dahan event retreat question



You're being told to Push 2 Dahan from a single land with a City to a single land without a City. If that's impossible, but you can Push 1 Dahan following those constraints, do so. Otherwise, do nothing on that board.


If '1 dahan can move without city' is possible, why text didn`t contain 'up to'?

i think it must ' must only 2 dahan move, If that's impossible impossible, this event can`t move 1 dahan.


I'm confused because a sentence without 'up to' has the effect of including 'up to'.



If it said "up to", you could choose to move only one Dahan even if there were more present, and that isn't the intent of the card. You need to fulfill as much as is possible, so if only one Dahan is present then only one Dahan can move. It's like in Sentinels if you're told to discard two cards but only have one in your hand, you would still discard that one.

then, Dahan Event: Seek a Safer Home ( On Each Board: Push 2 Dahan from a land with Beasts / Disease / Wilds to a land without any of those tokens.) is 

if 1 dahan is with Beasts / Disease / Wilds to a land, 1 dahan push to without any of those tokens?



