Dead Heroes and Incapacitated Sides

(sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere, but I couldn't find a thread dedicated to this)

So from what I remember, it was mentioned by Christopher in a podcast interview that 3 heroes die in the main Sentinels timeline. With the reveal of Iron Legacy as a villain, it was confirmed that Legacy was one of those heroes. I was surprised by this, but in hindsight I feel like I should've seen this coming. It was right there in my face the entire time!

Well, right there on the table.

I think the incapacitated sides of heroes are not an "if" but a "when" situation. Most show the heroes beat up, but a couple do show them... worse. Legacy's is an homage of the Death of Superman, so it totally makes sense that he dies in the storyline (Zalrus9 also pointed this out at one point). Young Legacy's also shows her dead, but that's been revealed to be the catalyst for the dark, alternate future where Iron Legacy rules.

So then who are the other two? Well, going by incapacitated sides, I'm going to guess Mister Fixer and Argent Adept.

F6 Unity is wearing Fixer's hat, indicating that he's gone. Well, his flipped side is nothing but his hat left, and that makes me wonder. Granted no body is seen, but my gut tells me the old guy doesn't triumph over the Chairman.

As for the Adept, his incapacitated side is an homage to an Uncanny X-Men cover where Wolverine is in the same position. Wolverine almost died in that situation, and Jubilee saving him is in part why he survived. Thing is... Logan has an amazing healing factor which helped him survive. I don't think Anthony Drake has one of those, so his chances of surviving a similar situation seem bleak.

But that's just me speculating. An argument could also be made for Fanatic, but I just get a feeling she's tougher than that.

The heroes who are dead in the Iron Legacy timeline are Lady Legacy, Bunker, and Unity, and you have a pretty solid case for Mr. Fixer. I'd put Wraith, Ex-Patriette, and Mr. Fixer in the category of most likely to be killed because they are the closest to normal human beings, but also wage one man wars against forces that outpower and outnumber them. I could see Bunker getting killed because as a soldier he would have had to come to terms with the idea he might have to sacrifice himself to save people, and working close with Legacy would've probably only strenghtened that resolve. I think you could have a good ironic death with AZ. He spends so much of his life distancing himself from others and doesn't really want to be a superhero, and in the end he's the one who makes a hard choice that ends with his life but saves many. You could also make a strong case for Nightmist since half of her is stuck in the Astral Realm and she is still dealing with dark forces.

Well, you kinda have to clarify what exactly they mean by death in the timeline.  I mean, most of these guys are mortal.  Haka is evidently immortal, given his promo card.  You might make a case for the more supernatural heroes.  Ra, Fanatic, Nightmist, The Scholar, Visionary, maybe others might have ways of extending their life a long time.  Tempest is an alien that might have a crazy-long life.  But the rest are more or less human, and will thus die eventually.


Wraith seems to be another one, due to the fact that there is a grave that says "Here Lies Wraith".

With a sort of apprentice kinda overlooking. Sort of an homage to Robin taking over for Batman when he was dead.

Maerynian lifespans are definitely different from humans.  Tempest is 136 years old.  His bio also says he's an ambassador and scientist, so I doubt he's anywhere near an invalid (compared to other Maerynians, of course, as he is a total beast compared to normals).

Premature death, generally of an unexpected and/or violent nature.
I thought that was an homage to a Batman cover, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it online... o_O  
EDIT: I guess I was thinking Batman #242.


Not so much a homage to Robin taking over, but to the Dark Knight Returns comic novel, where Batman fakes his own death, and then works undercover from there on out. I assumed this was the same with Wraith. (Also in the recent movie, Batman fakes his death. It is a common way for him to end his career in the various tellings of his story).

Or Web Of Spider-Man #32. I can't find it, but I think there's a similar Daredevil image, too.

As a classic Bad Future, I tend to assume that everyone not otherwise accounted for in Visionary's timeline is dead: Young Legacy, Bunker, Unity, Fixer, Nightmist (okay, she might have just become a villain instead), Argent Adept, Fanatic, The Scholar, Ra, and so on.  The only exception is Expatriette, who is an X-Men-ey 90s antihero with absurd guns, and therefore, has a natural affinity for Bad Futures.  Admittedly, Unity and Bunker get to go on in some form, and someone new could have taken up the Staff of Ra as well, but generally speaking, the future is a grim place.


