Do you allow players to swap out powers or qualities?

Hi all. When creating characters, do you allow players to swap out powers or qualities if they make sense for their backstory? For example, I have created a character for the setting but found I needed to swap a quality to make it work. I know you can do this with experience anyways so it doesn’t seem broken to do so.

The Retcon during character creation does allow you to swap power and qualities. As long as the GM is ok with it in comparison to the rest of the team it should be fine.

Also when you take 6 issues and make a collection you can also swap a die around.
This and your one retcon are the only “by the books” way to change things from how the character creation rules are written.
But don’t forget super secret character creation method 3- do what sounds fun ( check with you GM and other players before using super secret character creation method 3 )