Thorath. The villains fail in capturing them but succeed in delaying their help.
*^ 32: Baron Blade, Ambuscade, and Bugbear vs Fanatic, Adamant Sentinels and Wraith at the Mobile Defence Platform: For the final prong of his attack, Baron Blade lures heroes to a Mobile Defence Platform then sent hunters after them. The heroes fight and defeat Blade and the hunters but when Fanatic attacks Blade with Absolution, his negation bands shatter the sword. (Fanatic KO effect)
33: Chokepoint vs GI Bunker, Freedom 6 Unity, and Absolute Zero in Magmaria: While on a peace delegation to Magmaria, Chokepoint attacks the heroes. They drove her off but realizes they will need change in tactics if they plan on fighting her in the future.
34: Infinitor vs Captain Cosmic, Argent Adept, Haka, Scholar, and Sky-Scraper in the Realm of Discord: Sensing him, Captain Cosmic asks some friends to come with him to find Infinitor. Their travel takes them to a strange dimension. They succeed in finding and catching Nigel and take him somewhere he could recover.
35: Young Capitan, Ermine, Proletariat, and Greazer vs Naturalist, Omnitron-X, Redeemer Fanatic, and KNYFE in the Block: A younger La Capitan enters the Block to cause havoc. She brings Greazer and others. During a riot, several prisoners escaped, including adult La Capitan.
* 36: Ambuscade vs Santa Guise, Legacy, and Setback in Freedom Tower: IT’S CHRISTMAS! Guise runs off to celebrate, happily squishing Ambuscade in the process of his celebrations.
*^ 37: Akash-Bhuta vs Santa Guise, Adamant Sentinels, Redeemer Fanatic, Scholar of the Infinite, and Prime Wardens Argent Adept in the Enclave of the Endlings: Wait… Why was Akash-Bhuta even there anyways? WHO CARES! While fighting, Guise got thoroughly thrashed. It hurts his confidence. Also Scholar’s powers got out of whack. Good thing we had a Christmas miracle in the form of an angel… an angel of DEATH!!! (Guise and Scholar KO effect)
*^ 38: Cosmic Omnitron vs Santa Guise, Sentinels, Argent Adept, and Young Legacy at the Mars Base: And now Christmas in SPAAAAAACE! You know what that means. Fighting giant robots.
39: Chokepoint vs Termination trio and KNYFE at Madame Mitemeirs: Finding Chockpoint again, the heroes go to face her and find the carnival. They survive but flee the scene.
* 40: Voss vs Fugue State Parse, Naturalist, Captain Cosmic, Wraith, and Sky-Scraper in the Court of Blood: Voss makes a base at the Court of Blood, attracted by the magic there. Sky-Scraper and Parse warn the heroes to intercept him. A team goes there while others fight his forces. The heroes and the magic force Voss to flee but the battle isn’t over yet!
*^ 41: Voss vs Adamant Sentinels, Dark Visionary, and Omnitron in Rook City: Voss takes his assault to Rook City but the heroes manage to stop him.
*^ 42: Voss vs Dark Watch Expatriette, Legacy, Fanatic, and Ra at the Mobile Defence Platform: The return of Expatriette! The blind gunwoman plans a full on assault of Voss’s flagship, ready to finish the fight once and for all. Voss fought hard but was crushed. His army scattered. He was incarcerated.
43: Ambuscade vs Dark Watch in Rook City: Expatriette tracks her old friend and rival, Ambuscade, to face off and get rid of him. He fights back but is driven out of Rook City.
