Tuesday, January 28th: Episode #307 - Creative Process: Distant Future Limited Series
Oh my. C&A have said before when asked about this topic that it probably exists, but they don’t have anything on it yet. I wonder if “Distant Future” means that it will be, like, hundreds or thousands of years in the future, and not just, like, one or two generations down the line. Although…
Hey, they answered my Deathfiend letter! (Under the name SaneCharlie. I have many names)
So I asked about whether Deathfiend 5/8 was someone we already know - basically, if it’s guessable. I figured a ‘No’ would stop me aimlessly speculating, and a ‘Yes’ would probably set me off with a red string board trying to figure out who it could be. But to say that even answering would be a spoiler…?
Honestly I have no clue what that means! Fascinating!
And Hippo! Very satisfied with the answer here. It actually highlights something that I really appreciate about Sentinel Comics, the fact that (like real-world comics) the characters aren’t really consistent over time. They shift and change and sometimes ideas don’t pan out and get reverted. It makes the world feel all lived-in!