More yarn guys!
Captain Cosmic looks great, and I love how Writhe is just pure black lol
My favorite meal so far is probably the macaroni and meatsauce I made last week. 
Elk! How awesome! 
Okay, I need to get in on this app. o_o
I feel like I haven’t re-seen a theater movie since the Lion King IMAX rerelease. Maybe something since then, but not more than one extra time.
No, Adam, we are definitely not okay. :'D
“A modern hero in the Golden Age” sounds like the reverse of the last prompt I sent in…
They don’t have to make DE Oblivaeon in order to do the Scions episode, lingering OA questions will suffice! 
I love this end of life scenario for Adam. XD Don’t make it happen soon though!
Really like this question about Degenerate, community action is really the way to go, whether you’re an anarchist or not!
Unconscionable – inconceivable even! – that an avowed ‘support hero’ like Omnitron-X would have two hero decks at this point, while a real hero like Sk8blayd…
90 letters in a unique format sounds more like a threat than anything. c_c;;
I do appreciate Smart Thinker’s dedication not just to catching up on the podcast, but interpolating all the bits.
I feel like Chrono-Ranger never really interacts with the Southwest Sentinels/Void Guard?
I’d be surprised if Plague Rat really has enough to him to tell much of a story beyond “being stalked by a scary sewer monster”, which does have its place. I’m so here for an Infinitor or Kaargra issue though. 
The fake ad placements are a good bit.