* 44: Enead vs Ra, Haka, Fanatic, and Tempest in Magmaria: The Enead have awakened and lured Ra to Magmaria to beat him. The team gets trashed. Haka gets imprisoned, dangling from chains by his neck while ra is banished into a forced exile. (Ra and Haka KO effect. Full loss)
*^ 45: Enead vs Freedom 5 at Insula Primalis: The Enead set up at the island. The Freedom 5 go there to free Haka. They defeated the Enead but couldn’t find him. The gods retreated but Tyler recieved a major wound, disabling his legs, while Tachyon got hit with arcainly charged living ice, brought upon by an accidental hit by Absolute Zero as well as Nepthys’s and Isis’s magics, causing growing ice to creep up her. (Bunker and Tachyon KO effect)
*^ 46: Citizen Dawn vs Legacy, Wraith, and Absolute Zero in Insula Primalis: Citizen Dawn capitalizes on the heroes’ weakness and struck hard. Dawn and Summer obliterate Absolute Zero’s suit, forcing him to coat himself in ice. Legacy was taken as a prisoner. Wraith somehow manages to take the others and get away. (Absolute Zero and Legacy KO effect. Full loss)
*^ 47: Enead vs Ra Horus, Chrono Ranger, Eternal Haka, Naturalist, and Fugue State Parse in the Tomb of Anubus: After a long journey, Ra returns and fights the Enead. Destiny gathers others to him, including the time traveler who brought a future Haka to assist him. After an epic fight and defeating each of the gods one by one, Ra lays Atum low, freeing Haka and restoring his own power. Parse’s dreams of Oblivaeon get worse from here though. (Parse Ko effect)
* 48: Citizen Dawn vs Dark Watch in Insula Primalis: The Dark Watch respond to Legacy’s kidnapping and go to rescue him. They storm Insula Primalis and fight off Dawn and the Citizens to save him.
*^ 49: Plague Rat (representing random monster) vs Wraith, Freedom 6 Absolute Zero, and Captain Cosmic in the realm of Discord: Tachyon is dying, so the Wraith looks for a cure. The positive or negative energy fields might be able to remove the living ice, so the Wraith goes into the Realm of Discord. However, there is a monster that seeks to absorb her and her friends. The monster failed to get them so Wraith and friends got to the positive energy field, absorbed some energy there and manage to save Tachyon.
*^ 50: Fright Train, Friction, and Proletariat vs Bunker, Young Legacy, and Tempest in the Freedom Tower: Blade took the events of the rise of the Enead as an opportunity to hit the heroes. Fright Train leads the charge. Bunker is able to defend the tower despite his disabled legs, with the help of Ma’ak and Paulina. Graves was captured and after a long talk with Vance, Graves decides to leave the Vengeful 5.
51: Baron Blade, Ermine, Plague Rat vs F6 Bunker, Haka, and Naturalist at Mars Base: Graves decides to foil Blade’s next scheme. He brought Haka and the Naturalist to the Mars Base to prevent Blade ransacking the place for its research. They stop Blade in the end but in the process, Ermine unmasks Naturalist, identifying him and opening the way for assassins. (Nat KO effect)
52: Ambuscade vs Hunted Naturalist, Knyfe, and Dark Visionary in Madame Midemiers: On the run, Conte ends up in the carnival, where Ambuscade waits. Joined by other heroes, the hunt and counter hunt went on and on until they ended up in the mirror mase. Visionary disappeared without a trace and Ambuscade met the same fate. Michael and Paige fled the carnival. (Vis KO effect)
53: Kaagra Warfang vs Chrono Ranger, Omnitron X, the Adamant Sentinels and Captain Cosmic at Dok’Thorath: Kaagra takes a bunch of heroes to an alien planet for her amusement. She and the gladiators tear them apart. Omnitron is in pieces at the end and, in a last minute effort to save the heroes, Chrono Ranger uses his badge without fulfilling his bounty and locks himself outside of time. (Omitron and Chrono Ranger KO effects)
54: Operative, Greazer, Miss Information, and La Capitán vs DW Fixer, Sky-Scraper, TN Unity and FS Parse in the Time Caticlism: Greazer, Working for Rahazar, goes on contract for Parse. Using La Capitán and Miss Information, he creates an anomaly to get at her. Parse is kidnapped and taken away. (Parse KO effect)
55: Omnitron (stand in for Rahazar) vs Sky-Scraper, Knyfe, Captain Cosmic and F6 AZ in Enclave of the Endlings: Rahazar, realizing heroes follow him, flees to the Enclave and hides with Parse. He fights the heroes with robots among the aliens. They destroy the robots. Jansa thanks the heroes and sends them on their way with Parse safe with them.
