Editor’s Note #87

Upcoming schedule

  • Tuesday, February 4th: Episode #308 - Writers’ Room: K.N.Y.F.E. can’t just punch her way out of a situation
  • Tuesday, February 11th: Episode #309 - Writers’ Room: Disparation: a modern hero in the Golden Age
  • Tuesday, February 18th: Editor’s Note #88
  • Tuesday, February 25th: Episode #310 - Creative Process: Other Scions of OblivAeon

Expected recording schedule:

  • Friday, January 31st: Episode #308 - Writers’ Room: K.N.Y.F.E. can’t just punch her way out of a situation
  • Friday, February 7th: Episode #309 - Writers’ Room: Disparation: a modern hero in the Golden Age
  • Friday, February 14th: Editor’s Note #88
  • Friday, February 21st: Episode #310 - Creative Process: Other Scions of OblivAeon

More Sentinels of the yard verse


More yarn guys! :smiley: Captain Cosmic looks great, and I love how Writhe is just pure black lol

My favorite meal so far is probably the macaroni and meatsauce I made last week. :slight_smile:

Elk! How awesome! :smiley:

Okay, I need to get in on this app. o_o

I feel like I haven’t re-seen a theater movie since the Lion King IMAX rerelease. Maybe something since then, but not more than one extra time.

No, Adam, we are definitely not okay. :'D

“A modern hero in the Golden Age” sounds like the reverse of the last prompt I sent in…

They don’t have to make DE Oblivaeon in order to do the Scions episode, lingering OA questions will suffice! :slight_smile:

I love this end of life scenario for Adam. XD Don’t make it happen soon though!

Really like this question about Degenerate, community action is really the way to go, whether you’re an anarchist or not!

Unconscionable – inconceivable even! – that an avowed ‘support hero’ like Omnitron-X would have two hero decks at this point, while a real hero like Sk8blayd…

90 letters in a unique format sounds more like a threat than anything. c_c;;

I do appreciate Smart Thinker’s dedication not just to catching up on the podcast, but interpolating all the bits.

I feel like Chrono-Ranger never really interacts with the Southwest Sentinels/Void Guard?

I’d be surprised if Plague Rat really has enough to him to tell much of a story beyond “being stalked by a scary sewer monster”, which does have its place. I’m so here for an Infinitor or Kaargra issue though. :slight_smile:

The fake ad placements are a good bit. :smiley:


The podcast was just pure lore ?

Nothing about some KS and/or Backerkit they may or may not currently doing ?


Do any of those “…mistakes, apologies, answers, justifications…” cover why it’s the 21st of January and there’s still no update on either the RPG Kickstarter or the Disparation Backerkit? Or for that matter, where Sentinel Choices is, given that it was due in December?

Backers on both projects made it clear that they don’t want any more “updates” involving convention travel plans and other unrelated material, but they do want status updates, not silence.

EDIT: Ninja’d!

Ah well, it’s not like the question doesn’t bear repeating.


Yep, beginning to wonder if “we’re not making any more games” was really a joke. Bridges are burning and it’s time to put out fires.


Did they actually say that this time around?

I realize folks are upset about no update this month for Disparation/RPG but please keep this on topic to the content of the episode.


11 minutes in, re: other Scions of OblivAeon upcoming episode.

Adam: I wonder if people think that they’re getting game content because of that.

Christopher: Oh, no. laughs We’re done making games.



Asking about the content of the episode is salient to this thread. I’m not plowing through another lore-only chat-fest without knowing whether there’s actual gaming content or product updates in the offing. It’s not like we can read the show notes to find out anymore. Those stopped 14 episodes ago now, shortly after I stopped listening altogether.

The wiki summaries? They haven’t stopped, they’re still coming out, they’re just entirely written by one guy (WalkingTarget) who writes them on a volunteer basis and has a family and life outside of GTG. GTG has never asked him to do them or sanctioned them, he writes them out of his own interest and love for the community, so they come out when he has the time. I’m also not sure why you’d expect a self-proclaimed lore-only podcast to be anything other than a lore-only chat fest. That’s the point of the episode. If you want to voice frustrations, they have the Play Greater Podcast dedicated to talking about GTG and accept letters there.

I understand the frustration surrounding GTG’s communication, I would be lying if I said I’d never felt the same, but I’m just not really sure what the issue is with a lore podcast talking about lore.


Yes, please do not be mean to or about WalkingTarget he is a very good dude and does his episode summaries and other things for us out of his own kindness.

The actual show notes from C&A can be read just by going to Libsyn as that’s where they get eventually pulled from anyway.


I stopped listening the letters page a while ago, because while very fun, I don’t have time anymore thanks to real life issue.

I came regulary to the page to read the summaries and admire the wonderful cover made by Adam.

But this was a live recording, meaning it was done today.
That alleged joke … Whoooaaa … Seriously … I have no word.

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It was a live recording done last Friday. Not today.


Gonna also note for the record that Christopher has definitely had moments in the past of snarking about common public narratives about Sentinels that don’t actually have factual basis.

Captain Cosmic is definitely my favorite yarnie so far, by a mile. Captain Cross-stitch?

That’s a pretty good guess. I was surprised they didn’t give us a softball answer, like Wipeout.


Yeah, exactly. If any podcast were going to talk about that sort of thing, I’d expect it to be the Play Greater podcast, honestly. I come to The Letters Page to listen to letters and lore!


I don’t have the exact words on hand (someone else can dig them up if they like), but Christopher indicated that he knows he needs to put January updates together, and it’s on the way, but that he always feels like the updates have less information than people want. I got the impression that he doesn’t like to make updates in which he doesn’t have something big to share, and there isn’t going to be anything big to share in the January update so he hasn’t gotten to it yet.


The Yarn Sentinels have been giving me life. I think it’s the yarn mustache that’s the best part for me.


If there is no information, there is no info.
But still, he can give us something.
Showcasing two or three cards per update should be possible even if there is no news about printing / shipping.
Or just the rule book if already done.
Assuming it wouldn’t start shipping before July (random month out of my head), having two or three cards showcased per month would be 20ish cards. that would be just a small amount of the total.
I’m sure some people would be unhappy by waiting, but me, and I guess a good chunk of other people, would be just happy to have a look at those fancy cards to sweeten the wait.

My personal record for “Most times seeing a movie in theaters” was the original Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, three times just on opening day.