Destroying Cards

I don't have my cards in front of me so I can't give specific examples, but I keep seeing cards that state "Destroy this card."  Now I understand that doesn't mean literally destroy the cards.  My question is, does it mean put the card back in the game box not to be used for the rest of that game?  Or is the card placed in your trash to be reshuffled into your deck later?

As I understand it, "Discarding a card" refers to a card going from your hand to the trash

"Destroying a card" refers to a card going from in play to the trash.

Off hand, I can't think of an effect that takes a card entirely off the table.  Some cards, like Haka's Savage Mana, may make the card inaccessible to its deck, but it's stil out there.

That was many words to say, "Your last possibiity is correct".

Yep, "destroy" just means "take it out of play and put it in the trash".

As said above, destroying a card means to put it in the trash pile for its deck.  Only an in-play card can be destroyed (rather than one from your hand, as taking a card from your hand and putting it in the trash is discarding)

Certain hero/villain/environment cards will trigger an effect when a card is destroyed which is why they call it 'destroying' rather than simply saying 'put it in your trash'


I think about the only times when you'd destroy something and have it removed from the game would be in the cases of Omnitron if he still has drones/components out, and the Chairman if the Operative is still up when you beat him.

There's a blatant new case in [redacted].

Huh?  They haven't fixed that [redacted] bug yet?  Hm.  Only a few more weeks, I hope.

Does it trigger when a playtester types a new character's name, or just when they're dishing out spoilers? For example, could you type [redacted] without any other information and have it appear uncensored?

It's a joke started by Christopher.

I am resisting the urge to abuse my mod powers to go in and add [redacted] on people's posts as if there really _were_ some program that automatically did that.

What's the point of having mod powers if you can't abuse them?