56: La Capitán vs Xtreem Prime Wardens in Megalopolis: A past La capitan makes an enemy of the Xtreem Prime Wardens and accidentally transfers them to this universe. In the ensuing fight, Argent Adept is sent bouncing through time and L’epieste runs Fanatic through. However they stop La Capitan and make her take them back. (Argent Adept and Fanatic KO effect)
57: Chokepoint vs Sentinels, Omnitron-X, and Absolute Zero in Mobile Defence Platform: Chokepoint heard the scream of metal in a platform that the heroes tried to refit for use. She tore up the ship, forcing Omni and AZ to get surviving people off while the Sentinels chased her.
58: Chokepoint vs Void Guard in Omnitron 4: The MDP lands in a location of living metal. Chokepoint absorbs as much as she can and reveals a chamber with 4 stones. The Sentinels take the stones and fight Chokepoint. They beat her.
* 59: Ultimate Kismet vs DW Nightmist and Void Guard at Fort Adamant: Nightmist enlists the Void Guard to capture Kismet, who was looking for items in that location. The fight causes Nightmist to overcharge and become a mist portal, shooting the Void Guard off to different locations. (Nightmist KO effect)
*^ 60: Mad Bomber Baron Blade (stand in for a usurper) vs Luminary, Benchmark, and Idealist in Mordengrad: Idealist ends up in Mordengrad in the middle of an uprising. She finds and befriends Blade and helps him and Benchmark stabalize the city state. Benchmark is dreadfully wounded in the fight.
*^ 61: Gloomy vs Comodora, Best of Times Chrono-Ranger and Writhe in Silver Gulch: Writhe shows up in Silver Gulch where Comodora and Chrono-Ranger are putting down an early resurgence of the Cult of Gloom. They help take him out and Comodora helps send Writhe back.
*^ 62: Progeny (stand in for Vois spirit) vs Lifeline, Scholar, Haka and Medico in the Nexus of the Void: Medico ends up at the Nexus where Lifeline is trying to fix his mistakes by removing a powerful void spirit with Scholar and Haka’s help. However, Lifeline is forced to tie his life force to the nexus. He is bound for now. (Lifeline KO effect)
*^ 63: Enead (stand in for Thorathian generals) vs Vis U, Stuntman, Knyfe and Mainstay in Doc’Thorath: Mainstay shows up where the changed Vis and Ansel are fighting the Thorathian Military. They stabilize the situation and Knyfe takes them home.
64: Matriarch vs Tachyon, DW Nightmist, RC Wraith, and Sky-Scraper in Rook City: The mask, calling to its owner, affixes itself to Lilian again. Tachyon and Nightmist try to help her and she tears through them. Sky-Scraper is stuck in normal size and Tachyon gets stuck in a magical stasis. Matriarch gets away. (Tachyon and Sky-Scraper KO effect)
65: Matriarch vs DW Expat, PW Fanatic, DW Fixer, and DW Setback in Rook City: Lilian rages through the city and Dark Watch tries to stop her. Fanatic tries to kill her but Setback manages to talk her down. They take down the Matriarch and Nightmist gains a student.
66: Trickster Kismet vs Harpy, DW Nightmist, Ra, and Absolute Zero in Freedom Tower: Kismet intends on stealing objects from the tower. After investigation, Harpy and Nightmist go to stop her, bringing other heroes. Kismet destroys Absolute Zero’s control actuators, permanently damaging the suit. The fight also convinces Ra to search for power, leading him to an Oblivaeon Shard. (AZ and Ra KO effect)
* 67: Ermine, Operative, Sargent Steel and Greazer vs Wraith, DW Expat, KNYFE, and Fugue State Parse at Champion Studios: Villains and heroes converge at the spot of an unknown relic of power. Expatriette takes it and accidentally summons a great silver monster. Expat, aware of the danger, goes into hiding while heroes fight.
