Editor’s Note #83

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Tuesday, October 1st: Episode #295 - Writers’ Room: Tempest horror story in space
  • Tuesday, October 8th: Episode #296 - Writers’ Room: Darkstrife vs. Painstake
  • Tuesday, October 15th: Episode #297 - Writers’ Room: La Comodora’s first appearance
  • Tuesday, October 22nd: Editor’s Note #84
  • Tuesday, October 29th: Episode #298 - Writers’ Room: Guise goes to hell

Expected Recording Schedule:

  • Friday, September 27th: Episode #295 - Writers’ Room: Tempest horror story in space
  • Friday, September 27th: Episode #296 - Writers’ Room: Darkstrife vs. Painstake
  • Friday, October 11th: Episode #297 - Writers’ Room: La Comodora’s first appearance
  • Friday, October 18th: Editor’s Note #84
  • Friday, October 25th: Episode #298 - Writers’ Room: Guise goes to hell
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I like this intercutting of timelines thing Trevor did during the explanation. :smiley: Also, Temporal William Tell has been back a couple of times, doing the same bit. Things you miss out on when you’re not a Patron?

I am criminally underappreciated in my time. >:V

Oh man, Christopher didn’t put the yarnies in the show notes! D:

Better a pachinko ball than a pickle ball though, eh?

fyi, I made the eeby deeby :V

Man, I can’t eat Taco Bell to begin with, but if they brought the tikka masala burrito to the States, I would have to.

I love how they tease “the Gumbo deck”. Is he a hero? Is he a villain? Time will tell, who can say. V:

Man, they better not get rid of Sky-Scraper’s sized character cards, I will be so mad. >:B

I really love this discussion of Inversiverse Aeturnus. :smiley:

I think Christopher’s problem is he’s thinking of Nick Kamen. I also would not be surprised if he has never heard of Nick Kamen.

I want El Todito to come back! D:

At this point, Degenerate exists in my mind solely as a Letters Page writing gimmick and I keep forgetting she’s actually supposed to be a fake comic book character. Powers, what are those??

Looking forward to the Gumbo, Hippo and Gun-Rat expansions for Definitive Edition.

I was really looking forward to seeing the yarnies.

Updated with the awesome arts.


Those are some great yarnies!

And it looks like my suspicious thought about Zhu Long was an even bigger and less frivolous thought that I’d suspected! There’s a lot to think about in that answer.

Christopher and Adam declaring that KISS, commonly considered one of the best glam metal bands of all time, doesn’t have a hint of metal in it hurt my soul.

Inversiverse Aeternus is very cool.

And I notice that Adam said there was no Gun-Rat deck, not that there is no Gun-Rat card art. :wink:


Animalverse variant for Expatriette in Disparation? :gun::rat:



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