Hey everyone,
I enjoy the idea of playing multiple versions of a hero side-by-side and have allotted separate decks for each. So I created dividers for all the promo cards available to date that match those that are part of the game (except for Greatest Legacy, I haven't had a chance to make that one yet, but will very shortly).
Some people have shown interest in getting the files for these dividers so they could make their own. So I'll post them here for your use. I had to reduce the file size significantly to make sure it fits so the quality may have suffered a little, but I haven't had a chance to do a test print from these files.
To make the dividers I simply printed two copies of the files on semi-glossy photo paper, cut out the images and glued them back to back. Then I used one of the games dividers to mark the exact size and trimmed them to match.
Hope they work out for you.
Edit: If someone wants the actual (and much larger) image files, just PM me and I can email them out.
Promo Dividers A_0.pdf (422 KB)
Promo Dividers B.pdf (469 KB)