*^ 68: Progeny vs KNYFE, Wraith, Tachyon, Parse, and Legacy at Champion Studios: Other members of the Freedom 5 are contacted and assist in driving Progeny out of San Alonso. It moves on to a new city.
*^ 69: Progeny vs KNYFE, Tachyon, F6 Bunker, Omni-U in Fort Adamant: Tachyon called ahead and the others set up an ambush. They drive away Progeny but KNYFE gets beat up and left at the fort. (KNYFE KO effect)
*^ 70: Progeny vs Tachyon, F6 Unity, Harpy, DW Nightmist, Best of Times Chrono Ranger in Megalopolis: Progeny goes to the city, destroying all in his wake. Harpy lays into him but is struck aside. Nightmist protects her while the others take Progeny down. Progeny morphs and disappears. (Harpy KO effect)
* 71: Gloomweaver (stand in for Void monster) vs DW Setback, DW Fixer, and Wraith in Champion Studios: Looking for Expatriette, the heroes return to Champion Studios and find a monster corrupting the area. They defeat it but Fixer and Wraith but heads, not getting along. They search elsewhere.
*^ 72: Ambuscade (stand in for Fort Adamant soldiers) vs DW Setback, DW Fixer, and Wraith in Fort Adamant: The trio storm Fort Adamant for KNYFE. Wraith hacks into security while the boys fight and do the rescue. They get her out safe.
*^ 73: Omnitron (stand in for ship) vs DW Setback, DW Fixer, Wraith and KNYFE in the Celestial Tribunal: Expat is on trial and the heroes go to save her. The ship fights back and KNYFE gets really messed up but the heroes save the day. (KNYFE KO effect)
74: Apostate vs Lifeline, Black Spot Commodora, Cosmic Inventor Writhe, and Idealist in the Nexus of the Void: Apostate attempts to mess with the Void but thanks to Void Comodora, he is stopped. Comodora also unties Lifeline partially, as he will be needed elsewhere.
75: Wagermaster vs Completionist Guise… the rest is irrelevant: WagerMaster shows up up to Guise to discuss their collections. It’s no contest. Guise has the superior collection and WagerMaster is sent away in shame.
* 76: Spite Agent of Gloom vs Prime Wardens in the Maerynian Refuge: Spite is resurrected in the middle of the Maerynian refuge and blindsides the Prime Wardens. Argent Adept is wounded, leaking void energy. Captain Cosmic, upon losing, flees into space. As Spite leaves, Tempest would give chase but a lot of Plauvu’Col was destroyed and he has to look after the city. (Argent Adept, Captain Cosmic, and Tempest KO effects)
*^ 77: Spite Agent of Gloom vs Legacy, Scholar, Setting Sun Ra, and Extremist Sky-Scraper in Megalopolis: Spite enters the city and a motley group of heroes join Legacy in defending his home. They defeat spite but something happens to the body…
*^ 78: Skinwalker Gloomweaver vs Previous team and Bloodmage Lifeline in Megalopolis: Gloomweaver emerges from Spite and the heroes would have been doomed if Lifeline didn’t show up. Gloomy is dispersed and banished.
79: Heroic Infinitor vs Captain Cosmic, DW Expatriette, and Wraith in the Enclave of the Endlings: Hugh finds Infinitor at the Enclave where Dark Watch are resting on their way home. They succeed in helping him absorb the manifestations and pass the power to Hugh.
80: Citizen Dawn vs Akash-Threya, Naturalist, Haka, and Dr. Medico in Insula Primalis: Akash decided to finally remove the citizens. Other nature loving heroes band together to help. The citizens are scattered.
81: Citizens Hammer and Anvil, La Capitán, Biomancer, and Miss Information vs Tempest, Sky-Scraper, Darc Conducter Argent Adept, and Omnitron-U at the Maerynian refuge: Laviathen brings Biomancer and other villains to attack Plauvu’Col. Tempest gets friends to help.
