Disparation: Futile Inevitability

In a disparate reality . . .

With a powerful elbow smash, Aata Wakarewarewa once again dispatched his old foe, the Hippo. The local police would soon come to collect the burly, unconscious thug and lock him away.

As Haka merrily strode away from the site of their battle, his mind drifted towards other matters. He remembered that he needed to write up the lesson plan for Monday’s class, and that he needed to bake the pies for it. But what flavour should he make them this time? Cherry will do, but he should make one apple one for little Bobby Henderson, who didn’t like cherries. And there’s that barbecue at Paul’s house tomorrow night; everyone should be there. It will be nice to see M’kk again after his staying at Plavu’Col for so long. But Haka also recalled that there were rumours of his old enemy Ambuscade resurfacing. He’d have to see if that was true, and keep wary. But he was confident that he could handle the cunning hunter.

Haka reflected — his life had been a long one; he’d endured many tragedies, but he’d also done so much good.

As Haka walked contentedly towards the sunset, suddenly a misty-white portal opened before him. His surprise quickly vanished when a familiar figure walked through it: NightMist, the heroic master of magic.

“Ha ha! Faye!” Haka bellowed. “What brings you here in such an unorthodox manner?”

“What do you mean? I always travel like this . . . But that is not important now. I have come to warn you, for I have grave news.”

“What’s wrong, my friend? Surely nothing that your magicks and my strength cannot solve!”

“I am afraid that it is, Aata. I have seen into the future — and I have seen our deaths! Another version of me, an alternate me from another reality, will cast a spell so powerful that it will require the sacrifice of all the NightMists of the Multiverse to fuel it. Every NightMist in every reality will die, myself included.”

“But why would you — er, another you, do such a thing? That is such an immense loss of life!”

“I do not know. My premonition was hazy, faint, barely there. It was even less clear than usual — it was as if something was muddling the stream of time.”

“I see. But you said that you saw . . . our deaths?”

“Yes. I am sorry, Aata. I saw a time traveller, someone with immense temporal power, enact actions that will result in every version of you, every Haka in the Multiverse, save two, being erased from existence, and all the energy and power of the Hakas will be fed into those surviving two.”

What?! Who could do such a thing? Surely only a despicable villain would deprive the Multiverse of my aid!”

“I am afraid that I cannot say, Aata. Again, the visions were unclear.”

“This cannot be! I can’t be erased — there are far too many people who depend on me — who count on me!”

“I know precisely how you feel. Lillian is progressing in her training, but she still has so much to learn. I fear she will not be able to cope with her wild magicks on her own. And there are so many mystical menaces locked up in my manor alone; I would hate for them to escape. And my father’s and grandfather’s legacy . . .”

“This is truly terrible! The world, no, the whole Multiverse will be deprived of two of its mightiest protectors!”

“We must do something to stop it.”

“Yes! We must! But what can we do?”

It was then that a third voice joined the conversation. “I believe that I can be of assistance,” it declared. Every syllable uttered by the voice reverberated with power.

Suddenly, a green-skinned woman materialised before the two heroes. Crackling energy wreathed her form.

“Who is this?” Haka asked, bewildered.

"I am Jansa Vi Dero; I come from Outside of Time and Space. I am the Prime Aspect of Preservation; I seek to preserve that which is in danger of becoming extinct. I, too, have seen your fates, NightMist and Haka. Soon, you shall both become extinct. But I possess the power to preserve you — to shield you from the multiversal powers that would be your undoings. A War will come to the Multiverse. Join my Wardens, and you shall be able to continue to protect and preserve it. What say you, heroes?"

Haka and NightMist glanced at one-another.

“We’ve spent decades protecting this universe from threats mundane and otherworldly . . .” NightMist said.

“. . . And so we would be honoured to defend all of reality . . .” Haka said. "To become . . .



Short but sweet. And I always appreciate a nod to Sentinel Tactics: Prime War, which also exists only in some alternate timeline.

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Thanks, Man!

Yeah, the Mistorm / Vertex timeline never really interested me much, but Prime War certainly does. And since it seems like C&A aren’t doing anything with the concept anytime soon, why shouldn’t I?

The idea for this story essentially came from me thinking about how there must be at least one alternate each of Haka and NightMist out there in the Multiverse who are decidedly not okay with their “sacrifices,” and so try to fight against it somehow. I also think that part of it is that they’re both being sacrificed without really knowing what for. Anyway, then, when I thought about how they could avoid their multiversal erasures, the Prime Aspect of Preservation just popped into my head as a natural solution.

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