If Visionary and her decoy projection are in the area of an area attack, can she have it take two hits and her none? It seems like the RAW you could, since area attacks hit each target in their area, not each hex. (The projection gets attacked, because it's in the area, and since the visionary is also in the area, she would be attacked, and therefore can switch with the projection to have it take the hit.) But thematically, it seems wrong. (She's either in one place or the other, and both places are in the blast.) So which is correct?
Yes. Legacy can do the same with Heroic Interception if he is in the same AoE as an ally. I believe this is in Spiff's FAQ, found at http://www.spiffworld.com/tactics/
Hmm... I looked. Didn't see it. Wasn't under the decoy projection section anyway... just double-checked-- definitely not in there. I'll mention it as a possible include on the FAQ thread.
Hmm. The rule came up a few times during the last tournament.
I don't recall putting in anything about Decoy Projection getting double-hit. If we get an official confirmation, I'd be happy to include it.
Ah. I believe I asked Christopher this question at the last PAX.
It was around the time I learned the shiny information that if something like Heroic Interception occurs in the middle of a sprint or move, the sprint or move gets to continue at the new location.
But, if I'm wrong, Luther or Christopher please correct me.
Spiff, would you accept a ruling from the PAX South tournament if I can find the time marker for the video on YouTube? I'm not going to bother trying to track it down if you won't accept it.
There were a few in the videos I think. Ignore the Omnitron-V blocks sight one! Mine's not on the video. It was the day before the tournament and Christopher joined the demo game for a little bit.
You mean it's a video of Christopher making a ruling? Sure. As long as there's evidence that the ruling is official and not someone figuring something probably works a certain way, I'm happy to link to anything.
It's Paul, not Christopher. And it's Legacy's Heroic Interception, not Visionary's Decoy Projection.
Minute 22. Unity has moved Swift Bot up next to Ra and Legacy, then uses Reconfiguration to destroy Swift Bot (and place Turret Bot). Unity's innate ability, Volatile Parts, does an attack when Swift Bot is destroyed. It's a radius attack and both Ra and Legacy are in the radius. Legacy's player uses Heroic Interception to take Ra's attack, so Legacy's player ends up rolling defense dice twice and changing places with Ra.
Heroic Interception
Once per attack, if an ally within Legacy's line of sight would be attacked during an enemy's turn, Legacy may trade places with that ally. If he does, Legacy is now the defender against that attack.
Decoy Projection
If The Visionary would be attacked, she may trade places with the Decoy Projection. If she does, the Decoy Projection is now the defender against that attack.
By the way, that match was one of the most exciting finishes I've seen. Start watching at around minute 48.
I can confirm that my ruling at that time in the tournament was correct.
If The Visionary and Decoy Projection are both within the area of effect of an area of effect attack, The Visionary's player can choose to have the Decoy Projection take the attack twice and have The Visionary avoid the attack entirely.
The same thing applies to Legacy if the Legacy player chooses to use Heroic Interception in this way.
Thanks, Paul!
I was just about to type this into the FAQ when I realized that "Heroic Interception" says "once per an attack" where "Decoy Projection" does not. That should mean that Legacy couldn't do the double-switcheroo thing with an ally to make them avoid the attack entirely because he could only do it once, correct?
It's not a double-switcheroo. He takes his own hit, then he intercepts his ally's hit.
Agreed, with the minor pedanticism that it's up to the attacker to determine which targets defend in which order. Regardless, Legacy may defend for both by switching just once.
That's what I thought. I'm not even going to bother putting that into the FAQ because Legacy isn't doing anything particularly special - he's just using Heroic Interception to save a friend once per attack like normal, with the slight oddity that he also had to take the attack for himself too because it was an area attack.
It does sort of defy the logic of "I am taking this attack for you by switching places with you" when neither of the spaces is safe, which is why I suggested the FAQ add.
This. ^ ^