* 82: Enead vs F6 Bunker, F6 Absolute Zero, Wraith and Tachyon in Mordengrad: Responding to a distress call, the Freedom 5 enter Mordengrad. They think it’s a trap. It was not. It took everything they had to repel the Enead.
*^ 83: Gloomy vs Luminary, Supply and Demand Benchmark, and Legacy in Mordengrad: Luminary explains that new players are needed and has heroes work on summoning others. First they get Heroic Luminary, fighting off a different Gloomy to get her.
*^ 84: Chokepoint vs Heroic Luminary, F6 Bunk and Wraith at Champion Studios: The heroes deal with a technomancer from across the veil and they get Action Hero Stuntman.
*^ 85: Trickster Kismet vs Malpractice Medico, SD Benchmark, and Tachyon at the Realm of Discord: They go to get a dark Medico and fight a ruler of his Discord Realm. They defeat the ruler but that Medico becomes ethereal during the fight. (Medico KO effect)
*^ 86: Apostate (void Guardian) vs Akash SV, Luminary, and F6 Absolute Zero at the Nexus of the Void: Blade tricks Akash to return to the void. He needs her back in her original form for the upcoming conflict.
*^ 87: Voss (Aeon Men) vs H Luminary, AH Stuntman, SD Benchark, and Akash SV in Mordengrad: Aeon Men swarm Mordengrad. The new recruits repel the assault but the aliens push to the factory…
*^ 88: Voss (Aeon Men) vs F5 Freedom 5 in Mordengrad: A powerful alien attacks but the new suits of the Freedom 5 activate and they surge to the offense. Absolute Zero gets swarmed and hurt and needs time away from the field. (AZ KO effect)
* 89: Plague Rat vs PW Fanatic, SS Ra, H Naturalist, Vis U in Insula Primalis: While trying to prevent the rat from infecting dinosaurs, visionary brings the group together and asked them to gather allies and relics.
*^ 90: Baron Blade (space scientist) vs PW Fanatic, R Captain Cosmic, Visionary U and La Comodora in Dok’Thorath: They go get cap from space, taking him back home. During the fight, Comodora’s suit gets breached, something that may kill her in the future. (Comodora KO effect)
*^ 91: Matriarch (bird swarm) vs E Haka, RW Mainstay, PW Tempest and SS Ra at the final wasteland: Looking for another Haka they get to the final wasteland with the help of Mainstay. They get a lonesome Haka, fight off a bird swarm spirit, and go home.
* 92: Kismet vs full Dark Watch at Atlantis: Told to find objects of power by Nightmist, the Dark Watch go to Atlantis. They fight Kismet there and get some relics.
*^ 93: Voss (Aeon Men) vs SS Idealist, DW Expatriette, and DW Setback in the Freedom Tower: The Aeon Men attack the tower to get the Freedom 5 and their collected artifacts. The Dark Watch and friends defend the tower and drive them off.
*^ 94: Chokepoint vs DW Nightmist, DW Harpy, DW Fixer, and CI Writhe in the Court of Blood: The court holds another talisman, so Dark Watch goes after it. They defeat Chokepoint, who is attempting the same.
95: OblivAeon vs heroes at Freedom Tower, Mordengrad, Realm of Discord, Insula Primalis, and the Nexus of the void.
-Scions killed: Borr, Faultless, Darkmind, Nixious, Progeny, Voidsoul, and Voss. Emperion survived
-Environments lost: Freedom Tower, Mordengrad.
-Heroes KO’d: H Luminary, AH Stuntman, SD Benchmark, E Sky-Scraper, TN Unity, PW Haka, Xtreem Tempest, Akash SV, Ra Ho2H, DW Harpy, F5 Wraith, Naturalist, and F5 Legacy.
