Definitive Edition

" However, I think that, if they were just going to take advantage of us, they would have just continued to create new expansions. "

I will never understand this thinking. Until Oblivaeon, their expansions hadn't been trolls or cash grabs... they added awesome new elements and characters and a rich experience. Them choosing to end the story... cool, their choice. But to keep printing expansions would have been a service to fans as long as the gameplay stayed good.

Revising the rules and asking people to pony back up... that's not the same as printing expansion content for people who already gave them 400+

Other companies: Create tons of new editions of all their games every other year.

Board game fans:

GTG: Create a single new edition in ten years after they've led up to it for ages saying it's a creative desire to fix problems they've had creative issues with that also addresses issues that have turned off a fair number of potential new players.



I, for one, am not claiming it is a "cash grab," I am just saying I'm probably not going to buy it because I already own 90% of it. (Then again, your comment was probably not directed at me, but I still felt the urge to defend myself. ; ))

I do realise that this thread seems to be full of complaints, but I, for one, do think it is a great new edition to a great game, that fixes and improves many things, and newbies should definitely get it. It's just not for those of us who already bought the First Edition and don't want to pay twice for what is, essential, the same content.

fjur: That was more aimed at Ulf316CBattles6, and similar comments I've seen on Reddit and BGG.

I don't have a problem with people who just aren't interested in rebuying it or would rather see what Handelabra does with it, I'm just weary of the blatant double standard of those folks specifically screaming about "cash grabs" when they don't blink twice at other gaming companies making new editions all the time.

My opinion is that GtG will most likely already be looking into options on how to singularly sell the "new" items (variants/scenarios), even if it is not at retail release of the Definitive Edition. It is money on the table, and while they are not out for a cash grab, they would be fools to not recognize that not everyone will buy the Definitive Editions (for valid reasons listed in this thread), but will still want The New Shinies. 

I would expect an announcement along the lines of "halfway between DE box 1 and DE box 2, here is New Stuff Pack 1."

The entire box is New Shinies.  If your intent is to buy only the content that differs between EE and DE, you will be buying the entire thing.  Maybe not every individual card, but close enough to make no significant difference--and you wouldn't want to mismatch the card backs anyway.

It sounds like we should expect forthcoming announcements with lots more details:

Jeysie, how do you know people don't blink twice? That's very presumptuous of you.

When Christopher first shared first draft of DE files with playtesters my reaction was "why?"

After playing the final version my reaction is "why would I ever go back?" (Especially if/when DE is adapted as a digital game).

I get that this won't be for everyone, but it really sucks to see people calling it a cash grab after seeing how much work Christopher, Adam, and Chris poured into it.

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Dandolo: You made the point many you are decrying are making. You said they made a new version that makes you never want to go back to the old. You have thousands of us that have stood by GtG and given them hundreds of dollars for this game already, who are being told "Oh, but  once you buy these you'll never go back!". Can you not see how that might be perceived by someone as they look at their decaying black box of content?

I frankly am happy they are putting a base edition back out for consumption by new players but the initial messaging of "you need these new rules because they are so much better" landed on some (potentially formerly) loyal customers the wrong way.


It’s called “reading board game communities and not seeing this level of complaining about other games getting new editions”. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the only time I’ve recently seen people complain this much about a new edition was Arkham Horror and that seemed far less fueled by the mere fact of a new edition existing the way this is and more fueled by things like it being created without Launius’ input and making changes people didn’t like.

Right and the very people you called out may very well also "blink twice" when it's done for other games.

I might also suggest that the level of investment is different when you have people who gave GtG hundreds for their game, had over a year late kickstarter, etc etc. Getting a 10th anniversary Notre Dame with the same ruleset, especially when you paid 40 for the first edition, invokes a different emotional response than having a 10th anniversary addition with a ruleset you "shouldn't play without" after dropping 300+ on Sentinels.

In short, there's rational reasons for the different levels of concern.

Dude, you’re talking to someone who literally did just spend hundreds to buy all of physical Sentinels last year, so, don’t speak for me, if you don’t mind.

I just don’t see why I should get upset over Sentinels having a single updated version of a 10 year old game when there are any number of tabletop games I own or have played with multiple editions. Why does GTG have less right to do that? Especially when they have valid, solid reasons for doing it that aren’t just “more money”.


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Do folks normally complain about new versions of products (like smart phones, video game consoles, RPG rule sets, cars), or just new board game versions? New versions are always touted as being better than the previous version since they are trying to sell a product. New versions do not invalidate your existing purchase and you are not being forced to “upgrade”.

I assume that when most people hear of a new version of a product they already own, they simply do some research and evaluate the new version to see if it’s worth purchasing or not.

Providing helpful feedback or constructive criticism to help improve the new version for everybody is useful/encouraged. Complaining just about the existence of the new version is not very helpful and seems to be a waste of everyone’s time.

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I'm not speaking for you. The point you quoted is in reference to people being upset about new editions, and my supposition that there's a difference in intensity between a 2nd edition of a 40 dollar game vs a 300 dollar game with very late kickstarter deliveries (i.e. intensity of investment and lingering ill will). I'm actually addressing your "I don't know why people are so upset about this but not upset about X game 4th edition...", not speaking FOR you. Further, no one is telling you to be upset. Look which side is doing the attacking. Has anyone said "If you are excited for this you are wrong" in this forum? No. You called out individuals and then tried to make them look like hypocrites for not being enraged by X 4th edition but being upset about this release.

To be 100% clear: You are welcome to feel however you like, I certainly wish I could feel about this as you do, AND the people who are concerned or who shared that the messaging hit them negatively, are not hypocrites or bad people... they are giving constructive feedback on the product messaging which GtG can use or not as they see fit.


The side which accuses GTG of a cash grab for doing something every other game company regularly does, to address things about the game both GTG and other people genuinely thought were issues, is definitely the side doing the attacking.

The people in this thread giving polite feedback on what they do and don’t like about the changes are giving constructive feedback.

“The mere fact that this exists is a cash grab” is objectively not in any way, shape, or form, actually constructive feedback.

An analogy: Finer Than Fashion makes a wonderful clothing line. For a decade, they have made lovely clothes that everyone buys. Lots of accessories, pants, shirts, dresses, even vests. After a decade of this, they say they are done making new clothes. But they have looked at their back catalog, and are not happy with the colors and sewing in a few areas. So they are going to rerelease their entire catalog, taking all the tips and tricks they learned over the last decade, to improve their clothes. 

oh, and as an added bonus, the clothes will have extra pockets. 

Your closet is still full of Finer than Fashion clothing. It all still fits, it all looks good, you are fine with the imperfections that are there. You don't need to buy the same clothes again, just to get a few more pockets. If you WANT to, great. But you don't HAVE to.

End scene. 


No one told you that you were wrong for your feelings or opinion. You are doing exactly that. You are painting people as hypocrites. I gave you real answers why perhaps this decision and it's messaging might be different than what "every other game company regularly does" but you don't want to hear or explore that. You are right, they are wrong.

Ulf316: Is there a reason why you're acting like I'm the only one telling you these things when there's actually multiple people in this thread telling you the same things I am?

There are obviously strong, differeing opinions about this, but it seems to me that neither side is ever going to stand down or convinve the other that they're right. It's just stubborn human nature. So why don't we all just agree to disagree, hmm?