So the Baptism By Fire comics, near as I can tell, are where the two "godly" heroes team up for awesome shenanigans.
This has got me thinking... what other characters would be really fun to see paired up in a comic together?
And I immediately thought of Mister Fixer and The Scholar. I imagine a comic full of deep philosophical disscussions carried out even through the midst of a fight. They'd occasionally confuse their enemies by asking them for a third opinion.
I'd love to see The Scholar and Haka together, simply for the sheer hilarity of having The Dude paired up with the Hulk. Bonus points if they end up fighting a foe that takes themselves WAY too seriously--Apostate would be a laugh riot.
Expatriette and Absolute Zero would be fun together--snark, snark, snark.
I'm not sure how a comic pairing between Wraith and Argent Adept would go. I can just imagine Wraith trying to sneak around Warlord Voss's flagship, when AA pulls a giant jade bell out of nowhere and starts slamming it with a mallet. Hilarity ensues.
Mister Fixer is perfect against Apostate as well. There's nothing quite like Apostate losing his footing because of a grease gun, or being hit in the head by a pipe wrench or tire iron. Wraith's Stun Bolt comes close though. I can just see him convulsing from the current `WHA-AT–THE–HELL–I-IS-TH-I-I-I-IS?!'
Ahum. I guess that's enough making fun of Apostate for now.
Pretty sure there's no better duo currently available than Unity and Tachyon. I bet any one-shot featuring that pairing would be hilarious from panel to panel.