Last Wager- H Luminary
Hermetic Evolved- PW Haka
FILTER Heist- SD Benchmark
Building a King- TN Unity
Create Contraption- AH Stuntman
To Hope for the Dawn- SD Benchmark
Shattering Blow- TN Unity (nixious unlock)
Time and Time Again- Akash SV (Nixious unlock)
Form the Mecha Knight- E Sky-Sky (alongside TN Unity, Akash SV, PW Haka, and X Tempest) (Nixious unlock)
Final Champion- X Tempest
The Digital Age- TN Unity
Giant Terror Bird- B Lifeline
-Surviving Heroes: RA KNYFE, CI Writhe, DW Fixer, B Lifeline and SS Ra
-Notable game notes:
AH Stuntman kills first shield (Primary Objective)
TN Unity weakens Nixious then E Sky-Sky kills it.
OA Kills Voidsoul.
TN Unity wrecks OA
OA Kills Darkmind
F5 Wraith and Chronoist break the form
OA kills Borr
Faultless flipped by Lifeline
SS Ra kills Progeny with Faultless help
CI Writhe uses hairdryer to great effect, killing Voss and OA in same move
-Incap effects
H Luminary: Killed by OA
AH Stuntman: Sacrifices self to crack the shield
SD Benchmark: Killed in destruction of Mordengrad
E Sky-Sky: Survives but with huge battle trauma
DW Harpy: Survives but can no longer control magic
TN Unity: Killed by Voss after her onslaught
PW Haka: Unknit from immortality by Faultless but survives
X Tempest: Survives but fails to return to his universe
Akash SV: Transfers consciousness to Akash Flora in Megalopolis
Ra Ho2H: Alternate universe Ra killed by Progeny
F5 Wraith: Killed while destroying the form
Naturalist: Hunted Naturalist reduced to simple animal shifts again
F5 Legacy: Killed in the last stand by OA
AZ- Continues life of crime fighting in the new Freedom 4
Argent Adept- Continues searching for void power. Eventually becomes a villain and is put down by his old friends
Tyler Vance- Never regaining his legs, Tyler becomes a technician for the Freedom 4
Steven Graves- Continues being Bunker until his retirement
CaptainCosmic- Becomes a full time hero in space
Chrono Ranger- Takes perminant residence at F4 HQ
Expatriette- Fully retires from crime fighting. Now trains heroes
Fanatic- She and Ra continue fighting evil as Prime Wardens
Guise- still doing his thing
Haka- Now mortal, Haka finally settles down. He gets married and lives the rest of his days in peace
KNYFE- Eventually leaves earth and leads a team called the Space Knights
Fixer- Cured of undead corruption but made restless. Continues crime fighting
Naturalist- Continues fighting for nature
Nightmist- Survives the gate. Continues work
Omnitron- Mourns Unity and goes off to find enlightenment
Parse- Loses power after OA. Becomes a coordinator for heroes
Ra- (see fanatics)
Scholar- continues his work
Setback- retires with Expatriette
Sky-Scraper- Joins Knyfe’s knights
Tachyon- now leads the Freedom 4
Tempest- Becomes a full time ambassador for Plauvu’Col
Xtreem Tempest- Replaces Tempest in the Prime Wardens
Visionary- continues crime fighting
Stuntman- Joins Dark Watch
Idealist- Continues Void Guard work
Mainstay- (see idealist)
Medico- (See Idealist)
Writhe- (See Idealist)
Luminary- With a destroyed Mordengrad, Luminary disappears to become a darker Baron Blade
Harpy- Becomes a PI in Rook City. Becomes an associate of Dark Watch
Lifeline- Now lives at the Nexus, protecting it
La Comodora- Continues her work for a few more years before passing on
Villain Epilogues:
Apostate- Becomes antagonist for the Prime Wardens
Biomancer- still around
Bugbear- died during OA conflict
Chairman- Still around
Chokepoint- Becomes part vampire for a while
Dawn- Goes into hiding before making new schemes
Enead- Still around
Ermine- eventually starts helping the Freedom 4
Friction- Died in a Tachyon story
Gloomweaver- still around
Voss- Imprisoned on Earth
Greazer- still around
Infinitor- Helps Captain Cosmic
Iron Legacy- Killed in OA event
Kaagra Warfang- still around
Kismet- still around
Miss Information- Imprisoned at Plauvu’Col
Operative- still around
Plague Rat- still around
Proletariat- Joins Parestroica
Sargent Steel- becomes antagonist for the Space Knights
Spite- Dead, but not gone…
Wager Master- Still around
Hero notes:
Origins are the same as or similar to the canon timeline unless stated.
