Just wondering how many out there have experienced the joys of Enviornment doing the final blow.
So far -- 2 of 3 group play games (I play a ton of solos to count) have ended with the Enviornment winning
(1) The Kraken vs. Omnitron -- intentional; we thought it would be funny to set up Omnitron to a Kraken defeat; it was.
(2) Velociraptor vs. Citizen Dawn -- unintentional; funny enough, we joked about it a few rounds prior and were high fiving when the impossible happened. We joked that she was on the ground gasping for air when the velociraptor jumped out of the bushes and bit her jugular.
How about you guys -- any humorous enviornment kills? Intentional or not...
Tempest, The Visionary, and Mr. Fixer fighting La Capitán in the Block.
Block had Char, two Imprisoned Rogues, and a Defensive Displacement out, but thanks to a Prison Riot earlier burning most of the cards in the deck, Mr. Fixer correctly predicted the Displacement and got Riveting Crane to hit La Capitán (and Siege-Breaker, that turn) to remove their DR. The Visionary, for her part, played Wrest the Mind on Char.
"I could have hit 56 damage, no sweat" is usually not a thing you hear in this game.
Chrono-Ranger hit the explosive wagon to kill off the last 3 projections and 3 heroes including himself. Legacy had danger sense and protected the dreamer for the win.
Before the final verson of the dreamer she couldnt redirect enviromental damage on her flip side. Those explosive barrels killed her for us several times :P
And we track these! (when people put them in) on the statistics!
My best one was Iron Legacy in Final Wasteland. Unforgiving Wasteland was out and a yeti or something smacked him for the win. One of my friends jokingly refuses to play against him anymore because he was "removed from the game." ;D
Once had a plumeting monorail take out the last of The Enead. One hero was at seven, Geb (I think) was at 5, and the remaining 3 heroes were below that. I think Ra could have taken him out, but the image of an Egyptian God disappearing Looney Tunes-style under a train like was too fun not to let happen.
I just had two games where the Environment beat the Villian for me. The first being Kismet being munched on by a T-Rex, but she nearly got away. Just to bump into a Raptor pack! That was a good game.
The second being an Abominable Snowman destroying Apostate, while Unforgiving Wasteland was out. So I don't think i'll be personally seeing him for awhile.
We had a sort of indirect victory-via-environment a couple of weeks ago - had been wanting to try the Matriarch-in-Final-Wasteland thing for a while so decided to play that. The first environment card was a Horrid Skunk Ape, the second was the hoped-for Unforgiving Wasteland and things just got better from there (the third card was even Con's Bunker). Poor ol' Lilian only had a Carrion Field in her deck by the end of it (target-wise I mean - obviously she had both Horrid Cacophonies and an utterly useless trio of Darken the Sky). Ahh, she's so much easier when you don't need to worry about being pecked to death or mentally blasted ;).
Yes, yes. Nightmist played Planar Banishment, that's right. Point is, victory was snatched from the very jaws of defeat in the most awesome way possible and we considered ranking it a "1" just to mess with the stats project. Muahahaha
Yesterday we deliberately held off with the killing blow just so we could let the volcano take out Akash'Bhuta's remaining 9hp (Imbued Fire and an Obsidian Field were in play). Just thought it was kind of funny seeing how she was in Avatar of Destruction mode at the time - so her card pic was evidently that of the volcano finishing her off, not of her taking the shape of one herself or anything ;).