But, we're expecting three canon deaths in the main timeline?  Most intriguing.  Assuming that the two other than Legacy are currently-released heroes, I'd say the smart money is on Fixer and Nightmist, who seem (1) prone to darker stories than most heroes, and (2) probably less popular.  That does feel a bit cheap since I guessed they'd die in the alternate timeline, too, but the only characters who avoid that problem are Tempest, Tachyon, Wraith, Absolute Zero, and Visionary.  Those are all fan favorites, except for Zero, so they don't seem like good bets.


Although, Visionary does have sort of a Phoenix Saga thing going on lately, and a Raven thing going on all the time.  So, she's a valid choice.  Probably better than Nightmist, actually.


So, there you have it: the characters I'd call most likely to go away forever are an old man, and a teenaged girl.  In retrospect, maybe that's not a huge surprise.

Considering G-Unity is wearing Fixer's ballcap and missing the same eye as Expatriette, as well as FVI Wraith wielding The Operative's weapons, I think Rook City and its most prominent inhabitants (sans The Wraith) are dead and gone.

Not a bad point - from what we know of him, it'd be pretty in-character for Iron Legacy to wipe a whole city off the map, if he thought it was impossible to save.  Brr.


EDIT: Speaking of "brr," am I the only one who thinks that Tachyon's Incapacitated side looks suspiciously like Absolute Zero betraying the team?

Tachyon's incapacitated side looks to me like she got tagged by those two villains in the background, a tornado villain and a freezing villain.  IMO, AZ cannot be placed at the scene of the crime.

I am not so sure.  Here's a blown-up version of the relevant figures:

What I wouldn't do for a TV-tyle "enhance" button.


About the whirlwind figure below, I can say little except that it's not Shu - we wouldn't see a clear silhouette like that if it were.  The long hair makes me think it's a female Weather Wizard pastiche, but who knows?


But the one above is much more interesting.  Sure, there's some holes in theory that it might be Absolute Zero - we've never seen Zero do that Iceman trick to my recollection, it seems to be holding a gun of some kind, and there's no glow from the face and chest.  wever, if you look very closely, you can see a dark area, where is appears that a hose of some kind connects the figure's torso to its arm.  That's a pretty distinctive feature, and it comes along with lacking a lot of other features common to Sentinels characters - there's no visible hair, cape or wings, and we could see any of those things.  It has the same sle der, austere silhouette as Zero himself, as well as his arm hoses.


That's not conclusive, sure.  But I find it interesting.

Absolute Zero usually doen't have the hose, it's only visible on the Modular Realignment card (from his deck, at least), and on that card, he doesn't appear to be functioning normally (yellow light instead of blue, as well as the flavor text).  Absolute Zero generally doesn't have much of a neck (except on Null Point Unit).  Also, when Absolute Zero's cold comes from his hands, and the shadow's palm isn't visible (though it could just be obscured by the light.

While i'm not discounting other possibilities, just tossing another one in the mix.

Maybe it's NOT ice. Maybe it's water.  And those are Tempest's people (forget the name of the alien race) as they can do water and storm-type stuff (which could also explain the whirlwind)



It's Maeyrian or something, isn't it?

The hoses are visible on his character card, as is his neck.  I agree, however, that icemanning around like this is too skilled a manipulation of ice for the AZ we know, and I already noted the glowing elements are missing.  I'm not married to this possibility, I just thought it deserved mention - the hose is pretty distinctive, to me.


Evil Maernians would be pretty cool.  I'm not sure what all they can do normally - Tempest was presumably modified by Voss somehow (he's got those Gene-Bound Shackles, after all), but the "finished product" from the modifications seems to be solely electricity-focused (also, missing its left arm, proving that Sentinels art hates Maernian left arms almost as much as it likes blasting Fanatic, but that is neither here nor there).  So… maybe normal Maernians can only do electric stuff, and Tempest is an exception, or maybe they normally have all the other abilities, and Voss added the electric thing?  It's not clear, but in any event, it might explain these two… and even if it doesn't, I hope we get to see this one way or another.


I believe the Maernians are capable of everything Tempest is able to do. Though the left arm thing is cond of interesting… Or >g really have a thing for left arms, as Chrono Ranger also is missing his left arm. Plus the new hero Righty-Hand is just a right hand wearing a cape!

...and his name is Dexter :D.

Is his nemesis "Sinister"?