PE-- Pre-established. Their origin predates the first major crossovers of the multiverse.
Absolute Zero: PE. Did a few brief bits of solo hero work before he joined the freedom 5. His controllers wanted to hand him off to them since he wasn’t cooperative. -- Encases in ice after suit destruction (46). Destroyed actuators (66). Injured and taken off the field (88). --3 effects
Akash-Threya: --0 effects
Argent Adept: PE. Xtreem Argent bounces around time (56). Leaking Void (76) --2 effects
Benchmark: Mordengrad citizen and Luminary’s right hand. Dreadfully wounded (60) --1 effect
Bunker: Joined Freedom 5 team between (3) and (4). -- Regular suit destroyed (28). Soon fixed. Vance’s legs were disabled (45). Still found ways to work without his legs. --2 effects
Captain Cosmic: Established between (2) and (3). Flees to space (76) --1 effect
Chrono Ranger: PE. Locked out of time (53) --1 effect
La Comodora: shows up late. Suit breached and might die (90) --1 effect
Dr. Medico: Malpractice becomes ethereal (85) --1 effect
Expatriette: Established between (5) and (6). -- Lost other eye (18). Returned to duty (42). Goes into hiding (67) --2 effects
Fanatic: PE. -- Absolution broken (31). Xtreem Fanatic gets a sword in the gut (56) --2 effects
Guise: Established between (7) and (8). -- Confidence hurt (37). --1 effect
Haka: PE. -- Imprisoned by Enead (44). --1 effect
Harpy: --0 effects
Idealist: --0 effects
Knyfe: Established early. Shaken by Chairman (4). Left at Ft. Adamant (69). Really beat up (73) --3 effects
Legacy: PE. --Switched with Greatest Legacy (8). Returned (12). Captured by Dawn (46). --2 effects
Lifeline: Bound to Nexus (62) --1 effect
Luminary: --0 effects
Mainstay: --0 effects
Mr. Fixer: Established between (5) and (6). -- Killed by rats (15). --1 effect
Naturalist: Established between (12) and (13). -- Unmasked (51). --1 effect
Nightmist: PE. became mist portal (59) --1 effect
Omnitron-X: Established (2). Came to this timeline with Visionary at Dok’Thorath. Torn appart (53) --1 effect
Parse: PE. -- Put in magic coma (8). Awoke (25). Saw Oblivaeon and the visions only worsen with time (26). Kidnapped by Rahazar (54). --3 effects
Ra: Established between (13) and (14). -- Exiled to desert (44). Searches for power and finds the OA shard (66). --2 effects
Scholar: PE. --0 effects
Sentinels: Established between (1) and (2). --
Setback: Established between (7) and (8). -- Injured (15).
Sky-Scraper: Established (2). --0 effects
Stuntman: --0 effects
Tachyon: Established between (1) and (2). -- Field science equipment destroyed (3). Hit with living ice infection (45). Put in stasis (64). --3 effects
Tempest: PE. Stays to assist Plauvu’Col (76). --1 effect
Unity: Established between (5) and (6). -- Lost control of her powers (15) and had to be fixed up (17). --1 effect
Visionary: Established (2). -- Dark took over after a fight with the Chairman (4). Taken by the Carnival (52). --2 effects
Wraith: PE. -- Injured by Chairman (4). Gets PTSD (18). --2 effects
Writhe: --0 effects